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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith (TheRealJTMD Previously JaniStoleADoll) Is A Liar, Manipulator And Con Artist Part IIl

We had begun this posting last evening but decided to redo it. Elizabeth Smith always tries to portray herself as the innocent party who is being victimized by everyone. But last night on Twitter she and her friends endlessly harassed an innocent woman. Then this morning they tried to scrub and cleanse their Timelines of the proof of their misdeeds. Participating with her was VultureAdderall. Unfortunately for them people were quick to respond. Screenshots of their activities were made and sent to us.

A woman named MsDredd41 took on Elizabeth Smith and really gave it to her. We say good for you MsDredd! You go girl!! Here are the Screenshots. They prove Elizabeth Smith and her friends are the harassers. None of what either Smith or VultureAdderall say in any of these tweets is true. They are meant to harangue, harass and abuse. Smith knows nothing about the Howlers Den members. We did not post any information about her daughter, nor call anyone a monkey or any other racist names. Smith is a liar and a very twisted woman who has no character and no morals. Any lie to her is good as long as it covers her ass. The first thing we'll ask in court is for the proof of her false statements. Which will be absolutely proven as not being ours.

@VultureAdderall is a disgusting piece of garbage as everyone can see. We have some information on him but not his identity yet. We have a telephone number we would like to share. (702) 649-6125. We also know he lives in Las Vegas and is connected to Rob Cesternino through podcasting somehow. We are searching for him and eventually he will be located. The sooner the better however so we would welcome any information available. We have searched for people for years at times until they are eventually found. He will be no different. We are relentless in locating a creep like him. But he could do irreparable damage between now and then. So if you know who he is let us know. We'd appreciate it. We also have a hashtag #VultureAdderall. Tweet with it all of your thoughts about him. If I were Rob Cesternino I would distance myself from this pig as quickly as possible.

The two of them together are a wrecking crew. Wrecking people's peace of mind and it must be stopped. They are the Twitter Trolls. Trashing people, harassing people, doing harm to people. Elizabeth Smith should be ashamed of herself. She is disgusting, and Adderall is perverted. The two are despicable. If Smith's family really is prominent then they should ask her to stop tweeting because she is ruining her family's reputation. We have more comments from her to post as well. Here they are.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 14 (12 days ago)

to me
Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

I want to defend myself on this "rip off report" crap.... Rip off report IS A RIP OFF. THEY should be the #1 complaint on their OWN SITE. Anyone can go on "rip off report" and post ANYTHING... NO PROOF... NOTHING.

How would ANYONE know my income? NO ONE does. I work for someone NOT in my home...I have a job..... Anyone can conduct a little research about this website and the people who manage it. They are impossible to deal with..... in order to "defend" yourself against these "reports" you have to file papers with them- along with a $2000 CHECK.

So a business owner who's employee was fired or is mad can post about them, slander the business... and the ONLY WAY TO REMOVE YOUR NAME IS TO PAY $2000.00 to rip off report. MY "report" was done by a women I worked with. It's NOT true- but I will be DAMNED if Im paying $2000 to fix some lies.


"They do not care that almost every single report is false and planted by a competitor or disgruntled former employee. There is no way to have any Rip Off Report deleted from the website. They openly challenge people to sue them because they know that they are protected by the current laws. Until the laws change, nothing can be done"

There are companies (I counted TEN) making TONS ofr Money off of the "rip off report" website- they bury the negative comment for you at a steep charge. If i was running some "lucrative" business, I would pay them and be done....If TEN companies can make money (I called one- they all have 24/7 phone support) off of JUST things being posted at ripoffreport..... you know it's one big fat scam.

I know the "mafia" is having a ball by plastering this "rip off report" bullshit all over twitter and FB just to "get to me"....but they are WAY off base...yet again.... but then these ppl are fans of racist ppl, send BB ppl money and plane tickets and more.... why would they stop and think or do research?

I can completely changed my mind about the Howlers Den... I can see 100% why you go after these ppl....unreal.

Posted by Eliza Smithe to The Howlers Den at March 5, 2014 at 4:37 PM

Aaron Spellman <>
Apr 14 (12 days ago)

to me
Aaron Spellman has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

We have found Rip Off Report to be a good site for consumer complaints. We have never heard that you can 'buy them off'' either. Where's the proof of such an accusation? We'd like to see it for ourselves.

We asked for proof that Rip Off Report is not any good. We already knew it was they do a good public service. We know of others who have used it as well and found it useful. Smith of course never supplied any proof. Just another of her exaggerations without validity or merit. This was originally sent to us on March 5 but never posted. Why? Because we were waiting for her response and proof which never materialized.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 23 (3 days ago)

to me
I don't even UNDERSTAND this... what do you get out of hurting a family who is VERY big in our community and who buried their only daughter from cancer?

You know who my family is. You know we've been on the media. You know my family is made up of cops and other people. Some are in YOUR state.
You were once nice to me. So was Jeremy. Why all the hostility?

Are you mad at me because I defended myself? Why am I not allowed to do that? You won't let me do it on your blog- I had no choice.
I haven't named a SINGLE name. I have not named Jeremy's last name. I have not even named Michelle's last name. I said "MG" and she flipped out and outted herself.
I cannot control what you do.... I can only control what I do. Please do not email me. Youre blog postings are VERY upsetting to me because you tell ONE side of the story.
I am telling you the info you have posted about me is a LIE. It's slander and it's hurtful.

This is the first we've heard that her family is 'big in the community'. She tries to say she knows who Jeremy and Michelle are but she has no idea whatsoever. In fact she is VERY far off as one of tonight's authors can tell you. She tried to say the woman they are accusing of being Michelle outed herself. That is absurd. Also what we've posted are HER WORDS. they are not slanderous in any way.

This one is from the blog. Again she offers to give us information.
JaniTholeMyDolly <>
Apr 15 (11 days ago)

to me
JaniTholeMyDolly has left a new comment on your post "McCrandaStrong AKA McCrandaMafia Part II":

I REALLY need to talk to someone from here- I have some info that could help.

This one she asks us not to post. She tries to say all of the complaints are from McCranda Mafia members. She insists stuff was mailed to her house. Including the shit which in this comment she has no idea who did it. Which she doesn't and chose two innocent people to blame instead.

Eliza Smithe <>
Mar 4

to me
Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

Aaron - PLEASE dont post this.... I spoke to Jeremy early. He said compaints about me were coming in here. It's ALL MAFIA complaints. they have mocked my dead child, called me racist shit, called my job and more....what am I supposed to do? NOT say anything?? I ONLY ask now for my info to come down because they mailed stuff to my house about my dead child I mean- isnt this going far enough?? I havent contacted ANY of these ppl outside of twitter- I didn't ask for my stuff to come down when they called me, called my job, called my parents, tried to get me fired, tried to stop my book..... I never asked then. I figured I deserved for my info to be up here.... that I should take what I dish....But some Amanda fan mailed SHIT to my home yesterday (yes, shit) and mailed my daughters obituary to me with KARMA on it- that's the ONLY reason I ask now to have my info down. Dont u think that's going a bit too far?? All because I wont allow Amanda Zuckerman fans to pick on me and I fight back??? THEY come at me-and I fight back. I NEVER start with ppl who haven't started with ME first. I just dish back what they dish to me....I have FOUR fake Jani accounts on twitter..... I dont even report them... I think I deserve some of the stuff I get..... I am a bitch...But what if my husband or one of my kids opens a letter to see their dead child/sisters pic on it?? That's going to far.. Trust me- I have learned and I am just ignoring them... not worth it anyway... ALL the complaints r by ppl who are in this "mafia" they are ppl who started with ME, when they interfered with my book I went back at them..... I can provide pics of the stuff mailed to me- I took pics before throwing it away.....Can I agree to your conditions to have my stuff come down? I will follow the rules YOU lay out for me.... I dont want my kids hurt... me back at

In this one she talks about people calling HER JOB. Yet we have heard she is the one who calls people's jobs to ha
Elizabeth S <>
Feb 27

to me
Elizabeth S has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":
From Jani (PT 1) (cause Im a wordy bitch): I have tried to do better, I have a big mouth & can't shut it. I cannot NOT speak up while Aaryn, Amanda & GM are put on some pedestal and Candice/Helen (who were racially bullied) are ignored. It makes me PHYSICALLY ILL too see 3 women who went on a racial tirades on ppl on National TV have "support accounts" on twitter and such a large fan base that is sending them gifts and so forth. I wonder how Candice feels watching GM brag about her movie roles/modeling and filming her "fan mail" pouring in??------ I was wrong to pick on Andy and call him names, but now I apparently am NOT allowed to even talk about his GAME play or my personal info gets posted. But the "mafia" is going to continue to get my wrath. They seem to think now that since they have my info, calling my parents house, calling me (when my husband had just had back surgery- THAT person got an earful and has NOT called back LOL), talking about my daughter (whom they know is deceased) is fair game now since you guys printed my info. They know how *I* feel about private info- so they know I wont come here and post their info. Well, that rule may change for the "McCranda Mafia" since they are coming "no holds barred" at ME. I can ALWAYS make an exception. =) ---------- I am also working on a book about BB. I plan on covering the psychology of going on the show, the casting process, how to win and more. I have interviewed roughly 20 former HG so far. But since I AM going to cover the racism of BB15 in ONE chapter the "mafia" has decided to try to and stop my book by contacting HG to try and get them not to talk to me, mocking and also saying I am "using" the book only to talk to HG. This is a REAL project. Who I am as a writer and who I am on twitter is 2 different things. I dont plan on hurting ANYONE in this book- it will be funny and light and very interesting. Even though I dislike Andy on a personal level, I will point out his game moves in a positive way. Just as the "mafia" doesn't go to THEIR JOBS and scream about ME, I wont go to MY job and scream about them. I make my LIVING as a ghost writer. THATS HOW I PAY MY BILLS. They have infected every part of my life, and if they knew who I wrote for they would infect that as well----- Bottom line is the "mafia" sits in their asses ALL DAY and talks about "JaniTholeMyDoll" and how mean she is. They have went WAY too far with me and I'm NOT going to just sit there. I WILL go back at them and I WILL revoke my old rule of "no personal info" and use this blog as my personal phone book if it goes on--------- MY opinion is that you CANNOT "Bully" anyone on twitter. Not with a "Block" button. And if *I* am a twitter bully, then SO IS MCCRANDA MAFIA. There are EIGHT "Jani" accounts made up SOLELY to "hate" on me. I dont care, I dont even report them. have at it. But by the same token, if they are going to trash me, use hate accounts, can't I go back them? I dont do the "fake hate account" thing- I do it ALL from MY personal account. I have not made up a single "SoCow", "Whitney" account to taunt THEM. I dont hide, Im right there.--------I write twitlongers about the racism of BB15. I was affected by is since Candice COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAUGHTER. I imagine me watching MY child being bullied the way SHE WAS on BB15 and I get mad and write about it. They call my twitlongers "shitlongers" while the people from BB15 call me to THANK ME for speaking out since they cannot. WHY are they "shit"?? Because I speak the 100% truth and Amanda was one of the ppl who DID THIS SHIT? Because they speak out against racism and their "Queen" said some of it? What did these 3 women expect? Ticker-Tape parades? ve them fired.

Again she justifies her harassing of people and brings up her daughter. She repeatedly accuses others of doing so but she is the one who plays her daughter's death as a sympathy card constantly. She uses it as a shield against criticism of her bullying behavior. Everyone feels badly that she lost her daughter. Our friend Jeremy has revealed that he lost a little brother. But it is not an excuse for bad behavior.  Nor an excuse or shield to hide behind.

Elizabeth S <>
Feb 27

to me
Elizabeth S has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":
FromJani (Pt 2) I have seen GM & Amanda cry MORE about being turned down from Reality Rally than Candice, Helen or Elissa did about the racism and bullying. Im sorry, but Cadice did NOT have a "block" button when she was racially mocked to her face. Elissa did not have a "Block" button when she was chased around by Amanda in a robe and Amanda was banging on the HOH door. THAT IS BEING BULLIED, NOT the shit I say on Twitter------- .But fair is fair, I dish so I gotta take it. So I get 100% why my info is here. Even when they posted it was "Karma" my daughter died (which happened years ago and has NOTHING to do with Amanda Zuckerman BTW) it did not affect me. The pain of her death is NOTHING compared to what SHE went through in her final year with me...she was brave taking chemotherapy, losing her hair and being so ill. ------- So if they want to cluck about me ALL DAY, mock my work, interfere with my personal life, so be it. But I am going RIGHT BACK AT THEM...and let the chips fall where they may.-----I *was* VERY against this blog revealing information about ppl. But now I kind of understand. It IS very effective when dealing with these people. The reason the "Mafia" thinks I am a bully and they are NOT is because of ONE REASON: *I* get to them, they will NEVER get to me----- A "bully" is not defined by the "BULLIED" ppls reactions, it's defined by the "BULLIES" actions. So THEY do and say things to ME- but can't seem to handle what I do and say to them. Thus, *I* am the evil bully and they are the victims...Even though they do the same shit....

You can all read for yourselves. We posted O'Neil here because he was harassing people as well and getting them suspended from Twitter. If you read what she says about him believing he's important to the BB people who is she really talking about? Isn't that how she really looks at herself?

Elizabeth S <>
Feb 27

to me
Elizabeth S has left a new comment on your post "Let's 'GET REAL lol' Harassers And Bullies Segmen...":

Apparently, Judd had the UTTER GALL to travel to Orlando a few nights back and not invite Amanda. Amanda tweeted about it. ALL of her fans attacked Judd all over twitter about "hurting her" with JohnoNeil with the ringleader. This is when I TRULY saw this guy in action...he was nasty to Judd, then Judd blocked him.... 2 mins later he posted about how his "Apsbergers Mind" causing him to tweet that. he also questioned why Judd (who was out with his friends) had the balls to block John instead of DMing him to "find out what he meant." So in HIS mind, he is important to the BB ppl. He thinks hes the spokesperson for them and they should DM him to "clear things up" instead of jumping on the chance to block him. Then when they block him he pull the "autism card" as if he had no clue what he's done wrong and is just some poor, handicapped man who is misunderstood. He's NOT "autistic" when he's scouring twitter for "I dont like Amanda comments" and having the accounts reported by his right-hand-man Frank is he?? No.... dont think so...

In this one she talks about the anti-Den movement. That what we've done is slanderous which is untrue. Again we will repeat. In order to be slanderous or libelous the statements made have to be untrue. None of what we have said is untrue. The rest is in her OWN words. So is she saying the messages she sent us are untrue? We never attacked her dead daughter nor did we call her husband racist names. We would like to see the proof. We know there is none. Also she has no idea of who is posting here. That's why she uses initials as she has no names.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 23 (3 days ago)

to me
Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "Elizabeth Smith (JaniStoleADoll) Is A Liar, Manipu...":

The above people posting are: D.P., R., S.P., M.G., J. & more. Me and the anti-den know WAY more than you think we do. I understand that D.P. & S.P. are scared. They conspired with a women on twitter to mail animal feces to a pregnant women. That women lives 10 minutes from me. They took a "twit-war" WAY to far...........But it's not what you KNOW, it's what you can PROVE................... Myself and my family are VERY upset that you attacked my dead daughter and called my husband racist names. What you have done here is slanderous, emotional distress and more.... I am not going to fight "the Den", MG and her boyfriend J on twitter. I am going join the "anti-den. The underage girls who's info is exposed, the other people who are slandered, who have been hurt. I have been in touch with many of them. Printing peoples names, addresses, phone numbers and more may be legal as far as criminally, but when you post in a public place lies, that is slander. Slander causes emotional distress. Food for thought.

This is now all of the material we have on Elizabeth Smith. At least for the moment. We will continue to expose her supporters as they are located. We also know that XxTraczxX comes from Michigan and we are searching for her. As many of those who harass people and can be located will be posted.

Elizabeth Smith it seems from her continued harassing of Twitter users has learned nothing. She continues her lying, manipulative behavior. That is why she was posted and for no other reason as she has tried to state. Not because anyone didn't like her. Not because anyone is jealous of the book she is writing. Not because she is supposedly a  'fighter against racism'. All of that is a figment of her very overactive imagination. She needs to grow up and focus on herself instead of spending her days on Twitter harassing and insulting people. Her friends like Vulture would be wise to do the same.  All of you are just despicable human beings and nothing more.

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