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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Darrell Issa's History Of Thuggery

Darrell Issa is a thug. Some of us have known it for a long time. The above video proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt. His treatment of a fellow member of Congress is horrible. But this is far from the first time that Mr. Issa has been less than a good guy. In fact Issa has a long history of being just the opposite. We will get to Mr. Issa's past shortly.

The Committees of the House of Representative follow a strict set of rules which determine the procedures by which said committee operates. The Committee in question is the Committee On Oversight And Government Reform. Typically the majority party holds the Chairmanship of the Committee. In this case it is Darrell Issa (R-CA 49th District). The minority party has a Ranking Member. It is Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD 7th District). Historically, together the two decide the progress of the Committee. Mr. Issa however has never followed the decorum of the House of Representatives and instead should be called 'the Dictator of Oversight'.  The following link will give you an idea of how the business of House Committees is supposed to be conducted.

On Wednesday March 5, 2014 Mr. Issa broke every rule of how committee business is supposed to be conducted. He opened the meeting and called for Ms. Lerner, formerly of the IRS to testify. He did so knowing that she had previously taken the fifth amendment and would do so again. She of course refused to testify. An offer had been made through her attorney that he would give testimony on her behalf, which Issa rejected. Why did he reject the offer? He did so because he knew Ms. Lerner's response would not satisfy him. Her response being that liberals as well as conservatives had been targeted improperly by the IRS. That does not fit Mr. Issa's false agenda of wanting to believe that the President ordered the scrutiny of conservative groups by the IRS. Which of course he did not do so. Documents prove that liberal groups were also targeted.

Representative Cummings has been dealing with Issa's unprofessional behavior for some time and finally grew angry. The minority is also supposed to have an oppurtunity to ask questions, make a statement and be conferred with in the adjournment of hearings. When he attempted to exercise his rights, Issa cut him off and attempted to adjourn the hearing. His treatment of Representative Cummings was reprehensible. Right down to the hand across the throat motion. Totally disgusting. The links displayed below discuss what occurred.

The Dems rightly called for Issa to be removed as Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee in support of their colleague.

John Boehner, Speaker of the House refused to discipline Issa and in fact gave him his full support though the committee Chairman clearly violated House rules. He will instead allow Issa's crass behavior to continue uncensured.

The truth is, Issa is a thug, a punk. His past is riddled with criminal activity. Not one or two incidents, but several over a long period of time. He also lies profusely about other matters.
1. Issa lied about being part of a security team that supposedly supplied protection for President Nixon at a World Series game. No such event ever occurred.
2. In 1971 a fellow soldier of Issa's accused him of stealing his Dodge Charger.
3. In 1972 Issa was indicted for Grand Theft of a Maserati. He was also charged with carrying a concealed weapon. He pled guilty to the weapons charge.
4. In 1980 Issa was indicted for Grand Theft Auto once again. This time for a Mercedes sedan. His brother impersonated him and sold the vehicle. Meanwhile Issa reported it stolen. The police believed that the situation was an attempt to defraud the insurance company. In fact the erstwhile Congressman has been accused three times of fraud
5. In 1981 Issa left the scene of an accident and was sued by the other party involved  He settled the case.
6. In 1982 Issa foreclosed on a friend who reneged on a payment named Joey Adkins. he took over the company which was called Quantum Enterprises. That same year the company which was located in Maple Heights Ohio burned to the ground under suspicious circumstances. Accelerants were found at the scene and had been used in two locations within the building. Issa had increased the company's insurance policy by 462% three weeks before the fire. He had also removed computers and records. St. Paul Insurance was highly suspicious of the fire which was believed to be arson. They at first refused to pay. Issa took them to court but in the end they only paid $25,000. He was never charged due to lack of proof.
7. In 2011 Issa was sued by American Family Voices. They accused him of using his position in Congress for personal financial gain.

Further information can be obtained below.

Some say that because he wasn't convicted of any of the vehicle thefts he's not a criminal. But the fact is Issa did plead guilty to a weapons charge. He lucked out on the vehicle charges as they were dropped and in one case the person didn't press charges. Some lacked supporting evidence to make them stick. But Issa's past is shady at best. As one link above points out the media has been lax in its investigation of the representative from a conservative San Francisco district. He has also been accused of threatening his business associate with a gun.

 The Real Issa: Intimidation With A Weapon
Former AC Custom Executive Claimed Issa Intimidated Him With A Gun. According to the Los Angeles Times: "One of Issa's first tasks as the new boss [of AC Custom] was to remove an executive named Jack Frantz. According to Frantz, Issa came into his office, placed a small box on the desk and opened it. Inside, he said, was a gun." [Los Angeles Times, 5/23/98, via Nexis]
  • Issa Allegedly Used Intimidation To Fire Executive Frantz. According to the Los Angeles Times, Frantz claimed, "'He just showed [the gun] to me and said 'You know what this is?' Issa invited Frantz to hold the gun at one point and told him he had learned about guns and explosives during his military days, Frantz said. Because he was about to be fired, Frantz said he saw it as 'pure intimidation.'" [Los Angeles Times, 5/23/98, via Nexis]
  • Former AC Custom Bookkeeper: "It Was Pretty Terrifying." According to the Los Angeles Times: "The bookkeeper, [Karen] Brasdovich, also recalled Issa having a gun at the company that day. 'It was pretty terrifying,' she said." [Los Angeles Times, 5/23/98, via Nexis]
Issa On The Incident: "Shots Were Never Fired." The Los Angeles Times reported: "Issa said, 'Shots were never fired. If I asked Jack to leave, then I think I had every right to ask Jack to leave...I don't recall having a gun. I really don't. I don't think I ever pulled a gun on anyone in my life.'" [Los Angeles Times, 5/23/98, via Nexis, emphasis added]
(From link five above)

Issa should have been charged and arrested in more than one of the above incidents. That he wasn't is a lack within the law enforcement and justice system where the events occurred.  The same link states that he was also twice arrested for weapons possession, once in Ohio and once in Michigan. So how did he get away with so much? Does anyone truly believe that these were all false charges?

Then there is another question that should be asked and scrutinized. Issa has gone after President Obama repeatedly. He has done the same to Eric Holder. Now he attempts to humilitate Representative Elijah Cummings. He apologized but only AFTER the Democrats called for his removal. How sincere was said apology?

So here is our question. The three individuals above have one thing in common. President Obama, Holder and Cummings are all African-American. Is Issa a racist thug? We of SU believe so. So don't others like Jesse Jackson.  Considering that all three of the targets of his awful behavior have been black we have to wonder.

The Wingnut Right has of course been crying that it's Representative Cummings who is at fault. That he had a 'hissy fit' and so forth. The truth is Issa totally flaunted the rules of the House of Representatives and has been doing so for a long time. His distortions of the facts involving the IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and other matters show him for the true extremist that he is. Cummings had every right to be upset and to expect proper procedures to be adhered to and his position to be respected. But the purpose of these hearings is not truth.

The purpose of all these hearings is so Darrell Issa can feed the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. That want President Obama to not be an American. Who want him to fail. Who want him to be corrupt. Who want him to be impeached. Issa is their idol. He raises a great deal of money with his rantings. Among that crazed fringe are thousands of racists we are sorry to say. If there is one thing this President, the Trayvon Martin case and other situations have shown recently is how much racism still exists in America. It remains a very serious issue among certain demographics of our society in particular.  Issa is part of those demographics sadly. He is the King of the Thugs.

He is part of a demographic who will do just about anything to discredit any African-American who dares to succeed in public life. Who dares to dream that they can lead in this country. Who want our nation to be one of equality and success for all. Who see the issues that still exist and try to address them. Like income inequality. Voting rights. Stand Your Ground laws that affect minorities and minimize their life's worth and sundry other issues.

Darrell Issa is the shameful poster child for that group of Americans who would oppress others dreams. But the truth is that his history is the one that is suspect, corrupt, dishonorable. He is the one who should be investigated, not leading investigations. Darrell Issa should be censured and removed as Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. His conduct is not worthy of a member of the House of Representatives. It is bereft of all dignity and virtue. He is a disgrace to our nation and the body of our government which represents the people. In fact if his constituents were smart they would vote him from office as soon as he is up for re-election and elect someone worthy of being a member of Congress.

Once again we post.

Name: Darrell Issa
Associated: United States Congressman from CA, member of the lunatic Republican fringe.
Address: 1958 Parkview Drive
Vista, CA 92081
Secondary: 1806 Kalamora Square
Washington, DC 20008
Office: 1725 Longworth Hob
Washington, DC 20515
Previous: 1940 Rosewood Street
Vista, CA 92081
Previous: 2560 Progress Street
Vista, CA 92081
Previous: 325 S Melrose Drive
Vista, CA 92081
Previous: 445 Swathmore Lane
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Previous: 24731 Crestview Circle
Carmel, CA 93923
Previous: 454 E 319th Street
Eastlake, Ohio 44095
Telephone: (760) 940-4380, (440) 439-6367
Relatives: Katharine Stanton Issa, William Issa, John Issa, Martha Issa

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