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Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Jani and Friends Archives Part I

The Bear blog is saying that we don't post proof concerning Elizabeth Smith and her friends' wrongdoing on Twitter and other social media venues. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have put up dozens of screenshots concerning them since we began posting about this situation.

Also Beth and the others continue to have followers though considering how they behave, people should be dropping them in droves. Part of the issue we think is that the whole panorama of what they've done has never all been in one place before. It is in multiple posts spread out in the blog archives. So we will put them all together in one or two posts. Then anyone who wishes to can look upon this group of nasty people's malicious cruelty in one reading. It might help some to see that they are not the individuals a good person should be following. We will also post screenshots of the Bear and his friend's vitriol so he can be seen for what he is. Someone just like Smith who is not deserving of any form of respect.

Let's open the floodgates so no one has any further doubt about the dark place all of them reside in. Where bullying, character assassination, harassment, cruelty, malevolence, spitefulness, meanness and unkindness are their way of life.

So let's begin with the posting of as many screenshots as possible.

These are just the beginning and not even close to the most offensive one. Most of the above are Smith selling out other people to try and benefit herself. Trying to manipulate as she does everyone to get her way. Without thought for anyone other than herself.  Her supporters should keep that clearly in the front of their minds. The screenshots to come are far worse and far more vicious.

This is as stated just a fraction of the screen shots we have concerning Elizabeth Smith and her friends. These are far from the worst of them, those are still to come. But these are a beginning at showing her and their malice and abusive behavior. The fabrications concerning people and in particular Smith's delusionary self opinion and egotism. Much more hate filled ones will be in the next segment.  They aren't in order, people will need to browse them to locate what they are searching for but they will be all in a few postings making them easier to find and us.

The next installment will be up soon until we have a completed archive of screenshots. It will be open to additions. The sidebar now has it's first link and under it is a listing of handle changes for Smith and her friends. Also expect more postings of information as Smith and friends supporters will continue to be located and exposed.

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