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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mark Asofsky

  There's a gentleman in Delray Beach, Florida, who wants the world to believe that he's a do-gooder. He does indeed, give to and administer charities and tries to influence young people. He influences them unfortunately towards  his warped vision of what he believes people should be like.

All of this looks wonderful, but Mr Asofsky and his Foundation's goals are made questionable by his dubious online behavior.  Mark Asofsky has an account where he harangues and harasses people he disagrees with. Here is the link to his account which should be read thoroughly. Among his account followers are admitted white supremacists, January 6 insurrectionists, Michael Flynn supporters, anti-immigrant zealots and Sidney Powell followers. Along with venomous anti-gay activity. Much of the rabid hatred is perpetrated by Asofsky himself. He tries very hard to sound reasonable but as one person involved in verbal confrontations with him stated, his postings are extremely passive aggressive in nature. He utilizes tropes meant to be offensive to humiliate others and demeans other people's intellect constantly.

Is this the behavior of someone who truly wants to help his community?  Or is it a malign personality that hides behind philanthropic ventures utilizing society's good will to perpetrate a devious agenda? I believe it is the latter. Asofsky appears in my view to be attempting to guide young people towards a White Christian Nationalist belief system. He uses monetary incentives to encourage and prod the recipients of his "generosity" towards that goal. In similar fashion to  Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA with it's ludicrous "trad wife forums". 

The criticism of public collegiate education by the far right of the Republican Party is persistent and insidious. Any type of belief in diversity, upholding women's rights, gay rights or teaching accurate historical perspectives is stridently challenged. Asofsky guiding young people into Leaders4Life accomplishes two goals. First to challenge inclusive teachings on college campuses and push administrators towards less diverse curriculum. Secondly it is to mold the young participants to his "generosity " into becoming as bigoted as Mr. Asofsky is. Then towards becoming community leaders who will promote those false perspectives.

Mark Asofsky is extremely self aggrandizing which is a natural aspect of his perverse belief system. White Christian Nationalists firmly believe in their Deity given superiority. That they were created the "Chosen Ones".  Everyone else is inferior and only they know "God's Will". They alone speak and act for him. From the White Christian Nationalist fallacious viewpoint they're "persecuted" by everyone else due to their "righteousness".  Studying Asofsky's account causes one to strongly suspect that is Mark Asofsky's fever dream. He accuses people of racism and is firmly attempting to push the recipient of his venom towards the narrative that they despise White people. Thus he validates his own persecution complex, prejudice and bigotry. He uses vulnerable young people who need financial assistance to add numbers of people to his "cause". Even those he despises for their race and ethnicity. He obviously believes as Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) that minorities who believe and act in a particular fashion are "welcome". 

This situation definitely requires the attention of the wider Putnam County and State Of Florida's attention. The Putnam County School District in particular needs to ensure that vulnerable young people are not coerced into a belief system that is counter productive to their personal growth as individuals and members of society.

The false image Mr. Asofsky displays in his "philanthropic endeavors" is immensely deceptive and he must be exposed for his actions malignancy. The "kind" face he presents to the world hides a heart full of spitefulness. A truly generous soul gives altruistically and desires nothing in return for their efforts. Mark Asofsky is incapable of such unconditional empowerment of his fellow human beings and his soul comprehends no shame. He should not be allowed to continue in this manner by state,  county, or district officials. To do so does a great disservice to young people whose life choices should not be manipulated. They should be lifted up to the heights of  happiness, lifelong achievement and fulfillment. 

***This post is the opinion of the author based on their observations.  

Here's his information for parental/public concern. Again his account.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Jani And Friends Archives Part IV

We are going to move on to the next group of screenshots involving Elizabeth Smith and her friends. It seems this project is going to take more postings than we thought but eventually we will get to the end of it all and the archives will be complete. They can be added to however whenever someone sends us new screen captures of her or her cohorts cruelty.

It seems that Ms. Smith also can not stand criticism. She and her friends have been working to get anyone who tells the truth about her suspended from Twitter. They are lying about people to do so. Our member Jeremy was accused of making violent threats and then targeted abuse which was not the truth. He had done neither of those things. He was suspended due to Smith and her pals' lies. Jeremy fought his suspension and won. His account was reinstated. That is the lengths they will go to so the truth won't be known about her. They also had a BB Corner Office account suspended no doubt using the same false tactics. But if our information is correct the Big Brother community is coming more and more to realize what Smith is all about and rejecting her. That is good and they should do just that. Some aren't but we will deal with that subject later in this post or the next one.

We're going to begin with a group of screen captures which show just how sick Elizabeth Smith is. They are from a fake account on Twitter @ihatekellyvick. We have no doubt that this account was Smith. It is now suspended but not before screen captures were taken. This account is an impersonation account in which the supposed author is a friend of ours Ms. Kelly Vick's son who is deceased. Is that not sick and twisted? Then minor children are posted among the pictures that are attached which is a crime. None were used with permission and had to have been searched out on social media sites such as Facebook. One is of Ms. Vick's grandson and the other is another good friend of ours son. She should be truly ashamed of herself for posting them but of course she is not.

The dialogue used in the tweets is warped and hateful. Ms. Smith is seriously in need of help. This is not the way normal people engage in society at all. To impersonate a dead person and taunt their parent with it? It doesn't get any crueler than that. Everyone knows how hard it is to be a parent who loses a child especially Ms. Smith who lost her stepdaughter to cancer. Yet she engages in this kind of malice without a second thought. It shows just how inhuman she truly is.

We will continue with all of the Screenshots we have left which are numerous and more are still being sent to us.  Some of these involve her friends as well. Even though Mark Morin (Debb) and she have had a falling out he was for a very long time her attack dog.

Proof that they share hate accounts.
They even mistrust one another.

Funny thing is we already posted the proof that she does use hate accounts. But above and below she lies to someone who is supposed to be a friend.

She pushed until he deleted a tweet critical of her though it was the truth. She does make and use hate accounts as shown in our proof above.

Accusing people falsely of racism.

Falsely blaming people as being members of our group. Which of course they aren't.
An apology from someone who terrorized a Twitter member at Smith's behest.

 Similar to another tweet where she says much the same here Smith states she likes 'poking' at someone showing again that she is a harasser.

Smith asking for information so she can call people's jobs.

Beth's disgusting cohort harassing someone.

This next one is hilarious. She talks shit about people all day long as you can see from many of the screenshots we have posted. But this is her attitude if anyone talks about her. She wants you as the capture above shows to just block her if she's talking about you though. If you talk about her she won't block you she'll come after you for 'shit and giggles'. Ah the hypocrisy is just stunning isn't it?

EVERYONE who hates her is jealous of course. This ego balloon is way too big to break with a pin. She's a skank who spends all her time on Twitter and other social media sites stalking and harassing people. When she's not doing that she is trying to buy drugs which we have and will also post proof of in her own words.


One of the fake accounts also listed on the blog hate account list.

Falsely accusing someone else of creating hate accounts.

This one is Scott Bloom sarcastically saying one of our friends is like his Mom. Which he knows is not not how he feels and is a total lie. He has done nothing but harass this woman.

We have once again posted numerous screen captures of Elizabeth Smith and her friends harassing and abusing people. We have collected and been sent so many screen captures that we are still not through all of those which have already been included in other postings. There are still nearly two hundred more new screenshots yet to add. Some of the ones we are about to post are new and involve one of Smith's primary supporters Michelle Crombie (Twitter @Croms_S)

This woman falsely accused our member Jeremy of stalking her underage daughter. That accusation is totally untrue. She challenged him to meet her as well so she could have him arrested. He called her bluff and accepted. Here is one of her lies.

She has accused other people of being terrible parents, harassed other Twitter users and been Smith's nasty mouthed lackey. She even tried to say one of us isn't a real person.  We all had a huge laugh over that one.  She had been doing a lot of her hounding under the @CerealKiller343 hate account which is now suspended.

Especially the last one above about children and child protective services we found interesting. Why? Because we have conversations involving her son Joshua Crombie who is eighteen. Eighteen year olds in the US are considered of age and can be posted. This is definitely him. He resides at home with her. His Twitter handle is @josh_crombie

Take a look at how this young man behaves. Talks about committing crimes, drugs, killing someone, being on probation. He has not been 18 for that long so his offense had to have been committed as a juvenile.

 Perhaps instead of criticizing other people for THEIR child care she should be looking very closely at her own parenting skills. She falsely accused our Jeremy of stalking as already stated as well. She has a daughter who is not yet of age. Is lying what she's teaching her? Or to act like her son?  Her influence on them appears to not be very good. Croms should be ashamed of harassing others when she is so lacking herself as a mother in every way. Obviously the kid is in need of guidance that he is not receiving. Perhaps his mother is too busy harassing and falsely accusing people of wrongdoing on Twitter rather than taking care of her own concerns.

Once again to be continued......