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Monday, October 17, 2016

The Trump Chronicles: Totally Unfit To Be President Special Edition

We have been doing a great deal of posting regarding Donald Trump. He is of course very far from fit to be President of the United States. Not only does his treatment of women disqualify him but so does his temperament, his constant untruthfulness, his lack of understanding of foreign policy and other important issues. That is only a few issues, the full litany of reasons would take up the whole posting.

There was a comment by Hillary Clinton regarding Donald Trump's supporters coming from a basket of deplorables back in September.

Soon afterwards under pressure she walked back those remarks.

But what in fact is the truth of the matter? Who are many of these Trump supporters? First we look at what Hillary really said. She in fact pointed out that many were people disgusted with government and how their everyday lives are going at present. She invited them to join her.

But is her estimation of Trump supporters totally wrong? We say no she is not and in fact is primarily if not totally correct. Our conflict with her is more with the percentage of individuals she stated. Fifty percent is high in our estimation but not too far off the track. We would judge at least thirty percent fit that profile of Americans who support Donald Trump. That is from our own years on many sites exposing racists, homophobes, and other sundry such individuals in our society.

Then there are the acts of violence which we will get to in short order. But first we would like to give our own take on what we see among Donald Trump's supporters.

Just say that since the inception of your nation you have been among the group in charge. The group that makes all the decisions, holds all the power, has ALWAYS except for once been the leadership of your country. That one person who has broken the mold you hate. He is a precursor of a future you fear and do not want.

 You hold the primary financial strings as well. Wealth and power have all been yours for generations. Then as time goes on that situation begins to erode. Other demographic groups begin to grow both by birth and immigration. The gender who has not been in power gains some influence. You see rights being given to people whose lifestyles you disapprove of. Your employment is not as secure. Due both to financial concerns and people not like you moving up the ladder of success more easily. Your life seems influx and it makes you uncomfortable. Makes you squirm. You are fearful. Frightened of what the future will bring.

Many of these people are just concerned about the direction the nation is taking that DOES NOT benefit them for the future. Will they have a seat at the table in a more diverse society where the power and control is more dispersed? Some of this is just concern and the race, sex of the people you're concerned about taking your place is incidental. Some is more unconscious bias.

Studies clearly show that such biases exist in our society and need to be countered. All the the above character aspects belong to a group of Trump supporters who are not bad people but just misguided. Misguided in their belief that he is the one to help them understand and navigate the changes coming to our nation and society. Changes that will not be turned back and they must come to deal with, accept and live with. Trump full of his own far more blatantly obvious resentments, hatreds, prejudices, biases and disgraceful behavior can not help them. But yet this group can not see that truth. Some just refuse to though in their hearts they know the truth It is a sad reflection on how we sometimes are our own worst enemy.

Primarily it has been shown in the links above that these voters are white, uneducated working class people. People who once had health insurance, good jobs in factories or other service type industries. Jobs that supported their families and made them feel secure. What they want is the 1950's "Leave It To Beaver" days back again. Where life was simple. Women were at home taking care of children while men worked. Minorities 'knew their place'. Immigrants weren't a major issue. Members of the gay and LGBT community were still closeted. None of the changes of the present affected them then and they want those days to return. But they are not coming back. Those days are gone and for many who experienced NOT being in power it is past time for the changes. It is their time for a place at the table with those who have kept it and the bountiful meal that remains America to themselves for so long.

Instead of looking for an appropriate solution, these people have latched on to a scam artist, Donald Trump. A man who keeps telling them he can 'Make America Great Again'. But it is already great. As we get rid of our prejudices and move forward in equality for all we become GREATER. Not LESSER as he would have people believe. His outrageous histrionics about America falling apart are totally craven untruths meant only to secure votes. But to those who already believe their world is (though it really isn't) he makes perfect sense. His own very serious issues make it impossible for him to do anything to help America improve in any manner. This group of voters needs to look far beyond Trump for legitimate, reasonable, rational solutions. We pray they will before election day.

Besides that large group of voters is another large one. These are those people Hillary was talking about in her 'basket of deplorables' speech. As stated from our estimation they make up at least 30 percent of the Trump voting bloc. They are the abject racists, sexists, homophobes, bigots, and violent revolutionaries among his supporters. Now as they see him falling behind they are truly revealing themselves for what they are. Trump of course does his commercials with elderly people, average looking workers, etc saying "Am I deplorable?".  But it is what those campaign ads DO NOT show that is truly important.

Trump's campaign manager Stephen Bannon is one of the 'leaders' of this group. A true hate monger and racist. He is now the publisher and owner of the Breitbart News website which will come into play in this posting soon. He has long been a controversial figure and is in fact whom Hillary Clinton was speaking about in her speech concerning the alt-right in America. The alt-right is just a European style of racist/sexist rhetoric and actions that has become a part of the already flourishing racist ideology in America. It was important to explain because Bannon was one of those who helped make it popular here in the United States. If possible he is even more of a conspiracy theorist than Trump himself.

Bannon even brags that he has turned Breitbart News into a safe haven for white nationalists.

Bannon as the head cheerleader both for Trump and the white nationalist movement has gone even further. The racist overtones are no longer deniable undertones. He is allowing Breitbart News to be used to foment hatred, violence and revolution. Many of the Trump supporters also deny they are violent but that is definitively not so. Much of the violence began long before now. If you look at the links they cover a wide space of time almost from the beginning of Trump's campaign for the Presidency.

Trump along with Bannon encourages this type of violence. Much of what is below are videos in Trump's own words.

Now a Trump/GOP office in North Carolina has been firebombed. No one agrees with such activities they are clearly criminal. If the individual/individuals are caught they should be arrested, charged, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sentenced to the severest sentence possible. Such an attack is an attack on our democracy as a whole. As are the attacks listed above. They are all clearly un-American. But we see a distinct difference in how the situations have been handled. Trump cheers on the violence at and surrounding his rallies and rhetoric while Hillary Clinton clearly condemns it though there is NO PROOF her supporters had anything to do with what occurred. Trump of course immediately blamed her without evidence as he does with all of his 'shadowy conspiracies'.

The worst of the Trump rhetoric continues to be that the election is rigged which is not the truth. He is whipping his supporters into a frenzy and they are fomenting violence, revolution and sedition. The two latter are still crimes in the United States and many of them should be investigated. There are even calls to assassinate Hillary Clinton and every single one of those making such threats should be arrested immediately. Every individual we can locate making such statements will be turned over to the authorities.

We take note that Mike Pence the Vice Presidential candidate has refuted such remarks. Other Republicans such as Paul Ryan have as well and stated that the election is not rigged. But neither Trump or his attack dog Stephen Bannon. Notice in the third link above concerning the North Carolina bombing Bannon condems it but not the violence promoted on his own website fomenting sedition. A little more information concerning this 'man' who is truly as disgusting as Trump if not more so is below.

Donald Trump and Stephen Bannon make up the perfect team of conspiracy theorist, hate mongering, racist, homophobic, sexist, bigoted, misogynistic, sociopathic disgusting individuals. They have no morals, ethics, integrity or honor. They have aligned themselves with many others of like mind to create a firestorm in our nation. A firestorm of what could become extreme violence and bloodshed.

The screenshots below were all taken from the Breitbart News Website
They all show the violence, hatred, bigotry and prejudices of many who support Trump and follow the philosophy of Bannon. We were shocked by what we found there and so should everyone else be.

This is only a very small sampling from Breitbart News. Here they post about killing Obama, Clinton, those Republicans they think betrayed them and anyone who does not agree with them. This is what Stephen Bannon is all about. Destruction of America as we know it even if by hands covered in the blood of his fellow citizens. Trump stands with him or he would be clearly and strongly condemning what is being said and posted. But he is not. They are alike in both heart and mind. His candidacy is an unholy blemish on the history of our electoral politics. Both Trump and Bannon are twisted, perverse individuals who belong no where near our White House or government institutions of any kind. Those who have posted above are the same. Can we say they do not belong in that basket of deplorables? What a truly sad time for the United States we are enduring. But these forces of darkness that Bannon and Trump represent must be soundly defeated. The rest of us must show them how it is done. At the ballot box, not with guillotines, electric chairs or bullets. With our reason and our vote as we have done since the beginning of our Republic.

This man can not be left with his information unposted. If there is election violence we all have the right to know where he lives though he has worked very hard to hide it.

Name: Stephen Bannon
Associated: Donald Trump campaign manager and owner/editor of Breitbart News He has more than one address and owns more than one property.
Addresses: Business: 8383 Wiltshire Boulevard #1000
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Residence: a. 1794 Opechee Drive
Miami, FL 33133
b. (secondary) 7413 Mangrum Drive
Moseley, VA 23120
c. 2810 Ocean Drive
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Previous: 1669 Onaway Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Telephone: (310) 545-3615, (310) 508-0220 (Breitbart) (949) 715-5259, (501) 582-4883
Relatives: Maureen Bannon, Cathleen Bannon Jordan


Anonymous said...

You sir are moronic. I hope you are the first person to be drafted to fight Hillary's war!

Aaron Spellman said...

Two of our members have already fought sir in the Bush Wars. Hillary will be far more cautious than Trump who is clueless. Who by the way had DEFERMENTS for Vietnam like many wealthy young men. He did not serve his country as so many others DID

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