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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith AKA @TheReal_JTMD (Previously @TheRealJTMD and @JaniTholeADoll) Perversity On Display Part A

Once again we will be posting an article concerning Elizabeth Smith. She wants to believe we are 'fascinated' with her but she could not be more mistaken. What we are, is concerned for those she continues to harass, bully and lie about.  We are even concerned for those she has deceived into believing her falsehoods.

This post will be long as we have garnered with the help of others a huge collection of tweets she has made, Twitlongers and other information concerning her abuses. The falsehoods she tells are stupendous, far larger than just 'fish stories'. They are colossal deceptions that sometimes involve those who are true celebrities. Which she is not though she is now trying to portray herself as a 'Twitter celebrity'. There is so much material we are not certain where to begin.

Smith has a fascination with fame. She tries to portray herself as being famous, having influence, being able to curry favor continually. She wants people to believe she has access to Big Brother House Guests, movie set personnel and famous photographers. That she is writing a book that is certain to be published. In other words that through others who are famous and her own merit she is a celebrity. Suddenly her family is prominent in Orlando, which is also not true.  She has a NEED for recognition and adoration. Smith wants to demand notoriety from others though she is totally undeserving of such attention. In fact she should be treated as infamous by everyone who knows of her activities.  Her obsession with being famous and seeking adulation requires her to tell lies which she seems to believe can't be discovered or proven. When in fact they can be through the process of investigation and reaching logical conclusions.

We'll begin with her untruths involving the famous photographer Mary Ellen Mark and pictures she did as part of a documentary. Recently Smith was caught lying regarding photographs from the movie Titanic which she said were taken by someone who worked on the set and she is acquainted with. That they were given to her, exclusive to her and she even added text to them that they weren't to be used as if her permission were required to do so. When in fact those pictures had been posted on the website Fanpop and weren't exclusive to her at all. Claiming that they are is a crime. It was a simple matter to uncover the truth regarding those photographs and someone obligingly informed us of her lie and where they really came from.

So she chose Mary Ellen Mark for the next subject of her outrageous untruths. Ms. Mark and her husband are well known in the photography community but unlike the Titanic movie and its celebrities most people would not be aware of who she is. Her subject matter is often on social issues and doesn't garner the same type of attention as movie stars do. A more difficult subject to recognize a falsehood being told about. Smith was sly about this one in the extreme. It must have taken considerable thinking to decide whom to pick for this second reach at celebrity connections. First lets post the two tweets with the pics she chose.

Where do these pictures come from? They come from a documentary that Mary Ellen Mark filmed with her husband in the 1980's entitled 'Streetwise'. It was filmed in Seattle Washington during the early 1980's.  You can see information regarding these pictures at the following links.

The girl in the first pictures's name is Erin and in the second the girl's name is Laurie. Both are street kids in Seattle Washington during the early 1980's. Do you see the slickness of this particular lie? This woman is as we stated well known in her own field and among those who have an interest in photography. Who could disprove what Smith is saying? That she knew Erin and her friend Bridget' was related to Laurie. She even called Erin 'Tiny' as though they were good friends.

Let's look with rationality and reason however at this claim. We went back and researched Elizabeth Smith's family some more for previous addresses and property ownership. We were able to go way back into her parents' past. Smith's parents are Janice and Robert A. Leger. We have property records and previous addresses for them from the  1980's up until today. See the screen shots we have for them.

The first screenshot is Smith's father the second is her brother. Next comes-

The last one is a property record showing a property that the Leger's owned. Now Smith and her husband live in one of those propeties. The first are previous addresses where her parents have lived.

The first two above are again properties the Smith's have owned as is the last. The one before the last is a more extensive list of addresses listed with Elizabeth Smith's mother's records. We posted these so readers could see the logic of this situation. All of these addresses are on the East Coast of the United States.  None are on the West Coast or even close to it. The South Street address is from 1985, The Long Road one from before it and before that the family lived in Delaware. There is no evidence whatsoever that Elizabeth Smith ever resided in Washington State. She would have been between the ages of 9-13 while this documentary was being researched and filmed. How did she go across the country to Seattle and find these two girls?

 We have also found no one named Bridget connected to her in any way. Though the possibility that Smith knew Erin AKA 'Tiny' exists it is so remote as to be highly improbable. As is there being a Bridget who knew Laurie.  We do not believe once again that she knows either of these girls who are in such dire life circumstances. Is this however where she gets her contention of being a 'street kid'. Is she identifying herself with this subject matter in some way? Again what we see is an attempt to attach herself to celebrity. It is pitiful to see someone so consumed by a desire to be famous that she creates stories to make herself so. Figments of an overactive imagination. You can decide for yourselves readers what you believe.

Her next figment involves her supposed Twitter celebrity. She begins with a Twitlonger concerning it. Apparently there is a 'Twitter Addiction' surrounding her fame.

Per her usual fantasy everyone is jealous of her supposed relationship with BB House Guests, all the celebrities she knows and her book. None of which is of course the truth. People keep posting about her because she drives it with her harassing and nasty tweets and behavior. Nothing more. As far as the book is concerned, after reading her Twitlongers none of us believe she will ever be published. Her writing is that bad. It would require editing so extensive as to make publication highly unlikely. Again this is a vain attempt at being noticed. We have begun to believe that she engages in her nasty, abusive, harassing, bullying behavior just for that purpose. To garner attention. It is a bit of a psychological theory. In other words that even negative attention is better to Jani than none at all.

Then she admits to what is a felony. It is highly illegal in the State of Florida to record someone without their permission.  Smith freely admits to having done so in the following Tweet.

If you look at the top half by itself and enlarged you see the following.

Going back to January of 2014 she has been planning and learning about how to record people. She continually puts out her telephone number and requests that people call her. She requested we do so numerous times but Jeremy and Aaron both knew better than to do that. She tried to play so 'innocent' about such technology. Some people can also get around blocks to view your telephone number. She says she recorded the death threats. But in order to do so she had to have the equipment already set up. Smith is engaging in criminal behavior which she admits to and we have a screen shot of her planning on doing so all the way back to the beginning of the year. Something else to turn in to the authorities. Something else people could sue her over as well.

We will now post a large collection of her harassing, hounding and bullying people. She accuses one woman of not being black when she is. She accuses someone of not having cancer when they do. Her accusations, assumptions and contentions are outrageous, invalid and totally off the wall. They do harm to people and she once again needs to be revealed as the awful person she is.

In one tweet she accuses a Twitter member named Darren of being our member Jeremy. Which of course is not true and once again endangers someone. But Smith does not care about that in the least.

Here are many more abusive and mean spirited 'Tweets'  from the woman who tries to pass herself off as the 'victim'. That is totally laughable. In this first one she admits to trying to play us. She hasn't in her view done anything wrong but lie.


There are so many maligning tweets made by Elizabeth Smith and her friends that we had to do this posting in two parts. Part B will come out some time tomorrow. But as you can see she makes wild, unsubstantiated accusations repeatedly. Accusing people of being one of us. That someone who says they are black isn't. That someone who has cancer doesn't. She accuses people of helping us who haven't. She name calls endlessly. Illegally wiretaps people. Accuses us of referring to her husband with a racial slur which is not true. Of calling him a monkey also not true. She falsely accuses people of being obsessed with her when the true obsessive nature is really hers.

She harasses Twitter posters at every turn trying to control and intimidate.  Her tweets and rationale are perverse and without merit. Tries to scare people that she has been to the police when no one should be frightened in the least. I doubt highly you would be tweeting and laughing from the police station. First they wouldn't allow it. Secondly most people would be nervous of being there even if it is to report something.  Thirdly most people who had just received death threats would be upset not laughing and joking. Lastly going to a police station and saying you recorded death threats would get you arrested for violating wiretap laws.  The whole scenario makes no sense at all.

Neither does her accusing a black woman of being white make any sense. Luckily the accused individual is a very strong person and gives it right back to her big time. We applaud her every response to Smith who harassed and continues to harass this woman daily and without reason. She accuses a man of not having cancer when he does and refuses to apologize even when shown she's wrong.

She uses the plight of poor street kids to try and build her own credibility as someone attached to a famous photographer which we fully believe she is not. We could say poor, sad, pitiful Jani. A study in someone who is profoundly recalcitrant, dishonest, disingenuous, flawed, irrational, lost in wildly false distortions of the truth and the facts at hand.

But her malignant lies, distorted vision of reality, false accusations, endless haranguing, are upsetting and unsettling to those she uses them against. Every sentence, every accusation, every lie, every malformed warping of reality comes back to HER. Her book, her family, her life, but primarily HERSELF. The vanity and conceit of it all is so narcissistic as to be nauseating.  She doesn't care how she gets the attention, what extreme she has to go to, as long as she gets it.

The facts are this. If it weren't for her continual persistence in maligning and harassing people on Twitter, Facebook and Survivor Sucks, no one would notice her. She would just be another person on social media.  It is her continual NOTICE ME, ME, ME that carves out a niche of attention from others. It must be a grievously tortured existence. To be so enamored of getting attention, feeling important, wanting to be revered as a celebrity that you will do anything, say anything, commit anything to have it be so. Imagine having to spend every day fabricating stories such as the Mary Ellen Mark and Titanic ones. Imagine having to prepare yourself to be malicious to others, falsely accusatory of others with such things as saying someone's lying about their race, that they have cancer, that they mailed you shit and so forth. This must be a mind set that has to be put on every day like a suit of armor. To victimize your own self worth so you can appear to be a victim when you're not.

All done in an attempt to gain renown and notoriety. To feel she is IMPORTANT. That she's on the same level as those who receive the adulation of others.  To not be able to live without such recognition. Though she will try to say that's not so, it is obvious that is Elizabeth Smith's NEED. Her most important desire. The only way she can wake up in the morning and feel important. That if others get in the way of that driving obsession, she will do whatever it takes to get them out of her way. So that no one casts a shadow on HER spotlight. Or tries to take a piece of it.

Elizabeth Smith might even be pitiable. But the viciousness of her attacks on others makes such sympathy impossible. She has to be exposed for who she is. Repeatedly if necessary. So that she can not continue to do so much harm to others.

There will be a Part B tomorrow with the remaining tweets.

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