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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Let's 'GET REAL lol' Harassers And Bullies Segment Two (Previously McCrandaStrong)

This is a continuation of the posting involving the renamed 'Get Real lol' site and the Zuckerman/Olson saga. Seems Amanda has abandoned them after all they did for her. They however are still culpable for the nastiness they created and may in fact just be hiding under a different name. No one should be surprised at Zuckerman's defection (if that's what it really is). It's all part of the miserable, self-serving individual that she is. As long as someone or something helps her, she's down with it. But if it affects her adversely then she's gone. A total loser. That's what she is. So isn't her boyfriend. No unexpected results here.

Let's get going. More screenshots of reporting people for disagreeing with them. Also one showing O'Neil's been suspended from Twitter numerous times himself.
 He even realizes that Twitter doesn't check to see if the complaints are justified.

This is what they have done in using John Carl O'Neil. He is educated, writes well and is not 'disabled' in the classical sense of the term. Obviously he is disturbed in some way however.  It is abhorrent in the extreme how they have exploited him and says a great deal about all of them. Decent people should avoid Zuckerman, Olson, DeAngelo, Torres, Zahn, Pacifico and the other leaders at all costs. They have nothing to offer anyone but misuse and ill-treatment.  We have left his information up so others can stay away from O'Neil as well. Those who enjoy Twitter and other social media shouldn't be subjected to his efforts to have people suspended unfairly.

Next we come to some of the other screenshots. These all involve McCrae Olson. McCrae Olson is a lazy moocher. Raising money using Tilly a child with cancer so he can move to Florida is just disgraceful. It should make people sick. All of us at SU work and work a lot. Some seven days a week. Some long hours. None of us would ever consider doing what he has done with Tilly. He's so shiftless and indolent he lets his fans raise money for him rather than work. Trying to ride the BB 15 gravy train until he bleeds it dry. What will he do then? Go back to delivering pizzas? Such ambition.

Then when people took notice of the Tilly affair he denied knowledge. So not only is he lazy, he's a lazy liar. Take a peek for yourselves.

As you can see the fans also flew Amanda to Chicago for free. What happened to the supposedly successful real estate career? What no savings? Or just taking advantage of people's celebrity worshipping? Two moochers.

O'Neil tries unsuccessfully to pass it off in the above shot as a fan idea that went awry. Which of course it wasn't. This next one shows that some people are on to the scam.

Those are all involving the Tilly situation for the moment though there may eventually be a few more. Let's see two screenshots concerning how Zuckerman and Olson treat people who are questioning their integrity, rightfully so. This one concerning Olson's 'work ethic'. (Or rather lack thereof)

The last one being Amanda stating that she doesn't know what's going on and doesn't care, along with an insult to the questioner. My they are two such polite individuals aren't they? They deserve one another but Big Brother fans deserve much better than the two of them. How pathetic and sad that anyone gives these two malicious, revolting, repulsive, nasty, foul individuals the time of day.

Next we will concentrate further on the behavior of the members of the groups that support the duo.

To be continued......


Jane Doe said...

Hi, Would you please remove my tweets from this post & the previous one?
Thank you

Jane Doe said...

just realized it would probably help if i told you which was my twitter
account, wouldn't it? LOL
please remove all images/tweets with my name on them.
also, my friend Shanandcrew (her tweets are on same SS as mine, on both posts)
if you could remove hers as well
thank you for reading this

Aaron Spellman said...

For what reason do you want them removed? Twitter is in the public domain and tweets are not copyrighted in any manner. They in fact aid in proving our point so they won't be removed. If you don't want you tweets to become screen shots then protect them.

Jane Doe said...

because i don't want them to be a part of this.

Aaron Spellman said...

Then protect your tweets, because the ones posted will not be removed.

elizabethsmithe said...

You have a great and well-written blog, but I don't agree with the using of personal information. I think you could just as easily get your point across without posting addresses and phone numbers. I do not like Amanda/McCrae either, I think they are scammers. But posting ppls personal info and including family members really takes away from the validity of your blog.

The reason I felt so strongly about them using Tilly to finace a move is due to my own experience with childhood cancer. So I felt the need to tweet and give my opinion. I had no idea my tweets would be used on your blog page. I know you said to "lock up" my tweets, but it's very hard to get followers that way.

Also - you using my tweets in order to get your point has led to some of the #McCrandaMafia ( John O Neil being one) and a few others to blame ME for writing this blog. As a result, they posted my personal info on some web page.

Now, I make my fair share of nasty comments, so if I dish it, I gotta take it. But, I have NEVER, EVER revealed someone's personal info in any way. I have very strong views on that. Please consider taking down people's personal info. i think if you did that, the blog would be much more popular and well-received.

I know you won't take down our tweets, as you have stated that they are not copy righted. Would you at least consider making a notation that the tweets you use have NOTHING to do with this blog and are not affiliated with it in any way?

Thanks in advance.

Aaron Spellman said...

Hi. We are sorry that you are being harassed due to this blog. We won't stop posting PI but we will put a notation at the top of the blog that the tweets we use are not affiliated with us in any way as you request.

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