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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Brother 15 Racists And Homophobes Part II

We are editing this post due to the influx of commentary defending Amanda Zuckerman. People would like to believe that we have the wrong information due to a difference in the middle names. There are several reasons the middle names could be different. A. The records could list the wrong middle name but that is unlikely as four search sites list it to be Jane. B. She might not like Jane and have changed it to Joy, but legally it is Jane. C. She could have changed it deliberately knowing the hunt would be on for her as has happened to other contestants. But we have numerous other pieces of evidence. Look at the two screenshots below. It clearly lists Jane and the age 38. Look at the relatives. Robert Zuckerman is Amanda's father. He is listed. We know that from interviews. In that interview he says that Amanda has a sister Amy. Amy is listed.
I quote- "Amanda's younger sister Amy has put together a fan page...."

Now use logic. How many Amanda Zuckerman's do you think there are in Florida who have a father named Robert and a sister Amy? Logic tells you none. Point one in being her.

Point two. Look at the two lists of education. They are the same. Point three. Look at the employment. They are the same as well with one addition. This is Amanda Zuckerman. The evidence is too great to not be her. One middle name is only a fraction of the material to consider. If you are rational.

Now to further the case. We have the information for Robert Joseph Zuckerman who is Amanda's father as well. See the address. Now look at the second screenshot which is from one of the reports we obtained. The third address is the same. This is the Amanda's previous address that you want to state isn't the one on BB.  Look at the third screenshot. It lists Amanda with Robert. This is definitely the Amanda Zuckerman who is on Big Brother. But continue to believe as you all choose. Denial is a powerful force sometimes for people to overcome. The woman is a liar. We also have information that the address in the link for a Californai real estate license is not hers and that she never resided there. Her father lied as well in the interview when he said she wasn't married or engaged. But think as you all wish. We however know the truth.

It seems that everyone is defending Amanda and none of the other racist contestants. Please explain away all of the above if you can with one different middle name. Also the family who must know about this has not refuted us. Why? Because we're right. Make no mistake, it is not Big Brother we are really interested in exposing. It is racists who happen to be on Big Brother. Why is everyone so defensive about Amanda? She is one of the biggest racists, bullies and  totally obnoxious personalities we have ever encountered.

Now the questions arise. If we could locate this information why couldn't CBS? Or is the rumor true and Amanda knows a producer?  Or is it about ratings? Big Brother's ratings have risen instead of fallen which is awful. We Americans truly love the disgusting for some reason.

What will really be horrific however is if one of these four deviant and sick personalities win Big Brother. What does it say about us as a nation? It says.....that we are just as sick, twisted, warped and perverted as these four people who should be lambasted and not celebrated.

Additional Information. If you look at the info above the 38 year old Amanda's relative is Marilyn. Amanda from BB's mother is Marilyn. See the following link:

We were also sent a link which supposedly proved something about Amanda and her Florida Real Estate License. Here's the quote from the email.
 "Did you search Florida real estate licenses? No because you would find only one Amanda Zuckerman, the 28 yr old one and she can't lie about her age on her real estate license.Oh yeah, once again listed as Joy as the middle name. How do you explain changing your middle name on a real estate license? You don't."

 When we clicked on it this is what it led to- No proof whatsoever of anything. In fact it says their is no information for the search criteria. Which in fact supports our postion not the detractors. Then see the new pic just put above it. We at SU are correct and have been all along. Kudos to the person who found this. Great going.

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