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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Let's 'GET REAL lol' Harassers And Bullies Segment One (Previously McCrandaStrong)

The followers of Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson would have you believe that they do not engage in any wrongdoing. But that is very far from the truth. We have already presented some of the screenshots which show the exact opposite to be true. On Facebook and Twitter they are in fact the bullies and harassers they falsely accuse us of being. This posting and subsequent ones will reveal just that, as well as the people involved.

It seems Zuckerman who is extremely vain and conceited isn't satisfied with just one group. On Facebook alone there are at least four who follow her and Olson. The newest which was started today is called 'The Royal Mafia'. Let's examine that. What in their deluded minds makes either of them 'Royal'? That they were on a reality TV show, which neither of them won? In fact the HG they called friend sold them both out. That they have Twitter followers? Many people have far more than they do. That there are Facebook groups misguidedly following them? The same is true of many other undeserving 'celebrities'. That they are both too lazy to make their own money and want fans to do it for them? Those kind of scams have been going on for decades.  That she's an opinionated loudmouth? Most real queens are people of dignity and would consider Zuckerman distasteful. That he's a lazy moocher? Well....some royal princes are like that. But they're all a disgrace to their families' honor.

In reality there is nothing that makes them 'Royal' other than the illusions of their own warped minds. That is what the truth really is. Then we have the 'renaming' of one of the groups which they seem to believe shields them from further criticism. McCranda Strong is now GET REAL lol on Facebook. A truly foolish name for a bunch of people too blind to see how silly and crass they are. If they believe the continual renaming helps them they are way off base. In no way does it mitigate what they've done. Take note however that Amanda doesn't belong to this particular group. She only belongs to the 'Royal Mafia'. How sad that they continue to support a woman who has no use for them other than to take their money for trips to Chicago, to lobby to get them on The Amazing Race and maintain her continued efforts to be 'famous'. Or infamous is more correct terminology.

One thing that they've done is truly disgusting and leaves a nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach. At least it does if you're a person of conscience. One of Amanda's most avid followers is a man named John Carl O'Neil. He is in fact posted on this blog. By his own words he says he is 'slightly autistic'. Whether that is true or not we don't know but it is obvious that he has issues. Serious ones we are certain. He has an absolute obsession with Amanda Zuckerman without question and has been called a stalker. We don't know the totality of his problems but it is obvious that Zuckerman/Olson along with Cammy DeAngelo and the other groups leaders have shamelessly exploited this troubled soul. They use him to get people suspended from Twitter/Facebook who don't like 'McCranda' and are vocal about their disapproval of the couple/group's tactics and actions. How many people he has gotten suspended with his 'reporting tactics' we don't know for certain. But it is quite a few if our calculations are correct.

He then 'takes the heat' for the rest of the group often being the subject of ridicule and humiliating comments on social media. Truly they should all be ashamed of themselves, but aren't. We wonder if any of them are capable of feeling shame or guilt. Before we begin our postings again we will lay out a large number of screenshots that show what we are talking about. Take a long look at all of them. Together they reveal the scum 'McCranda' under any name really is.

The first two Tweets reveal what we posted above. That he is the 'public face' of the behind the scenes efforts to get McCranda detractors suspended from Twitter. And that someone else (Frank Maxwell) also knows that to be so.

Does it get any lower than that? Using someone with serious issues to get your detractors out of the way while you hide behind the scenes? That's is what despicable cowards do. That is what Amanda Zuckerman, McCrae Olson, Cammy DeAngelo, Kim Pacifico, Marcus Zahn, Annette Torres and the other 'leaders' are. Yellow bellied cowards without a conscience or any moral compass. What does that make them? Abject losers. Add to that using a baby with cancer to make money so you can move to Florida.

God they are absolutely sickening aren't they? There are a great many more screenshots to come so prepare for a long post which will probably require more than one segment. Rest assured readers you will find it interesting.

Let's begin with people on Twitter trying to converse with John, ask him questions, explain to him and so forth along with his replies and statements.

The next one shows that John and other members went so far as to keep a list of detractors and critics.
They also reported those critical of other House Guests such as Gina Marie Zimmerman, who also made racist commentary during Big Brother 15 and is now enduring backlash for her disgusting behavior. She goes so far as to request others report those who are disapproving of her. Not so brave outside the BB House now is she? Unable to cope with those unafraid of her big mouth on her own? Wow why is that not surprising? Bullies often can't deal with 'push back'. Because they are cowards in Real Life.

Then back to those postings involving O'Neil who is uncomprehending as to why he is being listed though his behavior is so bizarre.

The last screenshot above involves Zuckerman/Olson supporters blocking someone McCrae had a disagreement with. Of course Olson isn't mature enough to deal with a disagreement on his own....he needs legions of supporters to 'pile on' the individual.

This ends the first segment. To be continued......

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