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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Update Of Elizabeth Smith Never Stops She Just Rambles On And On

We are updating our post on Elizabeth Smith seeing that she just continues to slander Kelly Vick. The money from Kelly's gofundme collection for Eddy Earl Grant has been given to Henrietta his wife which is the proper way to do things. She continues to lie however in a new blog which she is publishing insisting Kelly stole the money which is not the truth.

Then she continues to insist Ashley Lutes is related to Eddy Grant which is also NOT the truth. We have whole lists of his relatives, his sister's relatives ect. and it is not true. Lutes and her father are friends of the Grant family not relatives. No matter neither she or Katrina Madlock had any right to ask for the money which they did. But Beth will continue to spew lies as long as it gains her attention. She has no friends left on Twitter or anyplace else either. We see no one sticking up for her whatsoever including Erin Blackwell.

We however revealed the real thief who is Elizabeth Smith. She is a movie pirater and counterfeiter. In our last post she even admitted to it in a screen capture. So we will admit that we gathered a whole group of people together who began to contact all of the owners of the copyrights of the bootlegged merchandise she has been selling. It took quite some time to accomplish. But it worked. As you can see her site has been taken down.

Now our hope is that some of those companies we contacted will also press criminal charges against
her because that is what she is a criminal. Even's advertisers have removed her as well. That type of counterfeiting is also a felony. So let's hope she goes away for a GOOD LONG TIME!

Yet I have no doubt we'll hear some bullshit lie that she took it down because her book was keeping her so busy and about to be so successful she didn't need the business she's had for years any longer. The truth is that it was removed pending investigation. Even Dish Network knows she used them as part of the counterfeiting. Uh oh they may act against her too. As she dares to call other innocent people thief-


Friday, August 21, 2015

Elizabeth Smith Never Stops She Just Rambles On and On

We are working on several posts and really did not believe that we would be back writing anything about Elizabeth Smith for awhile. But she never seems to be able to mind her own business or to stop interfering in events that don't involve her. Once before she interfered in the purchase of a headstone for a member of Streetwise who had passed away. Beth was never involved in Streetwise and it was none of her business. But she insisted on involving herself and caused a great many problems for people in particular our friend Kelly Vick making all kinds of false accusations concerning theft of the money, etc. None of which in actual fact were true but she set out to tarnish people's reputations. That however is not a new activity for her she's been doing it for a long time. In fact it seems to be one of her favorite pastimes.

Once again she's inserted herself in a situation which has nothing to do with her. A friend of Kelly Vick's passed away in very sad circumstances. His name is Eddy Earl Grant and he was a Good Samaritan. He stepped in to help a robbery victim and was shot and killed.

Apparently after his death efforts were made at a memorial to collect money. A friend of both his and mine Kelly Vick made a suggestion to set up a gofundme account to help his family with expenses.

As can be clearly seen in this screen shot Kelly asks clearly who the money should be sent to. GoFundMe is a good way to collect money and not have a lot of hands in the pie. A memorial had also been set up which delegated collectors who also weren't family members. But nowhere in this SS does ANYONE tell Kelly not to go ahead with the gofundme and the info is given to her that his wife's name is Henrietta.

After the money was collected disputes seemed to rise. A woman named Katrina wanted the money though she is only a cousin. Another person named. Ashley Lutse wanted the money who claims to be a niece but really is not. We have a list of his entire family and she is not a relative. Even if they were they are not immediate family. That means Henrietta, his brothers and sisters, and his children. Those are his immediate family.

Then you see Katrina trying to dance around it all as people begin to support Kelly that the right thing to do is to see that the money is given directly to his wife Henrietta.

No one mentions scam until two people who are not immediate relatives demand the money though Katrina is now denying it of course. Enter into this picture Elizabeth Smith and Erin Blackwell Charles. Both of them have a huge vendetta against Kelly Vick and see an opportunity to cause problems as they have in the past. Again this is none of either of their business.

First we see all kinds of stuff accusing Kelly of stealing the money which she hasn't posted on the gofundme account. They even used a phony account called 'Mike Smith' to trash it.  Imagine trashing the account of a good samaritan whose family probably could use the money. Meaning the immediate family not a bunch of cousins who've overstepped their place. Let's put up all the Screen captures for people to see.

All of these involve Smith and her pal Erin Blackwell attempting to destroy a gofundme for someone they don't even know. It is totally disgusting.  Here are the rest of her calling Kelly a thief, etc. She had also gotten some of Mr. Grant's family members into the picture who themselves were taking advantage of the situation.

Yes Ashley Lutes is listed on the memorial site but are NOT relatives of Eddy Grant. Mr. Lutes is his friend and Ashley is Lutes daughter. Kelly had both Ashley who is not a relative at all and Katrina Madlock who is only a cousin demanding the money collected in the gofundme which they had no right to do.

Henrietta Grant is Eddy's widow and all donations should have gone to her to decide what to do with, not other people. As you can see from the second Screen Capture Henrietta told Gena Andreano that she does not understand why other people are trying to speak for her. In fact it made no sense. As Lora Cook said in the last screen capture no one cried scam of any type until Kelly would not give either Katrina or Ashley the money. Katrina even puts up a post telling Henrietta, Mr. Grant's widow not to start any more funds which she has no right to do and neither does any other family member. Kelly chose not to give such self serving family members the money.

 As she should not have. It has been given to Henrietta as it should be. Then enter Elizabeth Smith and Erin Blackwell adding fuel to the fire wrongfully accusing Kelly of being a thief.  One interesting  comment put up on Eddy Grant's TL says Kelly would be arrested if she started any more funds for his family. That however as is the law of Washington not her right to decide it is the widow's Henrietta.  Now that sounds to me like the sour grapes of someone who couldn't make money off the death of a relative. Katrina is truly nauseating. Shame on her and the others in the family and friends who acted wrongfully. It truly is sad and diminishes the legacy of someone who died a hero.

The family changed the information on an article to again wrongfully accuse Kelly. She most certainly did ask permission to set up a gofundme we posted the Screen Capture in this post. Katrina states appreciation yet continues to disparage Kelly in a spiteful manner in other posts.
Then Smith wasn't done either and continued her harassment of Kelly.She just can't mind her own business especially when she has a family whose own morals are questionable in this matter to believe her.

Smith then kept up her tirade by writing a Twitlonger.

Points here.

1.The family was asked about setting up a gofundme account and Kelly was given Henrietta's name. She is the widow and it was proper that it was set up in her name. Kelly did not set up an account without permission.

2. There were no objections until Katrina Madlock and Ashley Lutes asked for the money and Kelly denied them. Then suddenly it is a scam. Enter Smith and Blackwell calling Kelly a thief.

3. We have a whole list of Eddy Grant's relatives and Ashley Lutes and her father ARE NOT blood relations. She had no right whatsoever to ask Kelly for the money though she was involved in the memorial as a friend of the family. Katrina is a cousin not an immediate family member and neither should she have asked for it.

4. The money was not stolen Kelly made certain it was given to the appropriate person who is Henrietta Grant, Eddy's widow NOT cousins or family friends.

5. Mike Smith who wrote a derogatory untrue comment on the gofundme might not be Erin but Smith says above that there are pictures of him with Erin Blackwell so he is her friend and of course supporting their position calling Kelly a thief wrongfully.

6. Certain family members namely Katrina Madlock and an S Grant continue to change postings attempting to disparage Kelly but the money has been given to Henrietta as already stated. Kelly in fact did nothing wrong whatsoever. She did everything right. It is Elizabeth Smith, Erin Blackwell, Katrina Madlock and Ashley Lutes who have engaged in wrongdoing. Falsely accusing someone of being a thief when they aren't. Trying to take money that belongs to a widow not them. Continuing to disparage though they know the money has been given to Henrietta.  All of them are shameless losers which we have come to expect from Smith and Blackwell.

What we see here is someone who tried to help a friend's family when they were grieving and in need. Certain family members and friends however had other ideas and wanted the money for their own purposes. It happens all the time in this country and probably others. Greedy family members and friends take advantage of a situation to benefit themselves.

Then someone with a vendetta like Smith and Blackwell enter the scene and make it worse deliberately. Their dispute with Kelly should never have ended up ruining a gofundme to help a family whose family member died a good samaritan helping someone else. But Smith and Blackwell also have a gofundme to raise money for Blackwell who seems to be in need due to extreme personal issues. Is that a legitimate reason for a gofundme? Not in our minds it's not. Both gofundme's would have depended on donations from the Streetwise Community and of course Smith and Blackwell didn't want any interference with theirs. So they set out deliberately to ruin Kelly's for Henrietta Grant.  It is a terrible shame that it turned out this way.

Both the actions of some of Eddy Grant's family members and friends along with Elizabeth Smith and Erin Blackwell dishonored his memory. The one who did not do so was Kelly Vick. Does anyone believe he would not have wanted his widow Henrietta to benefit from some of the money collected? That he would have wanted her left out? We found a changed Facebook memorial page which did not include Henrietta at first writing.  We find it hard to believe he would want her left out as his final sacrifice of his own life makes him a good man.

But the hypocrisy of Elizabeth Smith is our final point. She calls other people thief. But there is no bigger thief than her. Take a look at the following screen capture from her account.

Elizabeth Smith is a bootlegger of DVD's involving all sorts of television shows, documentaries and so forth. She has been doing so for some time. As you can see she admits to it at the bottom of the screen capture.  I quote her after the individual confronts her. 'Theses have not released these onto DVD so its the ONLY way to own them.' Clearly she is admitting to counterfeiting DVDs. That of course is a serious form of theft.  In fact it is a serious crime. She is Rottiway3405 it has been proven time and time again.

So Elizabeth Smith is the thief not Kelly Vick.

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Firearm Series Part I: The Dark Practice Of Big Game And Trophy Hunting

Along with the racism series we are already working on we have decided to post on two other series as well. This one is about the Dark and terrible practice of  Trophy hunting and those who engage in it.

Trophy hunters like to try and say that their hunting practices end up aiding conservation. That of course is not the truth. When you hunt a threatened or endangered animal we are further reducing their numbers when ways must be found to increase their numbers without ANY deaths. All those who say such hunting is conservation are only trying to cover up and diminish their cruelty.

These are only a few of the articles on this matter but we of the Den stand with those who believe that killing animals is not saving them. Trophy hunting needs to be banned in all countries. Especially for those species that are endangered or threatened. Which Cecil the lion was. There are only between 30,000- 50.000 lions left in the world. That is not a large number.  Other hunted species such as rhinos have even fewer numbers. Here are the statistics on the most critically endangered and threatened species.

The second link shows how many have already gone extinct. Most of what is happening to these animals is due to interaction with man. Some is hunting. Some is destruction of their habitats for development. But all of it must stop. We are by some estimates in the midst of a major extinction event.

In these studies it is clearly believed that humans are to blame. Whether it be destruction of habitat, hunting, or global warming we are the purveyors of death to many of  our planet's fellow inhabitants. That is a terrible, terrible legacy for us to be responsible for.

After the death of Cecil the lion people have finally begun to take notice. The outrage and backlash has even surprised the animal rights activists. Some airlines are banning the transport of animal parts on their planes. Trophy hunts are finally being assailed for their cruelty.

Even members of Congress are attempting to stop the bringing into our country of trophies from these hunted animals. Australia has already moved to stop trophies from entering their nation. To us those are positive steps in the right direction.

Now we are going to post some videos and advise viewer discretion. Some of them are really graphic in nature. The suffering of these poor animals is awful.



We of the Den don't really understand what makes these type of hunters tick. Is it a feeling of power? The thrill of the kill? Or just a cruel streak, There was a time when hunting was necessary for the survival of the human race. A time when there were no stores, etc. No part of the animal was wasted. It was all used to help early humans survive. But that is no longer the case. Many of these animals are not killed even for sustenance hunting. They are killed for their tusks, for their heads and other parts. Killed for the false belief that they are 'medicine' of some kind. Killed so some hunter can have a plaque over a fireplace. It is all very twisted and sick in our opinion.

We admit two of our members were deer hunters. But all of the meat was eaten. Both now however no longer hunt animals and only target shoot for which the rest of us are glad.  What the mindset of these hunters might be is a mystery to us. Some researchers suggest it is about power and dominance. But it is certainly not the same psyche that drove the Neolithic hunter who either ate or starved by their hunting skills. The third link compares the modern Tlingits of Alaska who still hunt for sustenance and the trophy hunters. The two are from totally different worlds and have nothing in common.

There is a difference of course between poaching and hunting yet sometimes the 'legal hunts' cross the line as with Mr. Walter Palmer. There is now a second American being accused of criminally hunting in Zimbabwe. His name is Dr. Jan Casimir Seski.  Here are the articles concerning him.

In April of 2015 Dr. Jan Casimir Seski was involved in what the Zimbabwean government is calling another illegal killing of a lion. Dr. Seski is an gynecological oncologist who treats cancer patients. He strives to save the lives of women and that is a good thing. But yet he has not the same respect for the other creatures of our planet. None of our world's creatures deserve to be illegally hunted and have their parts saved as trophies. Perhaps Dr. Seski has a twisted view of what the importance of life is about. But he, like Walter Palmer should be extradited to stand trial for his crime. 

Name: Dr. Jan Casimir Seski
Associated: Trophy hunter, Seski and Associates
Address: 4660 Twin Oaks Drive
Murrayville, PA. 15668
Office: 3358 5th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telephone: (724) 325-2284 (Home), (412) 621-2888 (Office), (412) 621-7432 (Office fax)
Relatives: Jeanine Ernst Seski, Frances Irene Ernst, Neil Ernst, Murphy Kunchner Seski

Next we come to the loudmouthed female big game hunter who just had to defend Palmer and Seski. Her name is Sabrina Corgatelli. She calls herself the 'Huntress'. Here are some articles concerning her as well. The bravado is extremely amusing. She takes pleasure in taunting animal rights activists and others who oppose trophy hunting on her Facebook page. The picture of her with a beautiful giraffe draped around her is extremely offensive.

Her boyfriend is Aaron Neilson who adamantly defends her. He is a hunting agent who also hosts a hunting show on the Sportsman's Channel called Trijicon's World of Sports Afield. He also works for Safari Outfitters and has established a company called Global Hunting Resources. While Corgatelli owns Racks and Ridges a hunting clothing and accessory company.

She lists herself as living in Idaho and most articles state that. She resides however at present in Colorado not Idaho. She has numerous addresses listed that had to be sorted through to discover the truth.  Here is the information we have obtained. 

Name: Sabrina May Thomas Rhodes Corgatelli
Associated: Trophy hunter, Racks and Ridges (
Address: 4560 South Balsam Way
Littleton, CO 80123
Previous: 1702 Mountain View Drive (Also listed as business address for Racks and Ridges)
McCammon, ID 83250
Previous: 137 South Main Street
Malad, ID 83252
Listed by her: 173 Pima Trail (rented by Gabriel Grunspan)
Pine, CO 80470
Listed: P.O. Box 1284
Lander, WY 82520
Telephone: (208) 766-4291, (208) 230-4198 (cell)
Relatives: Kenneth Rhodes, Kevin Rhodes, Shannon Rhodes, Rebecca Beaver, Clint Thomas, Jaren Thomas, Cody Leon Corgatelli, Cole Corgatelli, Justin Corgatelli, Jennifer Corgatelli, Aaron Neilson
Associates: Cody Calloway, Carla Clark, Ralph Thiokol

Name: Aaron Robert Neilson
Associated: Trophy hunter, Sportman's Channel, Safari Outfitters, Global Hunting Resources, Lion Conservation Task Force, Danny McCallum Safaris
Address: 4901 S Wadsworth Blvd, Unit 11
Littleton, CO 80123 (Some sources list Denver)
Telephone: (303) 972-9545 (home), (303) 932-0550 (office), (303) 619-2872 (cell)
Relatives: Judith, Joya, Amy, Robert, Sabrina Corgatelli

The third listing is perhaps the saddest of all. It involves a 19 year old Texas cheerleader who is a trophy hunter. Her father Cody is also a trophy hunter and owns Starbucks Ranch on Bravos Point in Cleburne, Texas.He is also associated with Rocky Ridge Outfitters. ( Here are some articles involving them.

Name: Kendall Jones
Associated: Texas Cheerleader, Trophy Hunter,, Kendall Jones: Game On Twitter:@_kendalljones_
Address: 19855 Fm 56 (Starbucks Ranch)
Kopperl, TX 76652 
Previous: 1122 Berkley Drive
Cleburne, TX 76033
Previous: 925 Nolan River Road
Cleburne, TX 76033
Telephone: (817) 517-5686, (254) 889-3754
EMail: (Her representative) 
Relatives: Steve Cody Jones, Rebecca, Tom, Duane, Kimberly, Douglas

Name: Steve Cody Jones
Associated: Kendall Jones Father, Starbucks Ranch, Rocky Ridge Outfitters (, Trophy Hunter
Address: 19855 Fm 56
Kopperl, TX 76652
Previous: 1122 Berkley Drive
Cleburne, TX 76033
Previous: 925 Nolan River Road
Cleburne, TX 76033
Telephone: (254) 396-2303, (817) 517-5686, (254) 889-3754
Relatives: Kendall, Rebecca, Tom, Duane, Kimberly, Douglas

We believe firmly that this type of hunting needs to end. We of the Den understand that sometimes culling is necessary, such as with deer and other populations. The populations grow so large that there is not enough food for all of them to consume. Then in a horrible manner the animals starve to death. So those types of allowed and supervised hunting activities are necessary. But none of those creatures are either threatened or endangered. That is mankind doing what is right for the survival of a species.

But many African animals such as lions are endangered or threatened species. Culling them in any manner is wrong. Hunting them is unethical . Every effort should be made to protect them and ensure the continuation of endangered/threatened species. Not wiping them out for 'the thrill of it'. That is a kind of cruelty that is unspeakable. Anyone responsible for aiding in wiping out a species belongs in prison and for a good long time.

The vast majority of those who hunt (though not all) are Conservatives. They are pro life, ect. Except when it comes to hunting and their gun rights. They lack respect for the value of every life on this planet which should include animals.But for them it does not. If we are the most intelligent species (though us members of the Den have our doubts sometimes) then should we not also be good stewards? 

Good stewards of the environment, good stewards of all creatures great and small that reside on Planet Earth. Do they not deserve to share this planet with us in peace and with respect for their existence? We believe that is how it should be. But until everyone sees it that way, we will continue to see the unnecessary, cruel and irresponsible taking of animal lives such as Cecil's. Only when we come to value all life that dwells here on our world will we have grown as a species ourselves.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Racism Series Part III- Inequality In The Dispensation Of The Death Penalty. Some stories

Justice in the United States is supposed to be equal for everyone. Rich or poor, black or white, it should be the same for all.. In matters of our legal system justice is supposed to be dispensed in an equal and fair manner. The facts are however that is far from the truth. Justice in the United States is often anything but fair. The demographics of race often play a part in how harsh a sentence is given, How wealthy the defendant is also a powerful consideration.

Our post will concentrate on the dispensation of the death penalty in America and how unfair it is to minorities. This is another issue in our society that must be addressed along with the others already discussed.

In a study done not too long ago the statistics showed that black defendants were 1.7 times more likely to be sentenced to death than white defendants. Also it was discovered that those who murdered whites were 4.3 times more likely to receive the death penalty than those who murdered blacks. These statistics came from what is called the Baldus Study.

In the article below the conclusion is reached that the single most decisive factor in the imposition of the death penalty is race. In other words if you murder a white person more than likely you will be sentenced to death.

The article states clearly that African Americans are treated  much more harshly than whites and their lives are treated with far less value when they are the victims. Such is a horrible travesty in American Justice and can not be allowed to continue. Here is the full and complete report.

Recent killings of blacks by both vigilantes and police have brought to light a variety of issues effecting minorities. Including the imposition of the death penalty. Ways must be found to reduce and eliminate the discrimination minorities face in sentencing in capital cases.  We white people have to open our eyes and see the truth of this matter. How unjust the scales of justice really are.

Please read all of the following articles.Contained within them is a huge amount of information. They paint a clear and irrevocable picture of the disparity in the dispensation of the death penalty. Not only do blacks receive the death penalty more often than other races, they are often wrongly convicted. Sadly some are executed before their wrongful convictions can be overturned. That is why we need to have a long, deep and abiding discussion on the death penalty and whether it should continue to be practiced in the United States. No policy that is unfair, unjust, dispensed with prejudice, bigotry and racism should ever be a part of our justice system. It diminishes us as a nation, a society and a people.


All of those videos above are of real people. Real people whose lives have been profoundly affected by our justice system. And not in an unbiased and benevolent manner, but in an unethical one.
We are supposed to be a better nation than this. 'That shining city on a hill' as Ronald Reagan described us. But we can not be that shining city as long as injustice and prejudice continue to prevail Again white people must search their minds and hearts and find the truth of this matter.Block out the whispers of the voices of bigotry who so often hold sway and power. Then we must do what is right to ensure that fairness lights the beacons atop that hill and make our country shine brightly once again.

Now we continue with the posting of the Council of Conservative Citizens.

1. Name: Joey D. Johnson
Associated: COFCC
Address: 5 Vanpatton Street
Inman, S.C. 29349
Previous: 9085 Fairforest Road, C1
Spartanburg, S.C. 29301
Previous: 89 Shore Loop Road
Waterloo, S.C. 29384
Telephone: (864) 677-3994
EMail: (None available presently)
Relatives: James Anthony Johnson, Sharon Johnson Westmoreland, Christie Leary Johnson, Rebecca Johnson  Miller, Rosalie Leary, Bobby Johnson

2. Name: Travis Hoskins
Associated: COFCC
Address: 1511 Diuguid Drive, Apt. D26
Murray, KY 42071
Previous: 147 Molley CT
Paducah, KY 42003
Telephone: (270) 767-0336
EMail: (None available presently)
Relatives: Lisa Haywood Hoskins, Gary Hoskins, Janie Hoskins, Jason Hoskins, Margaret Hoskins

3. Name: Craig David Bennett
Associated: COFCC
Address: 3077 State Route Aa
Willow Springs, MO 665793
Telephone: (417) 469-2396
EMail: (None available presently)
Relatives: Amanda Bennett Willbanks, Zoe Hauth, Samantha White, Jonnah Thomas, Kent Tipton, Mark Hauth, Linda J. Bennett

4. Name: Ambrose Wayne Corey
Associated: COFCC
Address: 409A N. Swenson Street
Falls City, TX 78113
Telephone: (210) 655-7232
EMail: (None available presently)
Relatives: Teresa Corey, Mary Corey, Carolyn Corey Cardenas, Franklin Corey, Betty Corey

5. Name: Jerry Withrow
Associated: COFCC
Address: 3033 Lee Hwy
Athens, TN 37303
Previous: 8565 Sheer Drive
Tinley Park, IL 60487
Telephone: (708) 532-5154
EMail: (None available presently)
Relatives: Chad Withrow, Ken Withrow, Andrew Withrow, Joshua Withrow, James Withrow

More to be added tomorrow.