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Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Jani And Friends Archives Part III

There seems to have been a little bit of debate about our paragraph regarding someone who goes by the Twitter handle @patseapatsy. She of course objected to being identified as one of Beth's minions and that at times she was offensive to people. There were some who supported her and some who said that we are correct. We were willing to post screenshots of both sides allowing the readers to make up their minds. But then @patseapatsy went on a bit of a rampage regarding us and blew any possibility that the paragraph would be removed/or that we would post both sides. So things remain as are and we will continue our posting of screenshots involving Elizabeth Smith and her cohorts.

We still have hundreds of screenshots so it will take several posts to include ALL of them which we fully intend to do. Then people keep sending more now and they will be posted as well. Seems Smith has made herself many enemies who want their day of reckoning for her behavior towards them and we will make certain they have it.

We'll allow the reckoning to begin with the posts involving Susie Patterson. You can look for yourselves at Smith's absolute cruelty and malice in this particular situation.

Here are more concerning this situation. Some are typed for a police report. The irony is she makes fun of someone's weight when she is extremely overweight herself. How pitiful is that?

There is no excuse, no rationalization, no good reason for Smith's behavior in this matter. She bullied and picked on someone. When confronted regarding her behavior she grew even more belligerent, harassing, stalking, creating fake accounts to make fun of, engaging in abject cruelty and malevolence. These SS show clearly how twisted, warped and sick Ms. Smith truly is. Beyond the shadow of a doubt. Let us continue with more SS.

I know we have already posted this one but it can not be emphasized enough. It shows so much the evil mind of this woman that it must be posted again and again. 

Then we see her lies and denials. All of which ring hollow as in different places she admits to different things then tries to deny it when called out on the illegality of her actions.

No one believes of course that Smith got death threats and that lie is merely to try and validate her illegal activities. These next few are hilarious as she claims to have gotten the blog taken down. When of course it was not her at all. It was a group of offended sheriffs. But freedom of speech wins again and we are up of course. 

Her denials concerning fake accts which she still engages in to hurt people were also exposed.
More.... all narcissistic in nature regarding her looks as in comparison to others and her supposed 'fame' which is absurd. Famous for being a bully? A stalker? A harasser? A twisted and sick person? Wow that's a grand kind of fame isn't it?

Everyone is stalking her, jealous of her, wants to be her and so forth. None of which of course is true and it is the other way around. She is the stalker, the hater, the malice weaver.

She always says if you don't like what I say block me. But she refuses to do the same. As soon as someone says something about her she goes after them. It's the do as I say not as I do adage she follows. The hypocrisy of it is so amusing as to leave people in stunned disbelief. The two SS below show the difference in what she thinks her 'rights' are and what other people's are in regards to her.

Again with the delusions of fame while everyone else are 'hags'.

Now with more general ones once again which show her nasty personality beyond question. Also her threats to call the police which we know for a fact all added up to a big nothing as the police realized she was the one who was in need of help.

The SS below shows the side of Patseapatsy once again that isn't so 'innocent'.  Or 'above' everyone else as she likes to try and portray. The second shows Beth's usual false accusations against people.

Even though she's harassing people she thinks they should apologize to her.

More I'm 'better than' @Patseapatsy participating along with Smith and on her own. Oh but she's so innocent and 'above the fray?' Not that is really a joke.

Now we have @shottytalk whom we posted and Smith.

Again we have lies concerning Streetwise which we previously revealed but are relevant as she continues to attempt to destroy individuals who are part of the Streetwise group by maligning them. In fact a new website is up disputing any and all of her claims in this matter by a true member of the people who lived in the Streets of Seattle and the documentary is based upon. 

Smith never did and could not have known Tiny. These posts are lies and these are stolen pictures she is using for her own devices. Smith would have been a child at this time or a teenager and freely posts that she comes from Philadelphia which is no where near Seattle. The absurdity of the lies does not seem to affect her and she continues to post them. As stated in the earlier post Mary Ellen Mark made her give the true credit for at least one picture she stole. Just as she did the Titanic pictures and tried to claim they were taken by and sent to her by a friend. Elizabeth Smith is a THIEF of other people's work and should have long ago been arrested for it.

As previously stated all copyrights in the United States go through the Library of Congress. Watermarking something does not make it yours. It belongs to the creator, photographer, writer etc. If proven that the poster has stolen it they can be arrested and charged with a crime. That is federal law. Beth's Law of I steal what I please, watermark it and claim it's mine is her delusional thought process not the true statute involving photograph ownership.

More of her insanity.... Our member Jeremy is not Darren Sharp or Jeremy Arnold. She has played that false song over and over. She has no idea who he is and never will. There are reasons for that she can never comprehend.

Here a Marcus Zahn states that Beth turned us against him which she didn't but that isn't the point. Fact is she did indeed attempt to influence our posts against people she hated. Yet when it was truly shown she was as big a bully and bigger than the others she of course changed her tune. Suddenly her glee turned to it's 'horrible'. Horrible that she was exposed for the bully SHE is.

She also knew completely that @WorldofDebb was not a black woman at all but as we have shone a white man trolling as a black woman. They have been friends for a long time and there is no doubt she knew and lied about it repeatedly.

Though she supposedly decries racism no one engages in more of it than Mark Morin yet as long as he defended, protected and engaged in her maliciousness she looked the other way. In fact she encouraged him.

She then has the hypocrisy to accuse someone else who is black of not being so. The twisted and warped nature of this woman is nauseating.

Again we are not finished. There are still many more to go before the archives are complete. But these are all more examples of Smith and her friends aberrant behavior. Lying, false accusations, bullying, stealing pictures, cruelty and maliciousness. This is what Elizabeth Smith and her friends are all about.

To be continued.....

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