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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From Beginning To End-Elizabeth Smith Joins The Troll Brigade Of Rive Caedo And Company

(Written in collaboration with Tan, Margaret and Terry. Aaron assisted in the research and structuring of the posting.)

Seems the past never dies. That's why we save our postings. Once again those heinous individuals who harassed, threatened and did harm to our friend LM has returned. This time teamed up with Elizabeth Smith. So we will have to relive the past so all of our present friends can see and know the truth.  (In this post our friend who endures the abuse will be referred to only as LM and not by name).

This situation began in 2009-2010. Our friend LM is a big fan of all types of science fiction. She has been watching that genre of film and television since she was quite young. LM particularly enjoys Star Trek and Star Wars. She participated in several Star Wars and Star Trek roleplaying forums and enjoyed writing fan fiction. She joined a role playing forum named One of the site's administrators was named Rive Caedo. Rebels had a group of members who were extremist Christians. They would bully and harass anyone who disagreed with them. LM was of a more progressive mindset and she was harassed by all of the zealots. When she fought back she was the one banned from the forum by Rive Caedo. He was one of the supposed 'Christians' though whether any of them were true Christians is debatable.

LM knew that she was not the only one who had been bullied on the forum. Other younger members than she had been as well. She looked upon it as a responsibility to warn others away from this forum. Young people in particular are very impressionable and she was afraid someone would be hurt. So she joined another site and set up a blog there. She wrote about her experience on Rebels and advised others not to join there. The bullies from Rebels joined the new forum and began to abuse LM terribly. She was mistreated horribly by this group of miscreants. Her friends joined to help her and went after the Rebels members. From that effort the group Surfers United and the Howlers Den came into being.

LM was a member for awhile as we continued the battles against online bullies. We believe exposing them is the most effective way of eliminating the problem. Bullies that can't hide behind anonymity seem to run away and hide. We exposed other types of Internet wrongdoers as well. Hackers and flamers to name two. Members of and the Third Rail Forum were posted. Eventually the three groups banded together in an attempt to locate us. The only one they were able to find was LM. They posted her personal information and harangued her endlessly. A picture of her disabled daughter was photo shopped and put online in what is considered a hate crime. No one was prosecuted which they certainly should have been. Then her house was broken into and LM had enough. Afraid for the safety of her daughter she left the group and has been gone now from Surfers United for years. Yet they continue to perpetrate the lie that she is the sole member and post her personal info whenever they get the opportunity. Why? Because in their conceit and arrogance they don't want to believe that they were incapable of finding the rest of us. That they've been outsmarted and outfoxed. Which they have been repeatedly.  The rest of us take extraordinary precautions to protect ourselves and they can continue to rattle their frustrated cages.

This situation with Elizabeth Smith allowed them to  come back out and continue the abuse of LM. They want to say she stalks people but who is here interjecting themselves into a situation which has nothing to do with them? Posting pictures that aren't her, ridiculing and lying about it. That picture is just another sad soul they are victimizing with their taunting.  They are the stalkers just as Elizabeth Smith and her pals are. Their protestations that they are the victims just like Smith are hysterically laughable.Every one of them are con artists like her, maligners like her, pathological liars just like her.

We have many postings and many Screen shots to show just what derelicts @j_bongah484 and his pals are. First we'll post all the links then some of the Screen shots. The links and posts contained in them all together show just how long LM has been stalked and abused by these disgusting creeps.

All of the posts above involve our friend LM's harassment at the hands of this group of deviants who wrongfully got it into their minds that she was all of us. Frankly what we think is that they believe that they found someone who couldn't fight back and is alone on the Internet. That they could demean, humiliate, and ridicule into perpetuity. But the fact is that is not so. She is not all of us and could really care less about any of them or what they have to say. It is us who care what they do to her as we consider her our friend.  Let's look at some of their vituperative postings.

These were from when Rebels members chased LM to a new forum. This young man's name is Alex O'Neill See how he thought it was a game to harass and belittle someone. You can also see where he admits he's of age. Kind of shows you what a liar @j_bongoh484 is doesn't it? Right from the abusers mouth. LM set him up. Said he was acting like the little kid that he was. He responded with the truth.


In the following ones our friend LM is threatened with being shot. In the first one it shows someone saying lets go pick on Jianna (Jianna was her username) to bring the site views. They had hundreds of posting onsite ridiculing and demeaning her. 

Many of the posts above, in particular all the Just A Howler ones are from the person who is going by the Twitter handle @j_bongoh484. As you can see from all of these postings he is just another of  the malicious animals who has stalked and abused our friend LM for years. This is who Smith and her friends have aligned themselves with. The putrid scum of the earth.

Our friend LM is a wonderful person. At one time she had an excellent career. Then her daughter had two strokes during the birth process and was born severely disabled. Her daughter's father didn't want her. LM chose to give up her career and raise this child by herself. Her daughter is a wonderful young woman who requires total care. Our friend has been caring for her by herself for 21 years. In our opinion she is an extremely courageous woman who deserves to be applauded for what she has done. She also works which makes things even more difficult.

They have not always been well off, but her daughter needed her mother to be at home not working long hours so they could be more prosperous. She required time, love and attention more than money or the 'things' it brings. That @WorldOfDebb makes fun of her home shows just what a disgusting piece of shit he is. Some insist he is a she. That just shows he is such a coward he chooses to even hide his sex so can't be identified. His tweets are obscene and perverted. Because that's what he is. A perverse, yellow bellied coward. A piece of human offal who makes us all want to vomit.

Our friend LM however is someone to be treated with respect. To us saying that we're her is a compliment. We would be proud to be her.  Notice that in one of her tweets Smith rails about her disabled brother. Just as she has racists among her supporters so she has teamed up with those who commited civil rights violations against a disabled person. Her hypocrisy is unending and astounding. She truly does disgust us as much as JustAHowler/j_bongoh484 and the rest of the tormentors of our friend do. Please read all of the links posted here if possible. You will be truly enlightened as to how dysfunctional and distasteful these people are.

Now we can go back to Smith for a few moments. We received information regarding her once again. Permission was given to post what we were sent as well. They are in the blog comments but we will repost them here in plain view. It is the proof that Smith is lying about Mary Ellen Mark and knowing Tiny from the Streewise documentary.  Apparently she started a Streetwise group about three months ago and tried to claim she knew them. Which is not the truth. She never knew any of them and her claims are her usual pathological lies. The group she started split and a second group was formed. Smith has systematically been stalking it's members. This did not surprise us in the least. It seems to be her modus operandi. When she is rejected she retaliates by stalking people and creating false stories about them. She truly is a twisted individual.

1. Kelly Vick has left a new comment on your post "Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniTookMyDoll (Previously @T...": 

Please contact me @ ----------I started a Streetwise group on Facebook after Beth kicked me out 2 months ago for asking her if she was writing a book. That is when shit hit the fan! I grew up on the streets of Seattle and I personally know everybody in that documentary! Beth is nothing but a damn liar and is trying to exploit every one of us. I would love to help you expose this woman as best I can.

2. Kelly Vick has left a new comment on your post "Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniTookMyDoll (Previously @T...": 

I believe there are cyber harassment laws in Florida. Maybe everyone should get together and have her arrested then file a civil suit against her.

3. Kelly Vick has left a new comment on your post "Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniTookMyDoll (Previously @T...": 

After reading further down in your posts about Streetwise and Erin Blackwell Aka "Tiny" and Bridgette I can honestly tell you that Beth DOES NOT personally know either of these women! I grew up with both of them and have remained friends with Tiny for over 30 years! Beth started her Facebook Streetwise group 3 months ago and Tiny has posted once in it. I continue to monitor Beth's Streetwise group under a false name so that if ANY of my friends from my childhood join it I can warn them about her. We were ALL exploited as children and I will not allow her to do it to us as adults! I have and will continue to report this woman to whoever I can until she is shut down! She is a liar, bully and a stalker she deserves nothing! If she thinks she is going to somehow get in the limelight by exploiting any of us she is wrong! If she thinks she is going to write an unauthorized book about us without our permission she is wrong and will be sued by each and everyone of us! You have to remember I personally know everybody in the documentary "Streetwise" this is my family she is messing with! She will feel the wrath of me! I have also been in contact with Mary Ellen Mark in regards to this woman. She is making herself look like a fool!

4. Kelly VickKelly Vick has left a new comment on your post "Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniTookMyDoll (Previously @T...": 

Good lord this woman it something else.She is ALWAYS up at 5am and uses it as an excuse for something stupid she has done! Is she on DRUGS? That would explain her abusive behavior! I was in her "Streetwise" group a while back and she banned me because I asked her if she was writing a book. She then proceed to Facebook stalk and bully myself and ALL my friends who left her group. She pissed me off so I started my own Streetwise group with actual REAL people from the documentary and street kids from that era that I personally know. She got jealous about my group because all my friends left hers and came to mine. She then let accusations fly and told everyone that I manipulated all these people who were my friends into leaving her group and joining mine. REALLY BETH? What are we in grade school. Grow up! This lady is nuts as f*** and has to be on drugs! I eventually blocked her from all 8 of my husband and my Facebook accounts. She then started leaving messages on you tube posts. Geez she really needs to get a life and stay out of ours!. 
Kelly Vick

As you can see someone else wishes to sue Smith for all the terrible deeds she has engaged in. Her lies are stupendous, made to make her feel superior to others. It seems she will pick whatever cause she thinks will bring her the fame she craves. Look at the screenshots of the Rebels members. Willing to harass someone just to get 'views' for their forum. They say that 'birds of a feather flock together' and that adage is very true in this case.

Rive Caedo, Just Another Howler, the rest of the Rebels members along with the hackers and flamers all crave attention. Just as Smith does. Not one has a conscience or any form of ethical compass.  Anyone who supports or follows them on Twitter  is just as bad as they are. We will post as many as we can find.

First this is a friend of @WorldOfDebb. He tried to deny that this was a person and said they were only a pseudonym for the book they self published. The facts are he is indeed a separate individual. We also believe that Debb's name may be Mark P. We continue to work on locating him.

1. Name: Kevin Bruce
Associated: @WorldOfDebb fellow writer and friend (Lines of Repulsion)
Address: 93 Summer Avenue
Reading, MA 01867
Previous: 85 Bolton Street, Unit 3
Boston, MA 02127
Previous: 1056 Beacon Street, Apt. 4 (Some sources list 456)
Brookline, MA.02115
Previous: 200 Massmills Drive
Lowell, MA 01852
Telephone: (978) 886-5119
Relatives: Carol, Leslie

Because they decided to interject themselves into this, once again we are posting another Rebels member. Funny how they stated how quiet it had been and now they had found us again. Could it be the Rebels site needs new members once again?  They yearn for attention? Well here's a little.

2. Name: Andrew Beddow
Associated:, Username: Lord Invictus
Address: 2358 Carousel Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44145-3000
Telephone: (216) 778-3030
Relatives: Timothy D Beddow, Doreen M. Beddow, Meghan Beddow, Kathleen Beddow

More information will be added here tomorrow. We are verifying other individuals we have located at present.

So in closing for this post if you align yourselves with either @j_bongoh484 or Elizabeth Smith then you may consider yourself a heinous individual just as they are. To support or be friends with someone like them is to agree with what they do. Both of them have very serious issues. To make yourself part of their abusive rampage is to be lacking in morality So choose how you want to live and how you want to act on social media. How you want to be perceived. Are you a bully or a maligning, malicious, malevolent person. The decision is yours alone to decide.

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