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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

White Supremacists, Paul Ryan Debunked

For quite a long time it has been that public officials distance themselves from white supremacists. Though there are times when racist code words have decided elections in our nation unfortunately. Now a prominent politician has publicly embraced a white supremacist. That politician's name is Paul Ryan.

Ryan has been vocally criticizing the 'War On Poverty' as a failure and attempting to reconcile that with his budget cutting proclivities. In particular Ryan wants to rid the national budget of aid to the poor. Aid such as food stamps, housing assistance and WIC programs. In trying to promote his ideas he has embraced  Charles Murray. Murray is a well known white supremacist who works for the American Enterprise Institute. His work is extremely controversial such as 'The Bell Curve'. Much of it has been debunked. See the following- In particular the link from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Mr. Murray believes that blacks, Latinos, women and the poor have lower IQ's than the rest of the population. He uses self-serving pseudo-science to promote his fallacious theories. His theories, old and new are based on flawed scientific evidence which has been widely debunked.

Murray's false assertions concerning race, IQ and social circumstances have been widely discredited.  He is a purveyor of false science to support his racist beliefs. That Paul Ryan would acknowledge him is in itself disgusting and disgraceful. It also clearly shows Ryan for what he is. A racist. Finally he has shown his true colors. As Rand Paul did several years ago accepting donations from The Conservative Right has many of these racists who seem to think it is okay at present to reveal themselves. It is something that the rest of us should keep in mind.  For November 2014 and 2016 both. People of color, those who believe in the equality of the races, who support social programs, women and the poor need to remember. Remember what these people are saying and doing now.

Neither Paul Ryan nor Rand Paul would make a good President of the United States. Their racist tendencies truly does disqualify them from that high and honorable office. That Ryan would use the theories of a discredited  'social commentator' is especially troubling. (Murray is in no way a credible scientist.) There are poor white nations as well. Such as Moldova where yearly income is 3500 dollars. How do Murray and Ryan explain away that? Are there white people of lesser IQ? Is every Moldovan lazy and shiftless? Everyone from Kosovo? Albania? All countries making less income than minorities here in the US. This flawed philosophy should make us all pause.

We see numerous of these same type of white supremacists on Twitter as well. This is to serve notice that as we find them, they will also be posted. It is past time in our nation that racists and white supremacists were dragged out into the light. Revealed for whom they really are. No longer allowed to hide in the shadows promoting false science and racial hatred.

The deliberate misinformation they promote in what is really a selfish attempt to not pay taxes that help their fellow Americans is deplorable. Fueled by bigotry and prejudice, they would rather see the poor remain downtrodden than assist them. Paul Ryan is such an individual. He continues to promote the lie that he grew up poor which is not the truth. He has never known true poverty and it is not due to his mother alone. That is a false narrative which he promotes. Without the connections of his family in the community, neither would he be a Congressman.  So his accomplishments are also not his alone. He is a nauseating young man with his nose in the air and a belly full of racism. His and those like him's  theories and discriminatory belief systems must be discarded for the harm they cause to our nation and society.

So let us post the two white supremacists for everyone to see. Let us cast them into the light of public scrutiny where they can not escape from condemnation.

1. Name: Stephen Donald Black
Associated: (White Supremacist Organization)
Address: 203 Lakeland Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Telephone: (561) 833-0030
Relatives: Chloe Hardin Duke Black, Derek Black

2. Name: Charles Alan Murray DOB: January 8, 1943
Associated: American Enterprise Institute, numerous racist books and false 'studies'
Address: 111 West Main Street Unit B210
Burkittsville, MD 21718
Secondary: 2506 Cliffbourne Place NW
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: (301) 834-6892, (301) 834-7425
Relative: Catherine Bly Cox

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