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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Richard Daniel Webber

Recently we had an unusual request come into the Howlers Den. An individual concerned for someone they are close to contacted us. Seems that a man this individual knew is married. The individual had come across information that the man's wife was cheating on him. The individual contacted us asking if we would investigate the situation and find out who the wife was cheating with. They were deeply concerned as the man is supposedly a great guy, not deserving of such treatment from his wife. In  fact we were told how devastated he would be if he found out what his wife was doing. Normally we would refuse such a request as that's not our bag.

 But the person was so sincere we were really touched by their concern for the man being cheated on. After some discussion and disagreement we said yes.  Information was given to us which led to social media entries that verified what we had been told. What was really disturbing however was where the situation led and who it led to. We won't reveal the name of the man being cheated on as there is no need nor reason to embarrass him publicly.

It came to light that the man's wife was having a relationship of some type with an individual named Richard Daniel Webber. Webber resides in Florida where he had a girlfriend and a son. As we investigated deeper, a great deal of information came to light. Florida's Sunshine Laws make it extremely easy to find out information on someone. Criminal and personal. It seems Webber has a long criminal history and was recently taken to court for a restraining order by the girlfriend. Details revealed through court records show that Webber admitted to choking his girlfriend and that was why the restraining order was granted. We won't name the girlfriend either though the record made that information available to us. This is not her shame to bear it is his and his alone.

Social media made it possible for us to gather information regarding Richard Daniel Webber's family and associates as well as him. The internet is full of  resources which people aren't even aware hold information concerning them. Or don't know how to protect themselves from having it gathered and revealed.

What Richard Daniel Webber's life is full of is enablers. From family, to friends and associates Webber has a circle of people facilitating his bad behavior. Everyone seems to spend their time feeling way too sad for Richard instead of encouraging him to act like a man. To be an adult. To take responsibility for his actions. None of his responses regarding the restraining order show that he accepts any culpability for his actions. No blame for Richard. Poor boy someone is always doing him wrong in his mind. He has no idea how to act like a mature man. How to not engage in violence, then make excuses for doing so.

First let's take a look at Webber's criminal history.  These types of records are publicly available unless for some reason the record is sealed. Which occurs usually in the case of minors, or special circumstances.

There are records in two states we know of so far and are awaiting a third report.
Name: Richard Daniel Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 01/25/19 85
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 -20 0 8-CT-0 13124 -AXXX-MA
Case Number: 16 -20 0 8-CT-0 13124 -AXXX-MA
Source Name: Duval County
Disposition: FOUND GUILTY 
Status: CLOSED
Offense Code: S316 .19 2(1)
Arrest Agency: JSO
Disposition Date: 03/29 /2010
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 05/10 /2008
Offense Code: S316 .19 2(1)
Source: Criminal Court
Name: Richard Daniel Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 01/25/1985
Sex: Male
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 20 0 8CT0 13124 AXXXMA
Case Number: 16 20 0 8CT0 13124 AXXXMA
Source Name: Duval County
Disposition: FOUND GUILTY
Disposition Date: 03/29 /2010
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 0 5/10 /20 0 8
Source: Criminal Court
Name: Richard D Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 0 1/25/1985
Sex: Male
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 -2006 -CF-0 0 4 0 74 -AXXX-MA
Case Number: 16 -2006 -CF-0 0 4 0 74 -AXXX-MA
Source Name: Duval County
Status: CLOSED
Offense Code: S316 .0 89
Arrest Agency: JSO
Disposition Date: 03/23/2006
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 02/16 /2006
Offense Code: S316 .0 89
Source: Criminal Court
Result Details
Offense Details
Name: Richard D Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 0 1/25/1985
Sex: Male
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 -2006 -CT-0 0 8282-AXXX-MA
Case Number: 16 -2006 -CT-0 0 8282-AXXX-MA
Source Name: Duval County
Status: CLOSED
Offense Code: S89 3.13(6) (A)
Arrest Agency: JSO
Disposition Date: 03/23/2006
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 02/16 /2006
Offense Code: S89 3.13(6) (A)
Source: Criminal Court
Name: Richard D Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 01/25/1985
Sex: Male
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 -2008-CT-0 21916 -AXXX-MA
Case Number: 16 -2008-CT-0 219 16 -AXXX-MA
Source Name: Duval County
Status: CLOSED
Offense Code: S322.0 3
Arrest Agency: JSO
Disposition Date: 03/29 /2010
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 07/28/2008
Offense Code: S322.0 3
Source: Criminal Court
Name: Richard D Webber
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 01/25/1985
Sex: Male
Source State: FL
Court Record ID: 16 2008CT021916AXXXMA
Case Number: 16 2008CT021916AXXXMA
Source Name: Duval County
Disposition Date: 03/29 /2010
Source State: FL
Offense Date: 07/28/2008
Source: Criminal Court
Name: Richard D Webber
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 1985
Source State: MO
Court Record ID: 11BT-CR0 0 4 88
Case Number: 11BT-CR0 0 4 88
Disposition: NOT DISPOSED
Arrest Agency: POPLAR BLUFF PD
Source State: MO
Offense Date: 04 /09 /2011
Source: Criminal Court

As you can see more than one of his offenses involve alcohol/controlled substances. That is a very common occurrence in those who are considered abusers. Make no mistake, someone who chokes a woman is an abuser.  There is no doubt about it. His Facebook Page is a study in both his character issues and the enablers of his behavior. He's giving quite the Oscar winning performance with the 'poor, poor Richard' act.
Take a look at the following screenshots from his timeline. Some it is obvious refer to the restraining order situation.

He doesn't seem to get that it was his actions that seem to have ruined the team.... Poor him now he wants to have a teammate.


Look at what Josh Hobbs is really saying. He's stating that an uncooperative teammate was kicked through a window and that was good. Webber had called his girlfriend his teammate. It appears to us that Hobbs is suggesting violence against her. How does Webber respond?  lmao means laughing my ass off in geek speak. He seems to think that idea is funny though it's what he just got in trouble for doing, engaging in violence towards his girlfriend. Seems birds of a feather flock together. Hobbs is just as bad as Webber.


Funny. Who didn't think how it would effect the kids because they choked their girlfriend? Did he do it in front of them?  But it's her whose not thinking in his twisted mind. Because she chose to protect herself and the children from his abuse. Amazing how some warped souls rationalize their behavior and put it on someone else.  Webber's the poster boy for that way of thinking.


His mom Connie is of course the head of Team Enabler. Encouraging him instead of telling him to man up and change his ways. And his pal Charissa. It's the girlfriend whose full of hate. But of course choking someone isn't an act full of malice now is it? The two of them sound utterly foolish. Like two women who have no strength of character whatsoever. Nor courage to tell him how it really is.


Instead of changing his ways he's going to keep fighting because his son deserves better. Does he mean better than a father who chokes women?

All we see him saying is how he cares about the welfare of his son. Let's see how he facilitates that welfare.

William Berry who seems to be quite the creep himself wants Webber to take back the car from his girlfriend. Don't children need to go to doctor's, school activities, the babysitter if mom works, the hospital in an emergency? How does a parent do that without a car? Webber is from this screenshot taking it back. Not because he needs it to drive himself, but to sell it instead.

Then he wants to make her pay for repairs if it needs them. Why sell it? So that long before a judge can award it to her it's already long gone. A sheer act of spite. A nasty and rotten thing to do. He doesn't care about the welfare of his son at all and this action clearly shows it. All this is about is mean spirited vengeance for the imagined harm she's done to him. We say imagined because in reality he did the harm to himself with his own actions by choking her. He's a small minded man without a conscience and nothing more. A witless lowlife worm of the worst kind. Again his friends, this time Berry are of the same scummy ilk as he is.

Let's continue to observe Webber and his enablers.

Again we see him voice the 'team concept' and blame her for breaking it up. He then gets a barrage of undeserved sympathy from his sister Monica and others. Not one of them has held him accountable for his actions, voiced concern about anger management, or suggested that he might need help.  What a sorry situation and a sorrier group of people could not be found we think.

Again he blames her. in the above screenshot. She's the selfish one that's hurting the kids. His actions that led up to her getting the restraining order aren't the problem.  Of course in his mind she can't be strong enough to think for herself and decide 'enough'! Other people have to be filling her head with these thoughts. He probably thinks this way because all the women we've seen on his timeline appear to be weak minded and without convictions.

Again his supporters bolster the bad behavior by cheering him on. Chuck his father says he comes from 'good stock'.  If that's so then his Dad should be profoundly disappointed in how he's trashed the family legacy. Instead of applauding him.

Again the sob story and the response from the enablers. Truly it is all totally sickening. If they would just stop and think for a minute, perhaps they would see the error of their ways but that's doubtful.

One last screenshot.

Here we see the time-honored excuses. a. They always take the woman's side. b. She's lying. Those are the excuses Webber's giving on his FB timeline.  Yet in the court he freely admits that he choked his girlfriend. So she's not lying correct? And the court isn't just 'taking her side'. By his own admission he gave them just cause to issue an order of protection. So who is really the liar? He is.

We at SU have no use for abusers. They disgust us. Abusers belong in prison and should in fact be ostracized by their families and friends, not enabled. Richard Daniel Webber is an abuser. He either needs help or prison whichever is most appropriate. He is a disgrace to his family and community.  That this began with discovering he was a cheater (which is also common with abusers) was rapidly eclipsed by far greater concerns. The woman he is cheating with would be wise to never have anything to do with him again. She should stay as far away from him as possible and instead work on saving her marriage to a nice man. This relationship with Webber will only bring her misery and possibly physical harm. Abusers rarely change the statistics reveal. If he abuses one partner it is likely he will abuse another one. Beware young woman, run for the hills as fast as your feet will carry you.

Webber's family and friends need to stop enabling him. Enablers help an abuser to continue their malicious behavior and not reflect on themselves. Why change if there is never a consequence, a loss of attention from loved ones? The cloying support without even questioning his story is nauseating.  We saw not one word of remorse either in the court proceedings or on his Facebook Timeline though in court he admitted to his actions. Not one, 'I am sorry', 'I will get help', 'Please forgive me'. He is a man in total denial of his actions. His friends and family are in denial right along side of him. Though they if they choose to can see his admission for themselves. Just access the record. Stop being blind to his deep and serious character flaws.  By not continuing to ignore his activities and being critical of them, his close associates might just help him. To see the error of his ways, to change, to stop harming women.

He hides behind religion, uses it as a crutch to try and look like a good person. Does a good man choke a woman? Does a man of faith act with revenge, taking and selling a vehicle his child depends upon? Does he call the person he abused a liar when he knows they are telling the truth? None of those things are what a person of true religious conviction does. Those are the words and actions of a faithless individual not a faithful one.

As long as Richard Daniel Webber's family, friends and associates enable and encourage his behavior they are as bad as he is and deserving of no more consideration. Many women have paid the ultimate price because enablers didn't have the courage to confront the behavior of their loved one. To expect them to be good family members, friends and associates. To require that if they want to be part of a cohesive group that they reflect upon, identify and squarely face their personal issues. Expectations that they work towards positive life change and become productive members of society and the surrounding community at large. We have every right to demand reasonable behavior from those who are part of our life.

To not do so is to do Webber's son an injustice. To have him grow up with a father who is less than compassionate, incapable of nonviolent relationships and who is not a good role model. There must also be justice for the woman he abused. For Webber's family, friends and associates to continue piling on after her ordeal is unconscionable. We therefore will do a little 'piling on' of our own. We typically post the dregs of society. Now Webber and his associates can include themselves in that number.

Let the posting begin. We'll start with Richard's listings.

Richard Daniel Webber DOB: January, 1985
(Present address since issuance of order of protection not known) 
Previous Address: 512 Elbridge Gerry Street
Orange Park, FL 32073
Previous Address: 2582 Hickman Road
 Poplar Bluff MO 63901
Previous Address: 1101 Shaylee Road
Batavia Ohio 45103
Previous Address: 8110 Coolbridge Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Telephone: (904) 375-1380
Relatives: Charles Webber, Connie Kay Webber, Monica Kumer

1. Names: Charles Richard Webber and Connie Kay Webber
Associated: Mother and Father of Richard Daniel Webber and his key enablers.
Address: HC2 2730
Van Buren, MO 63965
Previous: 512 Elbridge Gerry Street
Orange Park, IL 32073
Previous: 3847 Gatty Street
San Diego, CA 92154
Telephone: (904) 375-1380

2. Names: Monica Webber Kumer and Richard Kumer
Associated: Sister and Brother-in-law of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 621 North 7th Street
Centerville, IA 52544
Previous: 109 East Terry Street
Centerville, IA 52544
Previous: 1227 West Washington Street
Centerville, IA 52544
Previous: 854 Jonathan Road
Jacksonville, FL 32234
Previous: 5 Bullrush Court
Middleburg, FL 32068
Telephone: (641) 856-4066

On to the rest of the enablers-

3. Name: Aaron Ware
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 2874 50th Avenue S
Saint Petersburg, FL 33712
Previous: 12235 Meadowdale Drive
Stafford, Texas 77477
Telephone: (281) 530-1814
EMail: None available presently
Relatives: Darren, Kim, Kristen, Clara, Clinton, Constance

4. Name:  Joshua Lee Hobbs
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 7562 Falcon Trace Court
Jacksonville, FL 32222
Telephone: (904) 240-5323
Relatives: None listed

5. Name: Charissa Faith (McArdle) Dionne
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 7944 Loch Ness Court
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Previous: 8023 Loch Lomond Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32244
Previous: 5520 Jackson Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073
Previous: 4229 Lazy Acres Road
Middleburg, FL 32068
Telephone: (904) 264-3398
Relatives: Philippe Dionne, Thomas Dionne, Fay-Dionne Pake, Mikey Dionne, Anne Dionne

6. Name: William R Berry
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 2249 George Wythe Road
Orange Park, FL 32073
Business: 2141 Loch Rane, Unit 132
Orange Park, FL 32073
Telephone: (904) 276-7781, (904) 276-4756 (Business)
Relatives: Jack R. Berry, Belinda Berry, Marsha Berry

7. Name: Chance Wiley
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 2944 Southbank Circle
Green Cove Springs, FL  32043
Telephone: (904) 291-3814
EMail: None available presently
Relatives: Dakota, Morgan, Justin, Kathy, Keith, Lisa, Shane, Terry

8. Name: Tony Million
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: RR1 Box 1395
Winona, MO 65588
Telephone: (573) 323-4671
Relatives: Paige Thompson, Ashley, Donald, Julie

9. Name: Sean Michael Perry
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 2561 Huntington Way
Orange Park, FL 32073
Telephone: (904) 276-3379
Relatives: Victoria Watkins, George Sr., George Jr., Linda, Margaret, Jason Andi, Kurtis, Laura, Scott, Barbara

10. Name: Irwin Garrett
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 4525 Silverton Way
Sacramento, CA 95838
Address: 404 47th Street
San Diego, CA 92102
2787 Agno Court
San Diego, CA 92154
Previous: 3205 East Olive Road, Apt. 30
Pensacola, FL 32514
Telephone: (916) 853-7825
Relatives: Jettie Garrett, Lisa Marie Johnson, Marcus Green, Eirvon Green, Stacy Martin Crystal Green, Dominique Fite,

11. Name: Lauren Massey
Associated: Enabler of Richard Daniel Webber
Address: 1023 Coachmans Place
Middleburg, FL 32068
Telephone: (904) 282-7661
Relatives: Tommy, Tina

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