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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Wacky Woofers Are Imploding Or So It Seems

(This posting is written by Michelle, Tan, Terry, Margaret and Jeremy with input from Aaron) (We also thank all those whose information and assistance made this post possible. Kudos to you!)

Hello everyone once again, it's Michelle and company posting to y'all. We're going to begin today with some information which will help everyone to have a better understanding of the truth involved in this situation. Elizabeth Smith is always posting that she is going to sue everyone and that she has a lawyer, a detective and a police report. None of those things can be true. Let's go over this a bit shall we?

First what the Howlers Den does is not illegal. We have explained that on many occasions but will go over it again. It is ILLEGAL to post people's Social Security numbers, their medical insurance numbers, their credit card numbers and the like. It is not illegal to post names, addresses, emails, telephone numbers or their relatives. That is a fallacy. Smith is entirely wrong about that. It is also not against Google/Blogger's Terms of Service if it has already been posted in the public domain. Which is what we do. Post information that is available in the public domain. Nothing we do is criminal in any manner. You might not like it, but it isn't criminal.

Secondly. Smith insists she has an attorney. No attorney would allow her to remain on Twitter continuing to taint her own case as she has done. Every time she posts a new Tweet or Twitlonger at any of those she says are harassing her, she undermines herself and their ability to put forth a viable legal presentation before a civil court.  They would advise her to not engage those she is litigating against in any manner. To not discuss the case with any third party who could be subpoenaed as a witness for the defendants. To not contact any of the litigants by telephone or email. Messages left on calls that are willingly made can be used as evidence against her as well. That they reveal she is irrevocably the harasser not the harassed.

Sending mail which could also be construed as harassment would also not be acceptable to any attorney. Only one page with a cease and desist document should be sent and that is not legally binding in any court. It is a warning for the individual to not continue engaging in behavior the sender considers harmful to them. It is not a legally obtained restraining order of any type which must be signed by a judge. Elizabeth Smith has in fact violated all of the above. Therefore any case she believes she has would be considered moot. There is no way any attorney could win such a case. This is why we believe that she does not have an attorney. The same would be true for the police. They would not allow her to continue to engage with anyone involved as they investigate. She insists she has a police report which we also do not believe for those same reasons.

Smith has an erroneous view of legal documents. Legal documents are served. Usually by a sheriff who represents the court in ensuring that an individual receives the documentation to appear. A summons which can be sent in the mail is sent FROM A COURT not an individual's address. Beth keeps saying she is sending legal documents. That is not the truth. They are not legal documents in any manner.

Thirdly Smith is now telling downright falsehoods. It is not a criminal nor a civil offense to tweet, retweet or follow any member of the Howlers Den. That is just her trying to get people to unfollow us. People have every right to do so if they choose. She keeps saying she has a lawsuit against us. Where are the real court papers then? Why haven't they been served? Why is there no filing? All such proceedings are public record under Florida's Sunshine Laws. There is no such suit pending.

Lastly on the legalities. Beth wants everyone to believe she has a slam dunk case of some type. That could not be further from the truth. There is a premise under the law which is applicable to this situation. It is called the "Clean Hands Doctrine".

This means that when a Plaintiff comes to court certain things can not be true. The individual can not have engaged in any form of wrongdoing themselves involving the matter before the court. Smith, Dominic Brogan, Kat Fowler and others have been abusing, harassing, bullying and attempting to intimidate others for a long time. In fact they have been the the aggressors going back to at least 2011 that we know of. They have engaged in all of the wrongful behaviors that she is accusing the defendants of committing. False hate accounts, harassment, sending unsolicited mail, calling people's homes and businesses.  There is a huge amount of evidence consisting of hundreds of tweets and other documentation to prove it.

On her side however there is no proof whatsoever. a.That we have done anything illegal. Or any of those she says she is suing  b. That we or anyone she is suing is responsible for the hate accounts calling her husband and deceased stepdaughter names. c. That we or others involved are calling her house or threatening her in any manner. Because none of us are doing so. A subpoena for the IP addresses involved and a comparison to the defendants will show by the preponderance of the evidence that no one being sued is involved. The same is not true on her side. The evidence is overwhelming against her. Also libel/slander must be false to be considered such. The only falsehoods have been told by her.

Elizabeth Smith has 'filthy hands' and all on the other side have 'clean hands'. That is the facts. Therefore she has no case. No litigation  filed by her will prevail. It is also unlikely that any attorney would take such a case with the concept of not paying any money until the case is decided would apply. It will cost her a great deal of time, effort and money for nothing. Certainly once a judge sees hundreds of screen captures showing her guilt in this matter it is likely her case will be thrown out on the 'clean hands doctrine'. On a countersuit however a judge might very well decide on behalf of the defendants. The court might not only issue an order with a monetary remedy but also award them attorney fees as well. To read further see the following-

Therefore no one should fear anything Elizabeth Smith has to say or threatens that she is doing. It is nothing but a menagerie of deceptions riddled with lies. She has no case and never will. She had better pray however that the others decide not to file against her. Because she will lose substantially. We have no doubt of it whatsoever.

That addresses the legal matters at hand and now down to the rest. It seems the "Wacky Woofers" are imploding. It appears that Dominic Ciaccio Brogan has turned on his 'friend' Beth and we have the SS to prove it. Also some that show what vicious, nasty people the two of them and their friends are. Now that the going is tough and they aren't at the top of the dog pile any longer they can't sell one another out fast enough. Here goes-

Seems the discontent has set in.....

The infighting continues on with AV stating that Jani has also created and used fake accounts which she and he both denied doing previously. Revealed as a liar once again.

Here are more and in two she says that she was fired from her salon job. She is still insisting it can't be AV though it is. How dare he be upset at her? Oh my.

In these next ones Smith continues blaming everyone but herself for her bad behavior. She continues the lies that people used her daughter's death against her which is not the truth. No one has exploited her daughter's death for attention more than Smith herself. She should be totally ashamed.

More of the same- AV is also HelmetHead001. Here he and Smith are arguing again. In the first she says that people looked up and tweeted an article on her stepdaughter's death. Well she speaks of it constantly. Why would people not want to see it, considering how much she lies. In the last one she threatens AV if it is true that he is selling her out.... Oh how wonderful to blackmail your ex-pals.

In these as we can see AV makes fun of Smith's book. HeatherIAM shows how vain she is as she insists jealousy got her posted on the Den. Misha's jealousy. We will be the first to say it. Sorry Heather no one is jealous of you so get off the high horse of conceit. You're posted because you support a bully and harasser. Nothing more. 

She also accuses people of being who they aren't and not being who they say that they are. Smith is truly delusional.

Now we come to the end. Look at the tweet from  @WorldOfDebb. This truly shows what kind of sick people Elizabeth Smith hangs around with, is herself, yet falsely accuses others of being. She is just to far out there to realize it.

To reiterate, Elizabeth Smith falsely believes that she has a viable lawsuit, when the truth is that she does not. In fact the defendants she might sue are the ones who have the litigious right on their side. She and her friends are vain, perverse, disloyal to one another, lie constantly and don't care who they hurt or accuse falsely. Both Mr. Jeremy Arnold and Misha have good cases against Smith as they are in no way connected to the Howlers Den. When that is proven in court and it will be, not only will she be shown to be a fool, her irrational behavior could well make a judge send her for observation.

Smith's lies such as that anyone connected to the Howlers Den are committing a crime are laughable. A pitiful attempt to get people to not support us. Dominic Ciaccio Brogan's sudden change of heart is for nothing other than self serving reasons. He sold her out without blinking. Unfortunately his information will never be removed from the Den postings. Nor will hers.

 The two of them and their 'friends' (If you consider back stabbers friends) are too malicious to let others not be aware of. In fact they should all wear signs that say 'BEWARE: STAY AWAY WE'RE BULLIES' like courts sometimes order for punishment of criminal offenses.

We would bet that AV hasn't changed not even a little nor will Smith ever do so. Neither of them are capable of change. Or the rest of the group.  Not even a little bit. Beth says those who retweet or follow us are criminals. Again with the hypocrisy. She is the bully and harasser not anyone else. What does that make her so called 'tweeps'? The same as her? She and they are twisted and misguided. A shameless crew of nasty individuals without honor or morals.

We have a new posting and two people to repost.

Name: Michelle McCann Crombie Twitter: @croms16
Associated: supporter of Elizabeth Smith @JaniStoleBB16
Address: 302C Partridge Hill Road
Charlton, MA 01507-6704
Previous: 7 Lakeshore Drive
Bellingham, MA. 02109
Previous: 354 Quarry Street
Quincy, MA 02169
Telephone: (508) 248-0652
Relative: David K Crombie

We are reposting this individual as they suddenly appear to be supporting Smith. Instead of just allowing her information to fade into the blog archives her support now makes it so that she needs to be reposted in the present.

Name: Aimee Jumonville Hollier Twitter: @Cajunbubbles1
Associated: Supporter of Elizabeth Smith @JaniStoleBB16
Address: 220 Stags Leap Lane
Broussard, LA 70518
Previous: 210 Sleepy Hollow Drive
Lafayette, LA 70506
Previous: 1063 Melancon Drive
Breaux Bridge, LA 70517
Telephone: (337) 837-6535
EMail: None available at present
Relatives: Scott Hollier, Andrew Jumonville, Jacqueline Hollier

Lastly we will repost Dominic Brogan. His disgusting game playing with everyone deserves a replay. His attempt to get his information removed is lame. What he did to Lin whom we greatly respect will never be forgiven or forgotten. In fact those tweets to Jeremy Laughlin who is in fact not Lin were sent to the Twitter Legal Counsel. Classified as threats.  If we can we will have all of his other accounts located and suspended as well. Lin has been advised to file a police report with both her local and the Las Vegas authorities. His disgusting threats should not go unreported. He is an abomination. he insists his age is wrong. But we have numerous records that place his age at 59.

Name: Dominic Brogan AKA Gerald Dominic Brogan. One source also states Gerald Tomlinson. He also sometimes uses his wife's maiden name and goes by Dominic Ciaccio. There are records of him using that surname.
Asssociated: Twitter supporter of @TheRealJTMD and serial bully.@VultureAdderall, @SpazzMatic1267, @HelmetHead001, LaDMFDah1267
Address: 7255 West Sunset Road, Unit 1125
Las Vegas, NV 89113
Previous: 3024 Sandbar Court
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Previous: 1116 Nevada Blaze Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV
Previous: 276 1st Ave Apt A,
Rio Dell, CA 95562
Previous: 7563 Edgartown Harbor Street
Las Vegas, NV
Previous: 650 East Azure Avenue, Apt 1031
North Las Vegas, NV 89081
Telephone: (702) 541-7929, (702) 649-6125(Previous), (702) 685-5127 (Previous)
Relatives: Candace Arlene Ciaccio Brogan, Shawnna Ciaccio

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