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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith's Malice Just Grows And Grows Part A

(This post was written by Tan, Terry, Margaret, Michelle and Jeremy)

This post will be primarily a conglomeration of all the Tweets we have been making screen shots of and receiving from others as well. We won't say too much this time, we will let the individuals involved words speak for themselves. But if any of them have told you that they have changed, it is not the truth. Or that they are sorry for what they've done. None of them seem to realize that there are consequences for hateful activities.

We have had to continue our concentration on Elizabeth Smith because she is not stopping her malicious behavior. In fact she is doubling down on it. She is now calling people's houses and uttering threats. So we will post more screenshots showing what a twisted, warped individual she is. We will also post another of her supporters and update a second one.

We are going to begin however with her newest Twitlonger as there is some necessary commentary to make on this one.


People keep asking me questions about the cyber-staking, harassment, racism and hate I am going through right now on Twitter...

So here is a "FAQ" for those that want to know:

1. Why don't you ignore it?

A: It's VERY hard to ignore when your deceased child's picture is used in a "twitter-war" and my other sons see it. I get mad. I lash out. It's who I am.

2. Why don't you block them?

A: I have done that. I have most of the #Hags, Fake "Janis", "Janis Dead Daughter", jealous hos, thirsty bitches and trolls BLOCKED.

They make MORE accounts to get around the blocks.
They make racist egg accounts to get around the blocks. 
They make accounts using my husbands name to get around the blocks...... shall I go on???
(Look through my pics.... last night THREE accounts using my daughter followed me)

3. Why don't you go off Twitter?

A: I use twitter to connect with my tweeps, people at my job, help promote my book, get follow-up interviews for my book and connect to my REAL friends. 

How about these assholes block ME? Am I no longer allowed on Twitter because people don't like me? I HAVE ONE TWITTER ACCOUNT. THIS ONE. The only other account I have access too is one for a FB group I promote. That is IT. 

4. Why don't you call the cops?

A: I have. A detective is working on my case. What they (Rick, Shelley & Dom, JA and MG (The Howlers Den idiots), Kelly Vick, GJ, Laura and others have done IS harassment and it IS a hate crime.) I am working with a lawyer now.

5. Why don't you sue them?

A: I plan to. There are certain things I must do first. I am doing them.

6. Why don't you just forget about it and ignore them and move on?

A. Because my children and family were hurt. That is already DONE. 

We raised MANY kids... we have always loved and protected them... should we stop now? They would like to use twitter also... THEY CANNOT. My daughters picture popped up the night I posted "titanic pictures". My son was following me and saw the 3 accounts.

My youngest son lost his biological Mother and his biological sister within ONE year of each other.... I adopted him when he was in diapers. Imagine how much he hurt to see that? 

Of course I have take precautions NOW... but the hurt is still there for my kids. I will NOT allow that to go unchecked. 

I take what I dish. I take insults, racial slurs and more...... My husband, family and kids have NOTHING to do with this and they got hurt. It is OUR job to protect our kids. 

WE have a right to use social media also. My kids CANNOT use twitter now. I had to block ALL MY FAMILY... I cannot DM with them. 

(I do NOT want nor do I ask for sympathy in all this..... but I KNOW if my daughter had blonde-hair and blue eyes and my son looked more "white"- this would be horrifying to most women- but these are the same women who supported AmandaZuckerman and tweeted "Candice seems fine" after BB15.)

If my daughter looked like THEIR kids- they could relate to my pain. If my son looked like THEIR sons- they could relate to his pain. THIS is the problem with racism. They don't consider my kids "really my kids" because our skin tones don't "match". They don't see mine and my kids pain as being REAL.... because we are not like them.

7. Why do so many people hate you?

A: I speak my mind. I say what *I* want to say when *I* want to say it. I talk about whatever I want.... racism, politics, religion, BB, reality TV, my kids, my family and more. I can also be VERY passionate, sarcastic and A BITCH.

Instead of people blocking me... then engage me.. then I normally "win" and they cry "bully". TooBadSoSad.

8. Are people REALLY jealous of your book?

A: YES.... it is ALL they talk about. The mock it it, make fun of it and more. I think some are TERRIFIED I am going to "name names"..... they should be. =) 

9. Do you know who is doing this? 

A: YES. I know them by name, address and more. The main people do this are:

- Howlers Den: (JA, LM, MG, KM, DW) (I use initials- NOT real names)

- Hag Brigade: (LKG, GrandmaJodi, Dredd, Shellykay66, her racist hubby, Annie and 10 others.) They actually REVEL in this shit. They love it- they scream about me ALL DAY LONG instead of blocking me.... I am ONE account- they have MANY. 

Annie and Rick were even nice enough to tweet out the article about my my daughters death adding MORE fuel to the fire..... Go buy some of Annies mosaic shit!! I'm sure she'll be HAPPY to do an "I hate Jani" piece for your wall...Me? I hope she slips and breaks her ass in a chipped plate. Fuck Annie and Fuck Rick. You're both horrible people. 

- GJ & her "hubs": I think GJ is one of the most vile and ugly people I have EVER had to misfortune of meeting.

She part of the "I hate AV" club.... seems SR and MG don't take male rejection well... never-mind they ARE BOTH MARRIED. 

I DECIDE who I follow and I don't follow. GJ manipulated me once....THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN. =) 

- Ricky M.: Rick is an asshole who lives in New Orleans. About 80% of the BB community (HG, Fans & site owners HATE him and are fed up.....We are taking care of him once and for all) 

10. Have you tried talking to them?


I have offered my number to people who want to talk this out- no calls except for 6 prank ones. I have tried calling THEM.... in a nice, polite way I asked if we could talk this out like adults....


I spoke to MG.... it was 2 hours of: "lies, lies, lies, kim fault, howlers den fault, Darren's fault, AV did it, Kat did it, AV and Kat, lies lies the "other" Michelle's fault, kims fault, and lies lies "

(basically it was Amanda Zuckerman all over again)

MG promised to STOP since the anti-den called her out.... she said she would not follow or RT the Howlers Den and wanted to "walk away".... that lasted all of 24 hours.... once the anti-den went down, she was right back at it.... so I wasted 2 hours. 

The best was GJ..... I called TWICE. 
GJ went stomping off to her clan of hags and claimed I was "harassing her". She also ran to the Den to cry to JA about "horrible Jani"

Sara: You need help. Self-esteem classes...something. Maybe counseling. It appears to me you worry MORE about me and AV then you do your young son and Husband. I have "heard things" about them.... do you ever wonder if all the time you spend trying to get AV back for calling you "Obese" 10 months ago could be better spent with you child? 

No, I guess not.

Know this: I would TRADE ANYTHING to have my child back for FIVE MINUTES..... I truly hope you are NEVER in my position. So cherish every moment.


If you died tomorrow, the last days of your life were spent on social media screaming about a women you never met..........

How sad that is"

If this Twitlonger had not been so offensive and full of lies it might have been laughable. Let's get to the salient points.

 None of us from the Den GJ, Dredd or the others have used your daughter's picture in any untoward manner.  You need to find the people who are. These hate accounts that you keep contributing to us and say are part of a hate crime are not any of us. Why don't you follow the proper legal protocols. Have your attorney get a subpoena. Or a police officer can make the request. Then Twitter will produce the account information of the hate accounts. We will be glad of it. The IP addresses will prove that it is none of us and your 'case' goes up in smoke.

It is an amazing coincidence that every time you're in trouble those hate accounts appear. Such as today when you've been turned over to the police. Suddenly they pop up. Oh we believe some of them are real. But some we believe are created by you and your pals. To take the heat off of yourself.  But go ahead and get the subpoena. We know none of it leads to us. Or anyone we know. So that is a lie once again.

You always tell people who don't like you to block you. But in this twitlonger you say oh it is too difficult for you to block anyone. Why is that? Because you want the last word. To say whatever you want but don't want anyone else to say anything about you. It's do as Jani says, not as she does. Whenever anyone says anyone says something you don't like, you don't block. You go after them endlessly. Harass them.  You're a mega hypocrite.

You say you've called the cops. But that police report is a photoshopped fake. The original came from the Google image gallery and you doctored it to fit your purpose. Those type of files have not been used in a long time. The name of the police chief isn't even right. There is no police report. Why? Because it would lead to your activities and you can't take that chance. But you have been turned in to the police. Oh yes you have over uttering threats. We sent it within a short time of it being received. And we told them who your husband is. That you believe that gives you 'immunity from responsibility'. Maybe they will talk to him about your behavior and actions. But we will push it. In fact if we don't receive word by the end of tomorrow we will contact them again. Until they take action. You can not threaten people and get away with it.

As for your supposed lawsuit, no self respecting lawyer would allow you to continue on as you are. You would be advised to be quiet, to not call people's houses, to not harass people , to not engage on Twitter. No attorney would maintain and remain on a case with a client who is acting like you. It is a waste of their time and energies. You're full of it there is no lawsuit either. Another fabrication.

Now you're caught in another lie. You had to block ALL of your family? We thought you said most of them were grown up. How is it then that you can block them from Twitter? More bs. Or did you block your own computer after we contacted some of your family members so they can't see what you're doing on there. That is far more likely isn't it? We will continue to contact family members and send them the SS so they can see what you do on Twitter.

None of us committed a hate crime. You're playing the race card in a situation that is not racist in the least. You laughed at a slur directed at Native Americans. That will be posted in an SS later in the blog post. You are the serial harasser both on Twitter and Facebook. You will face charges over your activities sooner we hope rather than later.

You claim to know who everyone is but you know nothing. You keep accusing innocent people of being Michelle and Jeremy. Claim you know whose behind the hate accounts when you don't. Unless as we think they are mostly you and your friends.  That is sick and warped.  You are not anywhere near as well informed as you want people to believe. Not even a little bit we are afraid.

Now to the harsh reality. You insist people are jealous of you. That is very far from the truth. You are vain, arrogant, conceited and narcissistic. You speak your mind? So don't many people that is nothing to be jealous of. Jealous of your book? Number one no one believes that you will get a book published unless you publish it yourself. You have terrible writing skills and that is the truth. No one will publish you. That we are certain of. No one is envious of anything about you whatsoever. You seriously need to get over yourself and do a great deal of self reflecting on what you believe about yourself because it is way off base.

Your harassment of GJ is disgusting. Number one if anyone needs classes in self evaluation it is you. Your self absorption is so unrealistic as to be mind boggling. Number two calling someone's home and asking to speak with their husband when the three of you are not friends is harassment. When someone doesn't call you back and you call again that is harassment. You have been doing that to her for a very long time. Attempting to bully her. Because that is what you do. When someone doesn't like you and speaks out against you Beth you try to bully them into silence. AV does the same and any suggestion that anything is over calling her obese is ridiculous. Especially considering it is you and he doing the harassing.

You have now proven our point that your hypocrisy is immense.  You say you want your children and husband left out of it. Yet you bring in hers without a second thought.  Do what you accuse her of doing. It is not the first time you have done that to her. Making false accusations against someone concerning their child is horrible.

So if as you seem to be suggesting there is a minor still in your home no one deserves to be looked at more than you. We have over two hundred SS showing how dysfunctional you are. Why don't we put in another call tomorrow and have your home situation checked into. Seems fair to us.

If you ever stop long enough to pay attention and not be a total jerk you would know GJ lost a child. But again you're too busy looking in the mirror to have any thoughts for anyone but yourself. As for your last words about people screaming about someone they don't know. Try taking your own advice. No one does more hysterical, non productive screaming than you and your friends. Or more whining for sympathy. Or more hate mongering. Or more attempts at bullying and harassing.

You have also been caught in another lie. You said that you knew nothing about the website. Denied any knowledge. But now we have a screenshot. That you are the one who found JA and MG you say? JA's information first appeared on that wix site. So if you weren't involved in it where did they get the information from? This also shows that you have no idea who the hate accounts are. In your own words you are guessing. Yet you say that you told the police you know it is us, GJ, etc.  You're a liar once again. Falsely accusing someone of a crime is also a reason for a lawsuit. So if you did indeed as you insist contact the police with that information you filed a false police report and that also is a crime. I think we will send that SS to the police as well. Just so that know exactly what you are about.

You are a horrible person who needs intervention. To be arrested and dealt with by the legal system. Because what you do does irrevocable injury to people's lives. You don't care what harm you cause as long as Beth has the last word, Beth gets what she wants, Beth gets attention and recognition. You will maliciously try to destroy anyone who gets in the way of those desires. Well you are not going to get away with it. That we promise. We will continue to post your screenshots, the information of your cohorts and file complaints until something is done about you by those in authority. You are nothing more than a criminal. 

Now for tonight we will post one of Jani's supporters then update another.

1. Name: Barbara Delores (Geisner) Jewell
Associated: Supporter of Elizabeth Smith Twitter: .
Address: 110 Doll Way
Round Rock, Texas 78664
Previous: 117 Phil Mickelson Court
Round Rock, Texas 78664
Previous: 58 Virginia Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Previous: Nassau Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Previous: 5597 Saint Charles Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22193
Previous: 1593 Madison 8070
Huntsville, AR 72740
Telephone: (540) 373-3081
Relatives: Jeffrey Jewell, Debbie

This second is an update of Dominic Brogan. Many people were under the false impression that he was young. You can not go by pictures. Like Smith's they can be photoshopped. They can be from when the person was younger. They can not be that person at all. Dominic Brogan is over fifty. Not so young at all.

Name: Dominic Brogan AKA Gerald Dominic Brogan. One source also states Gerald Tomlinson. He also sometimes uses his wife's maiden name and goes by Dominic Ciaccio. There are records of him using that surname.
Asssociated: Twitter supporter of @TheRealJTMD and serial bully.@VultureAdderall, @SpazzMatic1267
Address: 7255 West Sunset Road, Unit 1125
Las Vegas, NV 89113
Previous: 3024 Sandbar Court
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Previous: 1116 Nevada Blaze Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV
Previous: 276 1st Ave Apt A,
Rio Dell, CA 95562
Previous: 7563 Edgartown Harbor Street
Las Vegas, NV
Previous: 650 East Azure Avenue, Apt 1031
North Las Vegas, NV 89081
Telephone: (702) 541-7929, (702) 649-6125(Previous), (702) 685-5127 (Previous)
Relatives: Candace Arlene Ciaccio Brogan, Shawnna Ciaccio

Here is one record showing his age at 59 and using the Ciaccio surname.

This is a Google image of the property. 

These people continue in their support for Elizabeth Smith as do others. We will post all of her supporters that we can locate.  In Part B of this posting will be all of the SS we have collected.

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