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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

President Obama And The Racist Right

President Obama's State of the Union address tonight was masterful, well thought out and inspiring. Even before he delivered it the Right Wing Republicans/Tea Partiers were already criticizing him. It had been revealed that he intended to issue some executive orders which is within his rights as President. The Crazies in the Republican Party immediately began to call him a dictator, overstepping his authority, abusing his power, etc. None of which is of course the truth. Those included in the verbal insanity are Rand Paul, Laura Ingraham and Timothy Huelskamp.

Let's look at the history of Executive Orders and the number issued by other Presidents. Numbers whch far surpass President Obama's. In fact he has issued the least executive orders of any President in 100 years.

Would the Crazies have called Ronald Reagan whom they hero worship or George W. Bush dictators? I think not. Their animus is aimed at this President alone. He is acting like a 'king' in their warped minds and nonsensical view point. Why? The Chris Matthews show touched briefly on it today. The problem that the Wingers/Tea Partiers have with this President is his race. It really is as simple as that. After they've worked so hard to thwart his agenda no matter how much it hurts the people of the United States, how dare he a black man attempt to get around their efforts? As stated on Chris Matthews he never accuses them of racism. Never blames it for his issues with the Right.

But if he is too good hearted to confront their mean spirited prejudice then the rest of us must not be. It is time to drag the Wingers racism out into the light. To reveal their real motivations for opposing him at every turn. To expose it to the TRUTH. Only Huelskamp doesn't fit the racist m/o as he has adopted children of various races. His excuse is zealotry. Zealotry of the creepy Jim Jones/David Koresh type. On his interview with Rachel Maddow (where he descended into name-calling) Huelskamp made absolutely no sense whatsoever. He is laughably inept. Why anyone would elect him to represent them is mind boggling.

Paul and Ingraham are far more sinister in nature. Paul and his father Ron's racism is well documented. The younger Paul's connection to the racist, white supremacist group Stormfront has been written about extensively and in fact posted about previously on this blog. Members of his staff also have ties to racist groups.

Ingraham's book 'The Obama Diaries' is as stated by Stephen Colbert a racist caricature. Her vitriol is full of hate.

None of these individuals have any merit as human beings never mind in the political arena. Their views are without merit. Yet because they garner attention from the masses, these Crazies can not be ignored.

Truly it is a sad time for this country. That people would misrepresent a President and thwart him at every turn to the detriment of the nation is disgusting. Paul, Ingraham and Huelskamp should all be ashamed of themselves. If anyone is a disgrace to this nation it is them. Paul has already been posted on this blog.

Now for the others.

1. Name: Laura Anne Ingraham
Associated: Fox News, other Conservative media outlets, and all around Right Wing nutjob.
Address: 5058 Sedgwick Street NW
Washington, DC 20016-1940
Previous:  2930 45th Street NW
Washington, DC 20016
Previous: 3014 Dent Place NW, Apt 14E
Washington, DC 20007
Previous: 37 Willard Street
New Haven, CT. 06515-2145
Telephone: (202) 518-0805. (202) 625-2439
Relatives: Curtis, James, Anne

2. Name: Timothy Alan Huelskamp
Associated: United States Congressman from Kansas
Address: 5070 22 Road
Fowler, Kansas 67844
Secondary: 5114 Duvall Drive
Bethesda, MD 20816
Previous: 105 W 30th Avenue
Hutchinson, KS 67502
Previous: 9012 26th Road
Fowler, KS 67844
Previous: 610 Pine Pob
Fowler, KS 67844
Telephone: (620) 641-5413
Relatives: Angela, Leroy, Estelle, Cynthia, Tammi

As an aside we come to the criminal behavior of Congressman Michael Grimm the Republican Congressman from New York. Last night after the State of the Union address he threatened a journalist with bodily harm. It was all caught on video and has been played repeatedly on television and the Internet. At first Grimm tried to justify his behavior by saying that the reporter was unprofessional. Then today he apologized. But is it enough? We of SU say no, it is not. If the reporter had threatened Grimm, he would have been immediately arrested. But Grimm has been given a pass. No legal action has been taken against him and we ask why?

Mr. Grimm is already under investigation for campaign finance violations which was the line of questioning which drew his ire.

Grimm who was an FBI agent can not deny that he knew what he did was illegal. He can not cry ignorance. Uttering threats is a serious crime. From our point of view it is also a civil rights violation. The journalist was in the process of exercising his right to freedom of the press. So Grimm's actions also violated the Constitution, another serious matter.

Accordingly as would anyone else, Congressman Grimm should be arrested and prosecuted for uttering threats and civil rights violations. The House Ethics Committee should investigate his actions as well. He should resign his office immediately in our opinion.

Grimm's behavior is unbecoming of a government official and his constituents should demand he leave. Why would anyone want their member of Congress to be a thug? That is exactly what Grimm is. He fits the profile of how the Republicans have acted as of late. Threatening secession, threatening revolution, threatening to shut down the government, so why not threaten reporters? It seems to be their mindset of late as distasteful and alarming as it is.

Grimm should be treated like the thug/ruffian he is. Tomorrow we should be seeing his mug shot if the Justice Department acts in a fair and rightful manner.

Name: Michael Gerard Grimm
Associated: Member of Congress who threatens reporters, under investigation for fundraising violations as well. Twitter: @RepMichaelGrimm
Address:  50 Borman Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314
Secondary: 52 Ayshire Street
Bear, DE 19701
Previous: 8265 88th Place
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Previous: 436 Richard Hill Road
Staten Island, NY 10314
Previous: 17 Gallagher Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
Telephone: (347) 825-3214, (347) 475-0477
Relatives: Deborah, Petrina, Gerard, Susan, Harold Rosenbaum

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