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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniTookMyDoll (Previously @TheReal_JTMD And JaniTholeADoll) Perversity On Display Part B

This is the continuation of our posting involving Elizabeth Smith. We're going to begin with a comment she sent into the blog today and discuss the extreme fallacy of it. She thanked us for making her more famous. This shows just how delusional she is. Sure some people support her. But just as many if not more despise her, follow her to gasp at her mean spirited tweets, want to laugh at her vanity, shake their head at the unending book drivel she tells. Far from everyone who is following her, tweeting at her, and so forth are friendly to her. In fact we have heard from many who aren't. Who just think she's someone to be pitied and enjoy watching the daily spectacle she makes of herself.

This comment takes us to exactly what was said yesterday. That any attention no matter how negative is better to Elizabeth Smith than none at all. It is a sad, sorry, lonely view of life which no one should desire.

We continue now with more of her obnoxious, cruel, mean tweets.

Now we are going to post her last Twitlonger then expose all of its outrageous, slanderous lies.

@shottytalk @HeatherIAm1 What puzzles me is this: Certain people LOVE AmandaZuckerman, McCraeOlson and AndyHerren... they tweet to them.

NOW, these SAME PEOPLE are tweeting and helping the SAME BLOG that:

- Trashes Amanda & McCrae for roughly 14 pages.
- Lists ALL her fans addresses.
- Likely had Andy & Spencer fired.
- Calls McCrae names
- Lists GinaMarie & Aaryns personal info. (they have Aaryns Fathers picture up there)

So while they tweets kissing their asses in ONE tweet, they NEXT tweet is to the "Den" to congratulate them or give them more info on me...

ALL OF THAT JUST to hurt me through my daughter. It's the SAME PLACE, same blog, same guy. 

And they KNOW it. 

I dont see how ANY human being, let alone Mothers & Grandmothers can condone & participate in this shit.

My daughter Kyera went through HELL with chemo, sickness and more..She lived in ICU for one year. She lost her a whole year, then her life.

She had Aggressive chemo, having to intibated, she was even in a coma at one point.

She lost her hair, had to have blood fusions 3 times a week and went though unimaginable pain. She went from a healthy, happy girl to being so sick her body just gave out.

Peole like: @BB-SuperStan @Socalmama @aspi66 @GrandmaJodi @JellyBeanJars @MsDredd41@PurMadness69 @AnnieBMosaics @Dolphini2 @ShelleyKay66

are actually ENJOYING watching me re-live her death on twitter. They are egging on the people do this shit, tweeting with them, giving them MORE ammunition and acting like this is some kind of fucking party.

All because we have had "twit-fights?" They can't think of anything funny to say? They can't just call me a name? They HAVE to bring in my family and daughter and some kind of twisted "justice"?

@Socalmama @GrandmaJodi @AnnieBMosaics @RGcarson @Dolphini2 are the WORST. Socal is laughing at this shit, GranmaJodi is on her soapbox, Annie is a back-stabbing BITCH who I used to consider a friend and Dolphini of course attacked a cancer charity, so NO surprise there.

They sit on their accounts and SCREAM about me for DAYS.... their entire TL is "Jani" "Beth" "Jani" "Beth" "Jani" "Beth" "Jani" "Beth" they question if she even WAS my daughter, want to read her obit and ask if REALLY she died.

If I say ONE tweet back?? All of the sudden- I AM the "bully".... they either LOVE this shit or they don't want to block me. I am ONE person... that's it. Block and I am gone. 

They don't want to block. They just like the drama and seeing my family hurt is an added bonus.

It's VERY clear to me why they LOVE Amanda. She's the same way they are- NO morals. 

They KNOW the ONLY way to get to me is my childs death.... and they did that. Bravo.

They also should keep in mind they hurt her Aunt, he brothers, her Father and more people. 

I TRULY hope they NEVER have to deal with cancer in any way...or NEVER lose a child.... I don't wish that pain on ANYONE...

Sorry for another long-ass TL.... I just so hurt and so mad about this...

If you look back on my TL, before all this, I RARELY mentioned my daughter. I NEVER said her name... it's too painful..

Let's begin with the slanderous statement that we got Andy and Spencer fired. That is so delusionary as to have us laughing hysterically. Statements were coming out from employers of Andy and Spencer while they were still in the Big Brother house and the show was being filmed. It was Spencer's and Andy's words and deeds on live feeds that got them fired, not us. But this is how wildly and falsely accusatory Smith has gotten. She is so pathological in her untruthfulness as to have lost all sense of reality. 

Then we come to a delicate matter which we will not avoid. We believe that adopted parents and step parents love those children who have become part of their families very much. Certainly the adoptive or step parent would grieve if that child passed away. 

No one from this blog or the individuals mentioned above have said anything regarding the death of Elizabeth Smith's daughter. We have not demeaned it, or disrespected such a tragedy in any way. That however is a lie that Smith keeps perpetrating and exploiting to gain sympathy. Many people have lost children. Biological children of which the loss of is unbearable and never forgotten. 

It seems however that Smith's loss of her adoptive/stepdaughter (verified in news articles) is something she has not dealt with. Perhaps counseling would be something she should consider. To continually falsely accusingpeople of  demeaning that loss is terrible and unconscionable. It is also not true that she never mentioned it before either. She systematically deletes tweets that don't support her newest version of the truth. She has repeatedly mentioned her daughter's death and used it as a weapon against people. She knows no shame and has no morals or honor in this matter. SHE pushes and pushes this issue until she gives people no choice but to respond.  But I know we'll hear the "See! They're harming me with my daughter again!!" Though she wrote the Twitlonger posted above which made the reference necessary. Again Smith will blame everyone else for her creations. Apparently she is incapable of doing anything else.

We return now to the Screen Shots.

Smith has harassed MsDredd for days. Going so far as to harangue her in the middle of the night when most people are sleeping. To suggest that she is the one owed the apology is so stunning as to require a second reading to ensure you're seeing it right. Again we see a woman who has no clue as to her own maliciousness and no idea of her own character flaws.

The above four are again a study in lies, criminal activity and egomania. We see her insist that she's more famous than BB people, insist that people are jealous of her book (ROFL!!!) and admitting to having recorded calls, a felony.  Her egocentricity is so immense as to in our opinion approach meglomania. There is no one greater than Jani, better than Jani, more famous than Jani and it goes on and on.... It is a nauseating display of self indulgence which no adult should engage in.

In these screen captures Elizabeth Smith continues her harassing, obnoxious behavior and that alone is why we keep posting her as we did the supporters of Amanda Zuckerman and other situations over the years since the blog began. Because she does great harm to people, slandering and libeling them with vast falsehoods.She is everything she accuses others of being. Immoral in her lies, unethical in her behavior criminally recording people. Exploitative in nature using her daughter to gain sympathy. Cruel and malicious in her statements and tweets. Slanderous in what she falsely accuses people of. Vain in the extreme about herself, her book and her supposed fame.  Without character or honor in how she goes about harassing, bullying and abusing people.

Perhaps when Elizabeth Smith is saying these things about others, she is really staring in the mirror at herself. With all of her statements people have a good case for a lawsuit against her including us if we desire. Her defamation of dozens of people is well documented and easily verified.  As stated previously the standard for slander and libel is clear. In order to be considered such, the statements made have to be false. We have stated no falsehoods concerning Smith and neither have the others she has named. We have not maligned her husband or her deceased stepdaughter in any way. But her falsehoods are colossal. She should be careful what she does or she will find herself in a courtroom being sued on the behalf of dozens of people. We have all gotten wise to her game. As soon as the tweets go up they are Screen captured.  So she can delete away. It is too late for that.  

Maybe just maybe......we'll all see you in court Smith. Let's see what you do then. We will keep posting about you and your supporters until you stop your bullying and abusive behavior.

EDIT 5/6/14 @8:45pm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

These are additional Screen Shots which show Smith planned to record people. The first is a repost which shows her asking questions about how to wiretap people. Previously she stated that she only recorded the death threats, now she admits to more. How many calls did she record? It could be many. As stated previously she tried repeatedly to get us to call her and in these tweets she attempts to get others to call her too so she can record them.  She's a criminal and nothing more. One Screen Shot shows her again harassing MsDredd. 

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