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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith (JaniStoleADoll) Is A Liar, Manipulator And Con Artist, Part I (Now TheRealJTMD)

Elizabeth Smith (JaniStoleADoll) Is A Liar, Manipulator And Con Artist. Part I (Now TheRealJTMD)

 Elizabeth Smith (@JaniStoleADoll) has been running around Twitter trying to get people to gang together against this blog. Her information was posted here as she is a bully on Twitter. We had numerous complaints regarding her before she was posted.

She then proceeded to communicate with two of our members, one by email and one by Direct Message on Twitter. She attempted to play the two Den members off against each other and failed. She also kept harping about her info being posted and wanted us to take it down which we would not do. Why? Because her bullying behavior hadn't changed and we continued to receive complaints regarding her and how she was harassing people all over the Twittersphere. She begged us to take it down on more than one occasion. She offered us information regarding supporters of Amanda Zuckerman if we would do so. Still we wouldn't.

Then came a situation regarding Reality Rally and Gillian Larson. She had offered to tell us about how Amanda Zuckerman and her followers had harassed Ms. Larson after she was rejected for inclusion in Reality Rally. Though other Reality Stars were chosen to participate, which angered Zuckerman and Gina Marie Zimmerman who was also rejected.

She kept insisting she didn't want her info down for the story on what occurred, yet kept mentioning her posting on the blog.  One of our members, Jeremy had actually been supporting her. The women blog members had been trying to tell him she wasn't to be believed. So finally Jeremy put out a test. He agreed to listen to her story about Reality Rally and we'd consider taking down her info.

The women members of the group had already said she was playing a game with him and Aaron. That she wasn't going to tell us the story. She was afraid she'd be revealed as the source. The same women members knew she was doing it only to get her posting removed if she could. She was afraid if it was revealed she'd told us, no one would 'interview' with her any longer for the 'supposed' book she is writing about Big Brother. The ladies were right. She refused to give us the story, then began to criticize the blog as a way of trying to get out of things. Jeremy saw the light and knew then she'd been lying. He blocked her on Twitter. Aaron wouldn't have anything to do with her any longer either.

Smith began to tell larger and larger lies. Whoppers in fact. That a Michelle on Twitter was our author Michelle. Which is not true. The poor woman has nothing to do with us and is being falsely accused so 'Jani' can look better to her followers. She did Twitlongers full of lies which Jeremy responded to. She tried to say we were behind a group of fake John Carl O'Neil accounts which was also not the truth. She has told so many false stories we are surprised she can keep them all straight. Only a practiced liar can do so. As we responded by posting all of her comments even those she did not want posted, the level of her hysteria has grown.

Smith went absolutely ballistic when she tried to rally people against us and no one came to the party to help her. She tried to say someone named ShananTx was going along with her. Surprisingly not so long ago she was complaining that we'd taken down Shanan's info and wouldn't remove hers. We believe her attempt to use Shanan is because she is angry that her info is still posted and Shanan's isn't.

Smith continues to attempt to band people together against the Howlers Den. We've partially exposed her as the untruthful fool that she is. Elizabeth Smith AKA @JaniStoleADoll is untruthful, untrustworthy, a deceitful bitch, a manipulator and a con artist.  So what we're going to do is post every one of her comments from DM's, emails, and blog comments. Everyone will be able to see just how she continually contradicts herself. She is a troubled individual who will say and do anything to get her way. When that fails she harasses and bullies people.  Which won't work with us. So let's expose little Jani for the double dealing, compulsive fabricator that she really is. She has no shame and no character.

We'll begin with Screenshots of her Direct Messages with Jeremy on Twitter. You can see for yourselves as she tries to flatter, cajole, beg, create sympathy, sell people out, offer information, try to trick by saying being on the blog helps her and that she doesn't care if her PI stays up. It's a picture of a desperate, troubled woman you see in the DM's.  What she's totally up to we aren't sure of. But partly we think she wants to be the one who brings down the Den for her book. She begged repeatedly for Jeremy to call her on the phone, which he would not. Some people have methods of even being able to locate a telephone number when it's been blocked. Jeremy was not fool enough for that. Though he fell for her story at times she underestimated his loyalty to the Howler's Den. He would never sell us out. He's allowed us to post everything though he finds it embarrassing.  The group's women love teasing him about it. But he wants a complete picture of Elizabeth Smith AKA JaniStoleADoll to be revealed. So sit back and enjoy. This is the first posting. There will be a second and possibly a third depending on how much space the emails and comments take up in a blog posting.

Here's two where she offers information.

The second three are about supposed 'monkey shit' that was mailed to her and someone else. We never were certain whether we believed her. Where would someone get monkey shit from? Climb in a cage at the zoo? Seemed a bit improbable to even Jeremy. (Only kidding my friend...only kidding!)

Again in the above she begs for Jeremy to call her and offers information. Should anyone she interviewed in confidence trust her?

The three above are posts she says she's being bullied in but the first definitely shows her being the bully not the other way around.

The above two are again a play for Jeremy's sympathy. In the second she's saying her family is being hurt.

These screenshots above are again her asking about her info and offering information. Then a compliment about the blog, an attempt at flattery it seems.

The next two are Jeremy trying to tell her what to do and her response that people are jealous and that's why they are complaining to us about her. Excuses for her rotten behavior. Why would anyone be jealous of someone writing a book?

The preceding 9 SS's are her bragging about the book which isn't even written yet that people are going into forums and telling others not to buy it. Regardless that it might not even be published. Again she suggests our posting of her PI is 'helping her'. An attempt to get us to take it down. All takedowns on HD require a majority vote and she couldn't get it.  Then dangling information again.

The next three are again her trying to get Jeremy to call her. Bragging about how big the book will be. How could he resist?

Again she's got info for us in these next ones, dangle...dangle and we're helping her. I will give her that she is persistent.

In this next group Jeremy is explaining how the group and blog really began to fight bullies. She began to say she felt posting 'white power' people was more important. That Amanda and her followers didn't really matter. Is that an alliance with Amanda whom she supposedly hates? Yet at the same time she's offering info on Amanda and McCrae. Again with the attempts to gain sympathy, but she doesn't want her info down.

The next four are about her offering info on Gina Marie Zimmerman. Then talking about racism as Jeremy tells her about posting Don Black. She goes right back to Zimmerman. So how serious is she really about posting the racists on Twitter?

Next are more information dangles....but take note she never gave us once piece. Also discusses Cammy DeAngelo whom we posted. Seems McCrae accused her group of blackmail.

Upcoming are more Screen Shots. She has been off Twitter and wants to know why it's abuzz. Jeremy is telling her about posting Don Black and Charles Murray. Take note that the conversation ALWAYS comes back to her. People are jealous she's writing a book.

The last four above she talks about racism but tosses in a dangle that she's gaining by our having posted her.
In the next four she is trying again to get Jeremy to call her. He's explaining why he can't. It is our policy never to call anyone. As already stated some people can get around a blocked number. She holds out information again in her attempt.

In the latter five Jeremy confronts her about the 'Grouchy Jew'. Jani calls her toxic though we have seen numerous screen shots by now of Jani and her twitter pals abusing her. Then she begins to question who writes the blog and insists it has to be a woman. Then brings up the 'bag of shit' she says was sent to her again. Both seem like an attempt to change the subject away from her behavior.

Again she offers Jeremy information. This time about the Reality Rally situation and the situation with Amanda and McCrae. Jeremy tells her we are going to post one of her Twitter Pals and she says 'good'. Again she's holding out information she has no intention of giving.

Then the last six. She begins by saying she thinks her info is posted over a jealousy thing. She sent the same in an email to one of our members. Then she begins to question why we post the Amanda supporters.  She wants to know why anyone would contact the blog. Yet the comments from people regarding her are there for her to see. The deal has been accepted  and now she's bailing. She never got what she wanted which was absolutely her info taken down. Yet she did not want to really give the information on all of the situations she supposedly knows the inside scoop on.  Jeremy also confronts her that we received information that the whole 'shit bag' situation could have been created by her.

These are all Elizabeth Smith's Direct Messages with Jeremy. As you can see she is a very twisted individual. So much of it is vain self interest. Everything repeatedly comes back to her. She will say and do anything to get her way. As she began to realize Jeremy wasn't going to call her and her information wasn't coming down she suddenly begins to question and criticize. She has been running all over Twitter accusing an innocent person of being Michelle. Lying that this is about jealousy. Lying about not being abusive to the Grouchy Jew. One exaggeration after another. Stories changing constantly. Offering to sell people out.

Jeremy felt badly and was influenced by the fact she has a child who died of cancer. We can't say why it affected him so on this blog but it did. He however would not sell us out by calling her. Then her stories made less and less sense. It was obvious she was holding out information in an attempt to have hers taken down yet didn't dare give us information obtained in confidence. But would she if the gain was right for her? Big enough? We say yes.

She is an extremely manipulative, dishonest individual that no one should believe. Or follow on Twitter.  Much more will be revealed as we post all of her emails next which are even more enlightening.

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