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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Beth Smith Tapes And A Surprising New Supporter

One of the people that Elizabeth Smith has harassed the most named Misha is allowing us to post some of the Voice Mails that Smith left for her. They are all harassing and threatening. They give a clear view into Smith's twisted mind and show her for the harasser and stalker that she really is.

We are proud that Misha has chosen to expose these incidents of Elizabeth Smith's perverted, vicious behavior and we applaud her courage in doing so. In our opinion and this is a subject we have extensive knowledge in, Ms. Smith should have been arrested for uttering threats long ago. She even suggests that she will go to Misha's home. Why the local Florida authorities have not acted against this obviously disturbed individual is extremely puzzling to us. Because they most certainly should have long before now.


In comparison to Misha's courage we have someone who caved in to Smith's twisted persuasion. Smith does create parody accounts as Suzie Patterson proved to us. She was also the one who told us the story of Jennifer Lynn Mahone Thompson whom we wrote about in our last posting. We had clear SS that came from Facebook not faked ones. SS that had in fact been turned into the authorities. (Smith has been turned into the police on numerous occasions from different states)

Thompson had been endlessly harassed by Smith in a vicious and terrible way regarding her weight. We did not know until after the post's publication that she had in fact sold out and become a supporter of Smith. She is now on Twitter denying that she was harassed or abused by Elizabeth Smith. She states that she never tried to kill herself.

Why she would join her abuser in abusing others is a profound question. It is either that or it is another 'created fake or parody account'. We are not certain which but will act accordingly for the time being. What is true however is that the SS speak for themselves. They are real and show a pattern of extremely abusive behavior, bullying and stalking by Smith. There is no doubt about it.  Thompson's denials do not change the evidence.  Perhaps her self-esteem is so low that negative attention is preferable to none. What a sad commentary that is. When someone as sick as Smith can garner support from someone she has so badly and malevolently harassed. We must say that tonight we pity Ms. Mahone Thompson that she would lower herself to such a gutter level to gain acceptance.

But because Thompson has now joined in with Beth's crew of abusers she will be posted along with them. So here goes.

Name: Jennifer Lynn Mahone Thompson Twitter: @sweetangeljenny (definitely no angel here)
Associated: Supporter of Elizabeth Smith and fellow abuser.
Address: 7625 Wright Circle
Jonesboro, GA 30236
Previous: 2070 Lake Harlin Road
Morrow, GA 30260
Telephone: (678) 610-2559, (Previous) (770) 703-1189
Relatives: Vickie Mahone, Phillip Thompson, George Gruber, Linda Kincaid, Michael Gruber, Marie Gruber, Kathy Jenkins


Kelly Vick said...

I am so glad ALL this stuff is coming out. Jani's world is going to come crashing down around her.

Unknown said...

please remove my information.. im begging you.. just tell me what you want me to do

Bellabeautifulllll said...

JESUS people still hating on fat cheesecKe jani lmao too funny

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