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Friday, September 20, 2013

Finally....Good Riddance Big Brother 15 And It's Worst Winner Yet Andrew Herren

Wednesday saw the culmination of the worst Big Brother season ever. Or so the two SU members who watch it semi-regularly informed me. First, I was told none of them knew really how to play strategically. There were no Mike Boogies, Dr. Will's or Evil Dicks in this crew.

What we had was a group of weak players who floated along, unable to make the big moves. How many times did we hear that they couldn't go against the house? Once the controversy started we purchased the live feeds and saw it all for ourselves. This bunch constantly gave in to peer pressure when it came to nominations and whom they voted to oust. No one wanted to go against the will of the other House Guests. Yet the best players from seasons past did just that. (Or so I'm told.)

Besides being weak in the decision making category they were also devoid of strength in terms of character. In our opinion it is odd in 2013 to have so many racists and bigots in what is a relatively small group of individuals. Aaryn, Spencer, Gina Marie and Amanda all made remarks that were racist, bigoted or homophobic. Andy went along with them. He is fact was the primary spewer of a great deal of other types of vitriol. Such as a seemingly prejudiced attitude towards those who are well off such as Elissa. As stated we watched the live feeds and saw none of Andy's insistence that Elissa was arrogant about her wealth. He continually made fun of her and others in the house such as Candice. His continual finding fault with everyone but himself grew tiresome. If anyone was arrogant (even in his closing) it was Andy. For someone who lied continually because they didn't have the guts to be honest he was remarkably narcissistic.

The bed flipping incident and Amanda's bullying of Elissa should have brought expulsions from the show. But the producers though feigning disapproval enjoyed a ratings surge. The fact that they took no action against these players, is disgraceful. That the players acted so heinously is even more so.

Once the winner had been crowned we heard all of the excuses. Such as being in a fishbowl, being taken out of context. It was all totally lame. Again the excuse making of weak minded individuals. People who not only engage in wrongdoing but then aren't capable of self examination. The apologies felt insincere and shallow to us.

Andrew Herren did not play as good a game as he believes he did either. His primary strategy was to stab everyone in the back and trash them at the same time.  No one should believe that his 'apologies' are any more truthful than his game playing was. Andy reminds us of a con man with a deceptive baby face and a slick tongue. Nothing more. Certainly not the brilliant player he falsely imagines himself to be. He's a second rate player among other second rate players who rewarded him in the end for deceiving them. Boogie, Will, Dick or Janelle would have eaten him for breakfast if he'd played against them. (So I'm told) Neither does the fact he's gay earn him any reprieves with us. His statements were disgusting and he deserves to be cut no slack whatsoever. Especially when he talks about assaulting Elissa and 'robotic biracials'. He was given a 'free pass' much of the time by the public. But his behavior is just as bad and worse in some ways than the others.

All of those including the winner who lost their jobs and continue to face derision from America's population got what they deserved. We wonder however how Aaryn who supposedly was sequestered and knew nothing ended up with publicist/handlers and job interviews on finale night. How is that CBS?

This whole Big Brother season has been suspect. We have in fact encouraged viewers to contact CBS and state their displeasure. Also contact the sponsors and request that they drop their advertising support. What this Big Brother cast revealed is that racism is still a serious problem in our society. This conservative idea that we are a 'post racial nation' is false and dangerous. It creates the fallacious illusion that examination of our motivations is no longer necessary. But it is even more important than ever that we continue to reflect upon the flaws of our collective hearts, minds and spirits.

We hope that next season CBS will not place so much importance on ratings. That they will choose house guests for Big Brother 16 with a measure of integrity and a modicum of decency. That don't glorify deception, but instead engage in building alliances that are both thoughtful and ingenious. Then the show will return to the high standard it once displayed.

Name: Andrew Herren
Associated: Big Brother 15 House Guest
Address: 237 Monroe Street
Oswego, Illinois 60543
Previous: 19 Cedar Gate Circle
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554-4145
Previous: 1471 Elder Drive
Aurora, Illinois 60506
Telephone: (630) 466-7165
EMail: None Available Presently
Relatives: David F. Herren, Janet L Herren

ADDITION: 09/22/13-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
See the following excerpt of an interview done by Andrew Herren post victory. He really is clueless and dishonest. He seems to be incapable of self examination or being honest about his character flaws.

" The College of DuPage issued a message on Facebook last week saying that you do not "currently work" for the college and that "any behavior or language he uses ... does not represent the opinions or values" of the college. What are your thoughts on that?
I don't know what to make of that because I wasn't essentially teaching there. I didn't have a full-time job. I was adjunct faculty, and so I worked semester to semester. If I lost my job over this, I'm going to be very upset because I don't think I did anything to merit me losing my job. Sure, some of the stuff I said might have been ridiculous or vulgar but at the same time I did comedy and things like that so people understand it's my personality. I never said anything that I thought was super mean. I mean, ughhh, maybe a little toward Elissa. I never said anything I thought was really, really malicious or hateful or racial or things like that, like a lot of the controversy of the season stemmed from. And I hope they understand that. You can ask any of my students that I have taught before, I am a caring, loving professor who loves what I do. If this hurt my career, I would definitely be upset about that. Hopefully people will see the true me and realize that if I'm associated with that stuff, it's wrongfully so. I hope all will be well."

Also there is a possibility that Amanda and McCrae will be on a future The Amazing Race. What can CBS possibly be thinking? It seems all that they do care about is ratings and not what is right or wrong. This writer is also correct that Amanda's behavior was atrocious but she is not paying the price for is as the others are. In fact CBS is rewarding her disgraceful words and actions.

Write to CBS Executives and state your displeasure with the idea of 'McCranda being on a great show like The Amazing Race.
CBS Headquarters
51 W. 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019-6188

The list of their Board of Directors and Executives

 EMail Addresses: They all have the same format:
Sumner Redstone: sredstone@
Leslie Moonves:

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