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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Brother 15 Racists And Homophobes Part VI

This year's Big Brother has been one of extreme controversy and it continues. Now it appears that Helen may have been signaled to jump down, or been pushed during the recent HOH/Juror Return competition. The following image is from that competition and if you look shows a hand touching Helen's foot.

Once again is this an attempt to aid Amanda in winning the prize? That would of course be a travesty. Decide for yourselves. Is Big Brother rigged? The accompanying story to the pic above would like to blow it all off. The last link would like us to believe Aaryn would be the one gone. Would that really be so? Or does CBS really love the controversy? Also the first link states that CBS goes on You Tube and deletes any material they don't want. Including the video associated with this pic. A quick thinker kept the piece above.

But there seems to be too much that has happened to totally just blow it off. Could it be that the winner has been predetermined? We believe it is very possible. It also renders Big Brother without integrity and makes it even more disgusting than it already is. To want a racist to make the end and win says something awful about this show and its producers.


Sballplayer014 said...

About the Helen jump, Helen fell and Candice fell and the camera's did not catch it. The had to do editing so that they could get it on camera. Yes, someone touched her to jump and Candice jumped after because it had to be filmed. They had already fallen but it wasn't caught on tape the first time. That's why it looked so fake. Definitely don't have to worry about Helen or Candice getting acting jobs.

Turner Campbell said...

Now how do you know that for certain? How was it not 'caught on camera'?

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