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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elizabeth Smith (TheRealJTMD Previously JaniStoleADoll) Is A Liar, Manipulator And Con Artist Part II

We continue our posting of Elizabeth Smith AKA JaniTholeADolly, JaniStoleADoll now known on Twitter as TheRealJTMD. Previously we posted all of her Direct Messages with our fellow member Jeremy. Now we will post all of the emails she exchanged with another group member.  Normally we would not do so, but she is an extreme case who must be exposed. Her motivations to both us and others are highly destructive and she can not be allowed to get away with the harm she causes. So let us begin.
In this first one she has discovered that part of what we disapprove of with her and had complaints about is some of her commentary involving  Jewish people which was insensitive.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 4

to me

I just wanted to apologize to you.
I do understand looking back in hindsight why my info is up there... I deserve it.
I am trying had to change, but this is not an easy thing. I don't think I ever WILL change all the way. I am who I am. So I will no longer ask for my info to come down... its out there on Google anyway.
I am sarcastic and get defensive and I abhor racism due to my own personal experiences.
HOWEVER, I also just had a VERY enlightening phone call...and I thought I would share it with you...
In working on my book about Big Brother, I wanted to get perspectives from Gay people, Black people and also Jewish people.
I know you're Jewish and I thought I would express to you because I know there was some talk in your organization about me being anti-Semitic.

I want to make MY views clear: I grew up with Jewish people and I never thought about our differences, I just thought about how alike we were. While I never quite got some of the traditions and food, I understood it was different than my home life and I just accepted it- it's how children are.

 It's how I STILL am... I don't see differences as being wrong, I see them as being cool or interesting.
As an adult, I grew up never really thinking about what it meant to be Jewish. I never understood why Jewish people were "hated" on or why people made fun of them. I just couldn't understand disliking someone over something like that.
As an adult, I educated myself in Jewish history and understood some of the persecution and pain
But, I'm NOT Jewish and have NEVER experienced that persecution myself. I am white, but I have been judged, yelled at, discriminated against and even hurt physically due to my family being Black. So I can relate to the pain in that way.
I just interviewed a Jewish women for my book. She explained to me the way some people's words from BB15 words hurt her.

I was so wrapped up in MY pain... I never stopped to think others were in pain also..... and not just from the comments about Black/mixed race and gay people... but from the comments made about Jewish people.
I am going to add this into my book. I am going to print her interview and express her pain at the anti-antisemitism that was expressed on the show. I was WRONG to over-look it
Thanks for reading... -Beth
PS: if you have ANY THOUGHTS or things to add... email me back. =)

As you can see she seems sorry but is she really? In the next one she has been questioned about some of her Twitter associated who are extremely anti-Semitic. She and they have been harassing a Jewish woman. As you can see she tries to explain it away, but in our opinion it rings lame. If the people you tweet with are anti-Semitic and you disagree with them, you stop tweeting with them. She never did so.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 6

to me

Well, I am only responsible for what *I* write, not for what people I follow/follow me write. I only unfollow people if they do something to me....I rarely pay attention to other people's TL. I just don't have time to check them all out.

If someone follows me, I follow them back. I am "friends" with some people, but I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND Twitter is *NOT* real life. I DID have some Nazis on my ass.... I blocked most of them...

I appreciate Jeremy doing that... he's a nice guy and I enjoy batting around ideas with him.

I have NEVER made an anti-sematic comment, please don't get it twisted.

There was (is) a women named "Grouchy Jew" (that was her user name) and she started a BUNCH of shit on twitter. I may have referred to her name "Grouchy Jew" or "GJ" ONLY BECAUSE I had to explain to someone SHE caused an issue - NOTHING MORE.

If *I* ever said something anti-sematic I'd LOVE to see it. I have not, because I DONT feel that way. I DID have a discussion one day with a friend... it was regarding the movie "School Ties" and how someone can "hide" being Jewish, but Black folks cannot hide their color.

It also had to do with Amanda Zuckermans attitude that because she was Jewish, she could say things about Black ppl... This is a reflection of how I felt about AMANDA, *not* Jewish people.... I just do not think that way.

I am NOT Christian, or any religion really. I agree with you the bible is used to condemn people like me (a "race mixer"), Jewish people, Gay people and more. I know OF it, but I don't get the logic so I don't agree with it.

*** As I said, my email was to ONLY apologize for not realizing how much the things said by BIG BROTHER PEOPLE on season 15 hurt Jewish people. And also to inform you of my intent to mention it in my book. I was enlightened and wanted to share it. =)

*I* never said those things and I DO NOT follow, nor will I speak to certain people from BB15 for my book for just that reason.

I was NOT in any way trying to get my info taken down. My stuff is out there anyway... My book is coming out this summer and my info is going to be looked up anyway. I am easy to find everywhere.

I cannot change myself nor my behavior for a blog.... I am trying to do better for ME, not to appease anyone else.

Thanks for your time....

-Beth =)

In this third one the attempted manipulation has really begun. She’s going to mention the blog in a book, but wants to believe that the Amanda stuff is done by a woman who doesn’t like HER. Just how delusional is that? Someone doesn’t like HER so they post Amanda and her supporters? Makes absolutely no sense does it. Then tries to say posting her husband is illegal, he’s a public servant. We haven’t found any information verifying that. Also the information was in the public domain and so no matter who it is it can be reposted. She names two people she insists mailed shit to her house but offers no proof. We believe she mailed it to herself, or one of her friends/followers did. Why would you mail something like that and use an address that could be identified as being you? Something else nonsensical.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 6

to me

PS: I will be mentioning your blog in my book....I think it has some GREAT stuff.

I don't know WHO writes the BB/Zuckerman stuff (it HAS to be a BB fan female who Ive had a "run it" with)... but whatever. =) The more I get mentioned the more "buzz" surrounds me and I need that with my book right now- so it helps to be mentioned on howlers den.

Besides, readers of the Den are NOT going to come to my house. And the mailings to my home are illegal due to my husbands job. Even printing his name and address is illegal..... he is a public servant and if it caused him harm they may not be too happy.

Shelley and Dom Perry (@ShellyKay66 & @DomJPerry) - who mailed something to my house are PETRIFIED right now- they did NOT realize what my husband did for a living and mailed something to my home that could affect DOMS job... but I am not that much of a bitch.


.... I wish SOMEONE from the den would talk to me about some of the things I know for your site... I have interviewed SO MANY people and know SO much info..

Some I can NOT reveal, some I CAN reveal. This is NOT an offer or a "trade" for my info coming down- (I am fine with it now- Im going to get "hate" anyway)  this is simply me finding what Amanda did to a cancer charity SICKENING and hoping someone other than ME exposes it.

I have told Jeremy... I think you guys would find it VERY interesting, Especially since Amanda did Vlogs on it that are LIES that *I* have 100% conformation on...

=) –Beth

This next email is her offering to give us the material on the Reality Rally/Gillian Larson situation with Amanda Zuckerman. She insists it’s not to have her info taken down. Though it was told her in confidence she’s willing to give us the story. Why? It was time to call her game.

Eliza Smithe

Apr 9

to me

 My intent is not manipulate you into taking my info down... Im sure that happens, but not with me.
The level of dislike for me is because I am honest on twitter. BRUTALLY honest. I am also tough and DO NOT take ppls crap.I dont let them get to me... quite frankly, they DONT get to me.. My life has been WAY harder than some twitter BS....and it's good now. =)

 I also no longer fight with some people and they miss my attention..LOL =)

.As I said before, I am writing a book about Big Brother - this plays a MAJOR role in the "hatred" of me.

The animosity and emails you relieve are likely some of these twitter people that think BB people are "stars" and worship them- I dont have to explain that to you- you see it with Zuckerman/Olson "mafia" crew. They hate me and that is fine...

 I dont need to be liked by racist supporters or "mafia" ppl. I have NO NEED to "fit in" with ppl on social media... it's NOT real life.
I personally do not see McCrae Olson as bad person... he's spineless & lazy, but not a bad person. I tweeted back and forth with him lately and some of his "fans" almost lost it since I was a big "hater" of his. (McCrae called me a cunt- what was I supposed to do? Shower him with LOVE?) LOL but that was months ago... he apologized.

While I AM NOT A "Fan" of his, I dont hate him either.

 The others like Zuckerman, Gries. Andy Herren & Gina Marie Zimmerman??? I  *DO* "hate" (for lack of a better word). THEY ARE BAD PEOPLE (IMHO). The more I find out about them, the more I loath them.
Each interview I find out MORE they have have done....

I will NOT interview them for my book. Their fans are MAD. my personal choice to NOT speak to them is due to my own personal ethics...
You can look at my timeline and TL's lately- I express how I feel but I no longer get into "wars"... it's not worth my time. I had to realize this MYSELF... that is how people are. =)

I am willing to share with you the things I know about Zuckerman and what she did to Gillian Larson and her charity... however, I will NOT do it to have my info taken down...
I dont want to use a fake account... My daughter died from cancer... and when I found I what Amanda Zuckerman and some of her followers did, I cried.... i really's going to shock you... it's horrible.

.. it's BAD....

So I will share with you and trust you... if you give me your WORD as a man that you will NOT say this came from me

 and also- I DONT WANT THIS TO BE some "deal" for my info to come down... I dont want to use cancer for that....
Do we have a deal? Let me know. =)
- Beth

So Aaron accepts her deal. Here’s the email. The ladies in the group had her pegged. They knew she wouldn’t give up the info and wanted to prove it.

Aaron Spellman <>
Apr 9

to Eliza

We have a deal. No one will ever know it came from you. Just let me know what to leave out so you can't be identified as the source. When we give our word we keep it. And thanks. The more we know the more determined we are to expose Zuckerman and 'cronies'.

Now we will begin to see the truth. Here is suddenly her reply. She never had any intention of keeping a deal and instead begins to attack us. Wanting to know why she’s posted which has been explained repeatedly already both by Aaron and Jeremy. Why we are posting Zuckerman and her supporters, which has also been endlessly explained. It wasn’t about info coming down but now she’s all defensive about it being up. Yet doesn’t want to stick to her deal. Why? Because she’s afraid someone will expose where the info came from. Then no one will interview with her again.

This was always about her info and whatever else her little game was.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 13 (10 days ago)

to me

I have been thinking about this.... some things are NOT adding up to me. I hope you'll be honest with me as I have been with you. =)
I have to ask you some things before we go on...The reason is:

 I did A LOT of work on this story. I did research, looked up tweets and even did an interview with Gillian Larson in which she looked into records of donations and told me the WHOLE story of her being attacked by Zuckermans fans AND Zuckerman and what the result was.
This was for my book and it a very interesting story about how being a "fan" can go awry and how her fans "protecting" a BB person like Zuckerman can have SERIOUS consequences.

So, this was time-consuming and (in my opinion) a significant story about someone who was turned down from a charity (due to racism),publicly blamed the WRONG PEOPLE, made private info PUBLIC and the results were horrible. (I have a personal stake in this due to my child passing away from cancer, as I mentioned.)
(This is only ONE CHAPTER of my imagine the effort to do the WHOLE book...LOL

I have to ask before I proceed: WHY is my info up there in the first place? If the "Den" is about exposing bullies and racists, why is ONLY Amanda/her fans/me and a hand-full of others so hyper-focused on?
I DO NOT like Amanda.... I DO NOT like her why would *I* be involved with ANY OF THIS? I have strong opinions, I state them. That is what social media is for.... to state opinions, speak about what's important to you and share life experiences.
If I say something people do not like, they can "block" me. If they choose to engage me, that is on being a "Bully" does NOT hold water (at least not on twitter, anyway).
We have Ginamarie Zimmerman from BB15 being sent make-up, money, fan-mail and more. We have Aaryn Gries getting "support" for being an internationally knows racist. (I interviewed her Mom for my book by the way- what a piece of work SHE is).
We have REAL bullies on Twitter, people who "switch" accounts, make up fake accounts to get around being "blocked" and more. I DO NOT DO THAT STUFF.
I had SHIT mailed to me, and so did a pregnant women with a child..... this is ALL due to my opinions about racism that I state. The pregnant women was mailed shit due to a "Teen Mom" debate.... I guess the 2 women (the one who hates me and the one who hates her) got together and decided THIS was how to "shut us up" ..... by mailing us shit.
If you guys know a lot about me, then you know what my husband does for a living. You would know it's illegal to post that info... why would it be SO important to publicly shame ME (a person who is on YOUR side of this issue) and NOT take that info down after I expressed regret and stopped a LOT of my past behaviors?
I guess in a nut-shell, I am having "trust issues"...

This "den" info is being used all over... on twitter, on Facebook if someone gets mad at me or jealous due to my book and other projects.....why would my info stay up there and other (mafia) people's info come down? I have read where @shanaTxs info came down because her "friend" asked... but I explained I was mailed SHIT (amoung other things)..... and yet MY info stays up there?

Knowing we have lost a child, what my husbands job is and WHY I said the things I said should be taken into account. (IMHO)
I feel it's fair to ask these things if I am going to turn over my hard word and time..... I also LIKE the den... I love the political messages, the writing and I am just not understanding some things and wish to know more. I don't want this damaging info used in way to hurt Gillian, me or ANYONE ELSE...BUT  how can i trust it wont with what I KNOW and what I SEE?

Can you understand my concern?? Also - I am SO SORRY it takes me a while to get to my email.... I am really starting to get into my book and another project I am working on for a director and a famous photographer (seriously! LOL). I haven't had time to check email.... LOL... ;)
Thank you for allowing me to ask this- I appreciate your openness.. =)

Then she contacts the Den again. This time she’s angry. She doesn’t want someone’s comments critical of her posted. She wants us to post hers but not other people. We didn’t post the Rip Off Report comment as we have no proof it is true. As far as we know Rip Off Repost supplies a public service which helps many people. If she had a report there it was because someone complained to them. All of this is nothing but an excuse now that we didn’t fall for it. We believe she really believed she could get her info taken down without giving us anything.  But we have had too many complaints concerning her to remove her information.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 13 (10 days ago)

to me

I just looked at my info.... WHY is Kelly Vicks comments up there?? But my comments defending myself against "rip off report" (which is a rip off site- a simple google search confirms this) are NOT there?? NOW I am mad after seeing that bullshit.

How is what SHE says about me relevant to me being a "bully"? Kelly Vick is a LIAR and anyone who is in my FB group (or even looked at my FB page) KNOWS that...
This is what I mean about some of the Dens makes NO sense to me...

Do you all know who Kelly Vick is?? She is a heroin addict who is jealous I started a FB group for a documentary. She acted like a WILD ANIMAL in my group and I had to kick her OUT of my group..
To get back at me, she told people on Facebook I was writing a book about the kids from the it's changed to  another motive.... she is a whack job MESS but her comments are posted?
Not only did she use the "Dens" info to slander me (YES- SLANDER- she lies about me) ... BUT:
I tried to raise money for one of her "street friends" to have a headstone (the women was stabbed to death defending another kid) I was ALMOST SCAMMED for my  money by KELLY VICKS FRIEND...(a women named Lori)..until I found out:
- She had NO rights to collect the money
- Was NOT the womens relative
- She was NOT going to use the money I collected for a headstone- it was SCAM

This is SUCH a mess and has NO rhyme or reason for me... THIS is why I get mad and "flare up".... people say whatever they want about me... and instead of examining THEIR motives and WHY they say these things.... they are taken as gospel truth and posted.....
HOW can I trust something like this Aaron with this Kelly Vick psycho being involved now???

Now Aaron answers her and unloads. She had also complained in a post which will come later that Shanan’s info was taken down. But hers was still up. Just recently she said Shanan was helping her which we do not believe.

Aaron Spellman <>
Apr 13 (10 days ago)

to Eliza

I think this correspondence shows the truth in every way. You're in this to have your info taken down and nothing more. Number one we have a load of contacts who wrote us to complain about you. Number two you certainly are a bully. You go after people constantly. We have screenshots that have been sent to us that show it too. We've had at least six people who have contacted us, begging in one case not to take your info down.

We've also been told (as Jeremy told you last night) that that the 'shit' story is a hoax perpetrated by you to get sympathy. What exactly do you think you know? Nothing. Number one it isn't illegal to post your info. Listing your husband's name is secondary. It also is not illegal to post his either. Where you got that idea we don't know. We have legal reps and know for a fact it isn't illegal.  Number two you lie. We have stuff sent to us all the time about you. You say you don't harass anyone but that's not true either. We don't reveal our sources any more than you reveal yours.

Why Shanan and not you? Because someone who cares about her came and asked us with no other motivation than being a friend. We also haven't seen any continued activity from her either. You however keep right on going. It's obvious now to us that you're all about yourself. Endless vain twitlongers. Correspondence. Tweets. Jeremy is done with you too after the DM's you sent him. And that last material you sent us about Kelly Vick. We have no proof of any of that and it could very well be your usual lies.

Not interested in Gillian Larson, or your opinions any longer. Get lost. Your info stays up. No more votes and no more consideration from us. Neither do we believe you're writing a book. You're full of shit. An internet scam artist and liar. Nothing more. Take a hike.

Then suddenly she tries to be a bit nice again. Tries to say if it was only about her info she would have given us the story. We don’t think so. She was playing both sides trying not to give anything and accomplish her goal. Yet she’s not going to ‘trash us’ or so she says.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 13 (10 days ago)

to me

OK I understand... thanks for your time. =) I sent you pics of what i got in the mail... and I'm NOT the only person who got some...she has pics up on twitter... she got TWO bags of poo from the SAME company... I don't even KNOW her... how could I fake that?
You're smarter than that- THINK about it...if I was ONLY in this to get my info down, I would have sent you the story on Gillian/Amanda/The charity scandal as you prompted me too so it would "help my case"... (I assume help my info to come down?) I DID NOT do that....

My book will be out this summer... when you read it, things will become VERY clear. I am also going to help the den to get more hits. Your in the chapter about Amanda, that haters and more. :)
Don't worry, I have NO intention of trashing you, your site or your members. I actually like a lot of what you say....and as a good writer does, they lay out BOTH sides of the story and let the readers determine how THEY feel.

Thank you so much.


Then she sends us the following. She had written a Twitlonger highly critical of us. Then tried to explain it away as Jeremy had responded to her. She says she won’t show our emails or DM’s. Ah well we will because it’s pertinent to our postings against her.

Eliza Smithe
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

I had to write that TL defending myself...

I will NOT show ANYONE your private emails to me. I will NOT show anyone screen caps of Jeremys DMS with me- I copied them all since i knew he was with you guys... they were ONLY for my records.
I KNOW it's Michelle who "investigates" the BB fans... I was told this a while ago. People are gathering together to "fight back" against you all... I will NOT be a part of it.
I have a book to write and a job and a family... I have wasted my time on this.

I will address this more in my book. I will NOT trash anyone, especially someone like you who shares the SAME VIEWS I do on polictis. =) I understand your position as you do mine.
i wish we had met under better circumstances.
-ElizaBeth Smithe (nice job finally getting my REAL name) LOL

Aaron then tells her off again.

Aaron Spellman <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to Eliza

Not interested in excuses or foolishness from you any longer. Neither is Jeremy.

Now we come to the present. Her DM’s have been posted. Elizabeth Smith’s crooked wheels have been turning at how many lies she can tell to get herself out of this mess she’s in. Exposed as a liar, someone who can’t be trusted, a harasser, gives out confidential information. Now comes serious deceit and untruthfulness. And it is as disgusting as can be and she is. A swarm of lies were told in an email and a Twitlonger.

Eliza Smithe
1:42 PM (4 hours ago)

to me

The Den attacking me MORE, attacking my dead daughter, and my husband is pretty low. In fact, I am upset. VERY upset. So is my son, my husband and my other family members who saw that.
Do you NOT know attacking a dead child is "emotional distress" for the family you did it to? Do you NOT know what "slander" is?
I am just sitting here, taking screen shots of EVERYTHING. I also have the SS of you all making fun of my daughters death, calling my husband racist names and more.
There is NO WAY this is some "coincidence".... and since I have of this info on who you REALLY are in RL... I do have a legal case against you. So does the other people listed.
My sister-in-law is a cop, you guys know what my husband does. Do you think attacking HIM is going to make this better for you?

You have underage girls listed, elderly people listed, ME listed (who is VERY well known locally).... do you know Ive been on the news? So has my family......
Are you insane? Is attacking a dead child, calling a Black man a "monkey", "ni***r", saying he beats me (a lie) and more worth all this??

No one from the Den attacked her dead daughter. No one attacked her husband. No one called him racist names. Suddenly her sister-in-law is a cop. Good then the cop should tell her what we do is not illegal. We have not listed underage girls either. Suddenly she’s well known. Once again good. That means many people probably know where she lives already. So our posting is old news. This email shows just how delusional and desperate Elizabeth Smith really is. Aaron responds.

Aaron Spellman <>
4:50 PM (1 hour ago)

to Eliza

We have no teenage girls listed you're a liar. And we did not attack your dead daughter. You have no idea whatsoever who we are either. Again a lie. Grow up and get yourself some help Jani. You desperately need it. We never called your husband names, or lied that he beat you either. You're a sick woman. Get lost. Or file your case. But we're giving info to everyone who wants to sue you so get the legal team ready.

As you can see this woman fluctuates between helpful, accusatory, lying, complimenting, flattery and so forth trying to get her way to no avail. When she didn’t think Jeremy would give her what she wanted, she came to Aaron trying to play them off against one another. But Michelle, Kylie, Margaret and Terry were too smart for her. Knew exactly what a lying manipulator she was. Refused to back down and let her information be taken down. She harasses and abuses people on the internet and uses those like VultureAdderall, Mikeyylikes and others to help her. Then tries to make it look like everyone else is to blame. She is a sad, pitiful individual who desperately needs help.

Next we will post emails from her which are also comments she left on the Den. As you can see she continues her rampage.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

I'm sorry, I took MY time to interview Gillian Larson and get the story for my book. As I stated in my email, I am NOT interested in "trading" a story for my info coming down.... I will NOT use a story about cancer in that way- I cannot do that due to my daughters death from cancer. I think this story is VERY important, and I am VERY glad you guys printed it. That is the thing- all you all had to do was research if yourselves... it's all there. The ONLY part missing is MY interview with Gillian and the fact that Amanda blamed Elissa & Rachel... I am just not interested in using this info to hurt someone. There has been enough hurt in all this......... YES I asked questions. This makes NO sense to me... The "Den" claims it against racism and bullying, but Jeremy HIMSELF has "bullied" people. Look at his time line.... I do NOT understand why Amanda is SO hyper-focused on and NOT Aaryn and Ginamarie. if this is TRULY about racism, why ALL THIS focus on Amanda and her fans? Why all the focus on McCrae? Who is NOT racist? I do have a right to ask these these things...... I NO LONGER care my info is up here... maybe I deserve it? Who knows.... there is NOTHING *I* can do to control other people- you guys do what you want. I personally feel a good journalist lays out BOTH sides of the story and let's READERS decide.... that is what I am doing with my book.... I dont even know why I am typing this- it wont be posted....

2. In this one she is talking about @BBSuperfanJCO who has been posted here. We have no proof of the accusations she is making. We always knew his obsession to be with Amanda Zuckerman.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

I am furious at this guy.... I JUST had a lady DM me and this is what she said:

"Jani I am freaking out and you are the smartest yet most abused person I know on Twitter, that weird stalker guy john followed me!"

"And then some john checker Twitter account. I am a (removed) with (removed) grown kids and one (removed), I am afraid of what that guy could do."

"I have never blocked someone just unfollowed, will he know? Will he harass my family, I am asking.just because I seen them come at you"

"Bit see what you go through and I am not as strong as you are or as good at all the Twitter stuff, why do peeps put lots of names together"

"Sorry to bother you, just kinda freaked out and hyper now that I am followed by that mean lady you told me about and now john."

"Help me Jani lol. O.k. I am calming down just by typing this. Thanks for letting me vent :-)"

That is WORD FOR WORD what i got in my DM- I copied and pasted it....I am SICKENED that this guy has women SO scared.....I have had THREE women contact me that he got "pervy" with them on twitter. One was a 16 yr old girl (to be fair- he had no clue she was 16) and claimed John asked for pics of her. I DONT KNOW if it's true- but she is the THIRD women to say this about him....Maybe he is kidding or being socially awkward?? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but women should NOT be scared of him.......

3. This third one is her asking us not to post it, but she has made that necessary. She is blaming all the complaints about her on McCranda Mafia members. Many however supplied Screen Shots to verify their stories.  Again she asks for her info to be taken down though Jeremy had already told her no.

Apr 15 (8 days ago)

Eliza Smithe <>
Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":
Aaron - PLEASE dont post this.... I spoke to Jeremy early. He said compaints about me were coming in here. It's ALL MAFIA complaints. they have mocked my dead child, called me racist shit, called my job and more....what am I supposed to do? NOT say anything?? I ONLY ask now for my info to come down because they mailed stuff to my house about my dead child I mean- isnt this going far enough?? I havent contacted ANY of these ppl outside of twitter- I didn't ask for my stuff to come down when they called me, called my job, called my parents, tried to get me fired, tried to stop my book..... I never asked then. I figured I deserved for my info to be up here.... that I should take what I dish....But some Amanda fan mailed SHIT to my home yesterday (yes, shit) and mailed my daughters obituary to me with KARMA on it- that's the ONLY reason I ask now to have my info down. Dont u think that's going a bit too far?? All because I wont allow Amanda Zuckerman fans to pick on me and I fight back??? THEY come at me-and I fight back. I NEVER start with ppl who haven't started with ME first. I just dish back what they dish to me....I have FOUR fake Jani accounts on twitter..... I dont even report them... I think I deserve some of the stuff I get..... I am a bitch...But what if my husband or one of my kids opens a letter to see their dead child/sisters pic on it?? That's going to far.. Trust me- I have learned and I am just ignoring them... not worth it anyway... ALL the complaints r by ppl who are in this "mafia" they are ppl who started with ME, when they interfered with my book I went back at them..... I can provide pics of the stuff mailed to me- I took pics before throwing it away.....Can I agree to your conditions to have my stuff come down? I will follow the rules YOU lay out for me.... I dont want my kids hurt... me back

4. In this next one she wants a number taken down which we did. She has so many excuses however. Someone is always sick.

Beth Smithe <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Beth Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

INFO- PLEASE DONT PUBLISH: The middle phone number you published on my info is a number for someone who is REALLY sick. Please consider taking that number down. (296 number) They have cancer and ppl are calling.

Posted by Beth Smithe to The Howlers Den at January 26, 2014 at 1:09 AM

5. Again she complains about @BBSuperfanJCO

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

Also- I speak with BB HG and other ppl in the BB community on the phone. MANY are SICK of him.... he inserts himself into EVERY situation. He "speaks" for Aaryn and Amanda Zuckerman all the time- as if he is their PR person and they have authorized this. I spoke to a person who runs a MAJOR BB website- she said she has had to block him. If she posts about updates or issues- he inserts himself into the threads and "explains" what Amanda, Aaryn, Andy or some other BB website really "meant"- as if they talk to him personally and he knows them. Some of the BB Canada people have him PRE-BLOCKED before they went onto BB Canada season 2.... he is out of control and crazy...

Posted by Eliza Smithe to The Howlers Den at March 4, 2014 at 2:21 PM

6. Here she is saying she will do anything to have her info taken down.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":
Hi aaron can you contact me on google hangouts??....I will agree to whatever u ask me to do to have my info down- I dont want my kids or husband hurt by this.... please dont post this message on ur blog.... i fear the harassment will get worse. ... thank you Beth

Posted by Eliza Smithe to The Howlers Den at March 4, 2014 at 7:45 PM

7. Here Aaron responds to her.  Says everything will be posted.

Aaron Spellman <>
Apr 15 (8 days ago)

to me

Aaron Spellman has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

We have now posted all of your comments which we had saved so everyone can see what you're about. You're lying about not wanting your info down. And were willing to sell out info to accomplish that. Perhaps people shouldn't interview with you. Never know what you might reveal to get what you want.

Posted by Aaron Spellman to The Howlers Den at April 15, 2014 at 9:28 PM

8. In this next one she says she has all of the emails etc. which we do as well. She again criticizes that Kelly Vick’s comments are up on the blog. Also that  she believes Amanda is up there because our member Michelle doesn’t like her. Which is not the truth. Amanda is up there because she’s a racist and a bully. Smith is up there because she a bully and a harasser. No other reasons.

Eliza Smithe <>
Apr 16 (7 days ago)

to me

Eliza Smithe has left a new comment on your post "The Royal Mafia- Amanda And Company's Bullying Way...":

Aaron I have our emails.... I asked WHY you were focused on who gives her money when there was a BIGGER picture going on... the reality rally crap..I told Jeremy that MONTHS AGO. But M.G. was too busy worrying about Amanda and JohnOneils grandmothers info to notice.--------- I ALSO asked Jeremy why the Nazi twitter people were not being posted about- and you guys did that. So I respect that. I am not going to "hate" on Jeremy (John I was told).. he was VERY nice to me... I think this blog has a GREAT political message... but this Amanda/Big Brother shit is PERSONAL and make "no sense" to coin a phrase.... Amanda is up here because M. does not like her (like many BB fans do not) FINE- but let's be honest and say that. WHY use the "race card" (something MG accuses ME of doing) to continue to "hate" on her 9 months later. .... Karma catches up with people.... posting her fans info does nothing... now they are all gathering together to "fight back"... I wish them well - I am staying out of this shit... theses women know it's MG doing this shit- she bragged on the phone to people she's "the Dens" "PI" and she hates Amanda, Me and many others listed here. -------- But I digress, after a while, having your private info loses it "punch".... I dont have any blood family I am close to (I have a handicapped Brother you have listed- I love him, but that's about it) Juanita is dead., I dont get it.... All this time spent looking up John ONeils family- did he change? NO. All this time trashing Amanda... Has she changed? NO... Has McCrae enrolled in college cause you guys called him "lazy"? NO.... People have to realize for THEMSELVES their behavior is wrong. Once day, they will. If they dont? OH well... why worry about it? My "twitlongers" were NOT to attack you... I am NOT getting into another "back and forth" bullshit war.... But I HAD to say MY side... you guys WONT LET ME. When I posted here that "rip off report" was a "rip off"- That NEVER MADE IT UP HERE. But Kelly Vick, a 30 year heroin addict who is mad about a Facebook pages comments did?? How does that make sense? Let's see if THIS gets posted. I doubt it. Im am shocked the 1st one did... If it doesn't, I will email it. Thanks Aaron for letting me at least speak my peace in the 1st one.

9. This one is a brand new email. As you can see even though she came after us with lies she is trying to say we slandered her. Smith never really takes responsibility for her actions. She says she does but doesn’t. Then she says she doesn’t want us to email her back. She only wants HER SAY.
Eliza Smithe
7:47 PM (16 minutes ago)

to me

I don't even UNDERSTAND this... what do you get out of hurting a family who is VERY big in our community and who buried their only daughter from cancer?

You know who my family is. You know we've been on the media. You know my family is made up of cops and other people. Some are in YOUR state.
You were once nice to me. So was Jeremy. Why all the hostility?

Are you mad at me because I defended myself? Why am I not allowed to do that? You won't let me do it on your blog- I had no choice.
I haven't named a SINGLE name. I have not named Jeremy's last name. I have not even named Michelle's last name. I said "MG" and she flipped out and outted herself.
I cannot control what you do.... I can only control what I do. Please do not email me. Youre blog postings are VERY upsetting to me because you tell ONE side of the story.
I am telling you the info you have posted about me is a LIE. It's slander and it's hurtful.

10. I am afraid the only liar is Elizabeth Smith. She has slandered us and innocent people as well who have nothing to do with us yet she insists they do.  This is another new email. In it she insists she is being upset by us. But no one is supposed to be upset by her falsehoods, lies and exaggerations. Lawsuits go two ways and we will sue her as well. No doubt.
Eliza Smithe
7:54 PM (14 minutes ago)

to me

So is this all some strange coincidence? I am asking because since you posted my number I got more calls and it confirmed everything I know and the "anti-den" people told me.

I am going to shut up about you on twitter. You have my word on that. I was told to NOT debate this on social media. I was told to document EVERYTHING you are doing on your blog and what I THINK the Den has done to me and my family on twitter.
I was told to tell ask you to please stop and inform you that you are upsetting me, my kids, and my extended family by bringing up my daughters death from cancer and calling my husband racist names.
if you are NOT doing it.... then don't worry about it. Ignore this email.

As has been stated more than once we did not say anything bad about her daughter’s death. Yet she says talking about that upsets her. She however mentions it all the time on Twitter, in comments and in emails. We also never called her husband racist names. We want to see the proof which we know there isn’t any. All she will present is another fake account she or one of her pals set up. Which in a court we could prove is not ours. There are many ways to prove that and we can access them all.

Now that she is being exposed as a deceitful liar she wants to stop posting about it on Twitter. Which we will not do. She started this and now wants out. Elizabeth Smith is on the same level as Amanda Zuckerman.  Both are bullies and liars. Manipulators of people who want their own way and think they can harass people into giving it to them.

Elizabeth Smith has  a load of followers willing to help her harangue people just as Zuckerman does. She is an extremely troubled woman who tried to play two of our group off against each other and failed. Tried to hold out information to get her information taken down. Information which she never had any intention of giving us. She tried flattery, cajoling and every method she could to no avail. So then she resorted to her usual attack with Twitlongers which were all responded to. We went after her followers who were lying.  She says we are unfair in how we do things. Only going after Zuckerman and her supporters. So we will be fair.

We will go after her supporters who harass and abuse people on Twitter. VultureAdderall, Mikeyylikes, MyGirlFundBrat. We’ll begin with two of them. We are searching for VultureAdderall. Smith will get fairness. Sometimes you had best be careful what you ask for.

1. Name: Michael Robert Clayton
Associated: Elizabeth Smith @TheRealJTMD Twitter follower, abuser of people online Twitter handle: @mikeyylikes
Address: 125 Francis Road
Hendersonville, North Carolina 78792
Previous: 319 7th Avenue East
Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792
             Telephone: (828) 388-3745
Relatives: Wanda Marie Clayton, Shanon Marie McMiner

2. Name: Elizabeth Rosemary Leita (Rubacha)
Associated: Elizabeth Smith @TheRealJTMD Twitter follower, abuser of people online. Twitter handle: @MyGirlFundBrat
Address: 285 San Gabriel Street
Winter Springs, FL 32708-5800
Previous: 229 Brighton Way
Casselberry, FL 32707
Previous: 5900 Curry Ford Road
Orlando, FL 32822
Previous: 5613 Gatlin Avenue
Orlando, FL 32812
Telephone: (407) 327-7321
Relatives: Richard Leita (husband), Richard Earl Leita, Edward Walter Rubacha, Stanley John Rubacha, Tonylea Marie Leita, Debbie Rubacha

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