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Monday, November 11, 2013

McCranda Strong AKA McCranda Mafia Part V

We extended our run of McCranda postings by one at least. We have been receiving numerous emails regarding McCranda. Quite a few individuals are complaining about their treatment at the hands of the administrators of McCranda Strong/McCranda Mafia. It seems both groups are made up of bullies, terrorizing their own membership. One person in particular is mentioned most frequently. Cammy DeAngelo AKA Carol Ruggiero DeAngelis Earrusso. Seems she is particularly malicious. Other complaints involve Marcus Zahn and Annette Torres whom we posted yesterday. Today we located Mr. Zahn and gathered more information on Ms. Earrusso.

I will say for the group that we are not surprised. Some people love to follow celebrities. They idolize them, rather than seeing their flaws. Behind the rosy glasses some might believe Amanda Zuckerman is a strong woman with her outspoken ways. But racism, bigotry, homophobia and bullying are weaknesses of character not strengths. She is in fact a seriously flawed individual, not a person of integrity.

Being laid back and chilled out can be considered cool. But it can also be mistaken for what is really lazy and uncaring behavior. We believe the latter not the former applies to McCrae Olson. He doesn't have the nerve to stand up to the big mouthed Amanda and he doesn't care how she hurts people. That is our opinion of him.

The star struck fans such as them apply to a percentage of the 'following' of most fan groups. Others however are clones of the 'celebrities'. Some among the numbers will also be racists, bigots, homophobes, bullies and loudmouths.  Why? Because put simply, like minds gather together. Many of them will be like either Amanda or McCrae. Sharing their personalities and lack of principles. Unkind and cruel in what they say and how they act. Uncaring of the distress they bring upon others.

Those who belong to either McCranda Strong or McCranda Mafia should not have expected anything else. Why would the same ideals or rather lack thereof  not apply in the group as applied in the Big Brother House? Followers that emulate an individual often act like them as well.

People should stay away from both groups. They are even fighting among themselves, in what clearly is a power struggle for who is the top dog of the 'McCranda Saga'. The whole 'McCrandaUnite' pretense is nothing more than an illusion of camaraderie.

None of you should allow anyone to mistreat you. So do yourselves a favor and look for other celebrities to follow and form a fan group to support. This group has been nothing but a 'cult of maliciousness' from the start. Don't expect anything good from Cammy, Marcus or anyone in charge of these groups. They're all too much like McCrae/Zuckerman to be anything other than miserable, mean spirited souls. Remember it should be firefighters, police, military personnel, diplomats who seek peace, heroes, those who heal, help the poor, aid in disasters that we should give our honor and respect to, Not two vituperative, scheming individuals and their cronies. Using and abusing people to further their TV fame.

Let's post what we have for tonight. First let's begin with Cammy. We have a list of addresses associated with her and her husband Vincent.

A. 22 Lois Avenue
Clifton, NJ.  07014
Associated Telephone: (973) 748-0088

B. Previous: 497 Valley Street 1B
Maplewood, NJ. 07040
Associated Telephone: (973) 378-2016

C. Previous: 80 Midland Place
Newark, NJ  07106

D. Previous: 68 Passaic Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039

Mobile Telephone #: (973) 600-0030

Relatives: Christine Stamboni Earrusso, Matthew Earrusso, Carol S. Earrusso, Jeffrey Earrusso, Anna Earrusso

Our second posting is Marcus Zahn. We have the search for him to thank for finding a wonderful, new, public resource.

Name: Marcus Zahn
Associated: McCranda Strong Facebook Page Administrator Twitter: @Dolphini2
Address: Ingelheimer Str. 40
Gau-Algesheim, Germany
Telephone:  06725 308 9944
EMail: None available presently
Relative: Julia Zahn, Duangrat Zahn

Lastly we have someone who has done a lot of video work for McCranda and spent time posting comments to our blog.

Name: John Worthington
Associated: McCranda Strong Facebook Page
Address: 941 Pine Court
Perkasie, PA 18944
Telephone: (215) 257-5835, (267) 247-2025 (Both listed for address)
EMail: None available presently
Relatives: James, Gloria, Richard.


Adrienne Lionheart said...

Greetings, I cannot say that I disagree at all.

Please check out our blog. I think its time....

Aaron Spellman said...

Glad you approve. Thanks.

sniffy said...

I also agree. The page is run by bullies and the victims don't even realize how bad they are being sucked in until you've been completely destroyed. Please stay away!

sniffy said...

I want to once again reiterate. I'm begging you to stay away from Cammy. She will do the most hurtful things to you and brag. Marcus and Nikki will take personal info and plaster it all over tbe web. Please stay away. I don't know you but I want what is best for you!

Esther Anders said...

As much as it pains me to admit, I cannot say that I disagree either.

They ARE fighting among themselves and it IS a power struggle for who is the top dog or 'the one' that is able to appear to be BFF's with Amanda. It's all so totally high school.

Theirs is a dog-eat-dog world and the majority of members are wearing Milk-bone underwear.

I would greatly appreciate it if you'd either remove any and all mention of my name in any posts about these people OR create a new post in which to move my information to. I do not wish to be associated with not one of these people and regret ever trying to defend them.

Aaron Spellman said...

Don't worry about us. We have no interest in this group. Amanda makes us all sick.

Aaron Spellman said...

Thanks for the advice. We always protect ourselves. No worries.

Aaron Spellman said...

Just posted to Esther. We'll be taking her and your name's down at some point tonight.

Aaron Spellman said...

The group's been discussing. Sometime tonight as soon as we can we'll be removing your and Adrienne's information. Our hope is you'll stay away from them. Seems you've been falsely accused of Now you must see the irony in that totally ludicrous thought process.

Esther Anders said...

I appreciate that very much and I thank you!

Ludicrous irony abounds in this entire situation.

You need not be concerned that I or Michele/Adrienne will be associated with these people again much less fight a battle on their behalf. We have left all groups, deleted and blocked all those involved, and deleted any posts and comments regarding these groups or Amanda/McCrae. (unless we have missed some somewhere)

As you know, we both have businesses to run and have no time nor desire to be in the 'popular crowd'. Any further attacks made towards this blog will most definitely not be coming from us. That I give you my word on, here publicly.

These people seem to love fighting among themselves so we have decided to let them. Wallowing in the mud is not our chosen pastime.

Again, I thank you.

Aaron Spellman said...

We also apologize to the two of you. Sometimes when pushed or demands are made we dig in when we shouldn't. We do remove people when asked and we should have removed you as well.

Good luck in the business world to the two of you. Seems your friendship could be a boom to both of you. Stay in touch. I for one member would like to know how you're doing.

Adrienne Lionheart said...

I appreciate that! I know it may interupt your commentary, but If you wouldnt mind, anything to do with myself as Michele or Adrienne and Esther including screenshots, if you would be so kind.... I think Esther and I have something we would like to talk with you guys about actually.... if it would be appropriate to create a non-threatening, non-retaliatory dialog between both The Den and Courage, should you be so inclined.

Aaron Spellman said...

We would indeed be interested.

Adrienne Lionheart said...

Awesome! Soon as Esther and My information is removed, we will love to organize a time we can sit down and chat.

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