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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Apology Noted And Reciprocated

We smiled at the posting on In the interest of detente we're not going to comment on anything. We have removed the information of the two people involved. We apologize for not doing so sooner. It is true that sometimes we become stubborn and entrenched if we feel threatened.  We vote on removals often by text message. What as a group we need to remember is that people are often angry after we've posted them and to be a bit more tolerant.

We are however glad to see that some people are seeing what 'McCranda' really is. Whether it's the 'Mafia' or the 'Strong' units, neither is better than the other. Just think how ludicrous it is for them to believe E or M were the blog authors. No thought went into that. This blog has existed for years in one incarnation or another. It always rises again from the ashes and always will. We are totally dedicated to our 'mission'. That mission being the exposure of bullies, racists, homophobes, hackers, extremists and fanatics. We know some despise our tactics. The purpose is to shake things up, get people's attention, make them think, Make them aware what and who is in the world around them.

People often become almost hysterical when first posted. Cammy Deangelo is a prime example. Yet it didn't stop her from continuing her BS. What people should consider is how many people, organizations and so forth already have their address, phone number etc.

Utility companies, credit card companies, mortgage companies, political parties if you're registered, stores where you have convenience cards, hospitals, doctor's offices and numerous other entities. If you belong to a group which promotes your beliefs more than likely they have it. Even unlisted it is still not so in reality. If you are a bully, racist, homophobe etc. there is a good chance someone knows it. In your family, your neighborhood, your workplace, your town, it probably isn't hidden from everyone. If you're more public like Amanda/McCrae it might be statewide, or even across the country. Don't assume that you're 'hidden' because in the Real World you're probably not.

When the internet first came into being, people saw a way to do whatever they wanted and remain anonymous. But the Internet is just another piece of Real Life. It isn't separate from it. There is no guarantee or right to anonymity. Privacy doesn't necessarily mean address, telephone number and so forth. It means credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, medical information and such can't be posted. Your bills and health problems shouldn't be put on display.

Many have used the Internet to hide their activities and identity and that is not acceptable to us. You should be as exposed on the Internet as you are in Real Life. It shouldn't be a place to do harm and not be held accountable. That is what it has become. We knock down the walls of anonymity and drag the miscreants into the light of day. Zuckerman/Olson exposed themselves with little help from us. Anyone could locate them easily. Their supporters perhaps not but it was necessary.

To those supporters we say this. Without you 'McCranda' would fade into obscurity. Most of the previous HG's from Big Brother aren't celebrities. Only a few have really remained in public view or their names are known. They need you to keep the attention on them and for no other reason. Neither wants to return to unknown, average person status. They want to continue their celebrity on other television programs like the Amazing Race.  With them goes all of the character flaws which have been discussed in numerous posts already.

So if the only way to maintain that purpose is to cannibalize their own membership then they will do it. Neither has any morals or ethics to do otherwise. They've chosen individuals such as Earrusso, Zahn and Torres to lead their groups.  People JUST LIKE THEM. Riding the coattails of celebrity.  The fan base are the drones they need to effect media corporations such as CBS, NBC, ABC and others. What does it matter if a few supporters fall by the wayside, have their feelings hurt, are cast out, ridiculed, harasssed and threatened if it means they move forward.

We may not need to do anything further. Groups that cannibalize and mistreat their own supporters and members don't last long. They implode and go up in flames. We say this to the 'McCranda' fans. Let them stand on their own. Some networks such as CBS might enjoy the momentary ratings surge as occurred during the show over Zuckerman's behavior. But some will not want the controversy or the loss of sponsors and advertising dollars if said corporations find her objectionable. Which many will. One of our members works in the field of advertising and says most won't want her on their programs. It isn't worth the strife, the complaints or the headaches her presence will cause.

If the pair have really changed and network executives believe that's so then they'll be given a chance. That's a chance 'McCranda' doesn't want to take. So they want you all to create and sign petitions, make You Tube videos, hold events for them, write letters, be their megaphone . A fan base that is loud and vocal might catch the networks attention. If she really isn't a racist, bigot etc. she will behave and not make any further commentary. If McCrae isn't weak minded we'll see him stand up to her. So why don't you let them prove their own worth? Make it on their own.

Don't stay in a group where you're bullied or harassed. Mistreated or ridiculed. Where you feel afraid and intimidated. There are lots of other people far more deserving of your time and efforts.  Someone was worried about us with Cammy and Zahn. Don't worry. We've taken on far more scary individuals than them. They want a fight, bring it on. We're more than game.

All we ask is that all of you followers really consider what you're doing. Think of how your fellow members have been treated. If you haven't been mistreated as of yet you could be if you disagree with one of them. Is this kind of behavior what you want? Is the pair really deserving of your efforts?  How have they proven that to you? What signs are there if you're not a racist that Amanda's changed? Or McCrae.

Don't just be a follower. Be a strong individual. See clearly,  observe closely, consider wisely and act accordingly. Don't be used and abused.  Good luck to those of you who decide to move on. There will be more postings.  Because we're still receiving emails. Until that stops we will continue our efforts.


Adrienne Lionheart said...

Thank you, and we agree

Mich-Anne Dijardin said...

Oh and darlings. Let's not forget the new Coming soon....Zucks and Ols make money off the fruit of your labors. My My!! Guppies galore.

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