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Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Surfers United Screenshot Slideshow

Welcome to the Surfers United Screenshot Slide Show. Here you will come to understand how this entire situation began and then follow the journey to where it is now. The story began at Our friend had been a member there. A group of 'religious zealots' and otherwise obnoxious posters harassed anyone who did not agree with their opinions. At least one could be described as fanatical about his beliefs. Several members were harassed and our friend complained. She ended up being the one banned.

Our friend wrote a blog post about the ordeal. She wanted to warn others not to join the site so they wouldn't go through the same experience. Which she had every right to do by the way. She was followed to another RP site (Star Wars Space)  by the zealots where they continued their harassment. The harassers will try to tell you that they are 'kids'. But as we researched and revealed their identities the truth is almost all except for a couple were adults. Their behavior on Star Wars Space was atrocious. As you will see their 'faux zealotry' didn't translate into good manners, respect for other people nor any type of reasonable behavior.  These first ones are from Alex O'Neill an Australian from the Brisbane area whose behavior leaves a great deal to be desired. Goes by numerous handles including Korus Zhett, Darth Acheron and Koirs Vett. As you can see he's pissed about the blog. My what a well mannered young man he is, no?

Then we have Matthew Adams AKA Sirak Sazen. He made a comment comparing our friend to Hitler which she found extremely offensive as most people would. He also continued his harassment on the second site. The first screenshot shows that the Hitler comment was indeed made. Though we don't believe the rest of Alex's story is credible.

They of course have no sense of what hooligans they really are. Posting a blog entry might not be harassment but what they were/are doing most certainly is.

Then it was others engaging in stupidity trying to drive her from the site.

Lord Invictus is in fact the worst of the offenders on Rebels. His behavior is truly twisted and warped. He stated that he would rather have his own mother die than get an abortion, even to save her life. The harassment continued until our friend told some of us what was happening and we joined in support. That was the beginning of Surfers United.

Though the fanatics tried to insist they weren't 'bothering' about our friend that was not the truth at all. We discovered that they had posted hundreds of posts about her. Several were threatening. One spoke of shooting her in the face. False, totally unsubstantiated accusations of pedophilia.(That in fact is very common it seems)  They were and have always been the harassers, not our friend, nor us.

 We demanded that all of the posts be taken down. If no one as they said was 'bothering her' then why were they necessary? Especially threatening ones. They refused and our posting began. She and we did indeed complain to The administrator/owner however is only interested in making money, not in what the sites he hosts do.

He disregarded Rive Caedo teaching the members of Rebels how to illegally download games and DVD's. He disregards anything which does not affect his profit margin.

As stated the vast majority of the Rebels members were over age. What they saw however was that it was wrong for our friend to belong to a forum because she was older, but not them, most of whom were older. Hypocrisy. People of many ages enjoy Star Wars and our friend was doing nothing wrong. This leads to the next part of the story, which will be a new posting.

Just Another Howler made the mistake of stating that the 'database' was the blog which is not the truth. We admit the postings weren't as organized as they should be, but they are now. Secondly, names, addresses, etc are separated from the postings and contained in the database. As are screenshots. JAH AKA the Creepy Cretin is about to discover just how much material we have.....far more than anyone knows.

As usual we expect to see some posting meant to be demeaning from him. Considering he admits to involvement with these original groups, seeing the behavior posted above, why should we be surprised? At one point Vett thought our friend was a 14 year old girl. In another 50 years old. Yet he had no respect for women either young or old just as JAH doesn't. Thug behavior is what it all is. Nothing more.

To Be Continued.......

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