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Sunday, July 27, 2014

On Elizabeth Smith And Retaliation

Hi fellow Tweeters,
 This is Michelle. I would like to address a few things with everyone. We came on Twitter to be of help to people who were being harassed, abused, stalked and bullied by Elizabeth Smith best known even now as JaniStoleMyDolly. Her name has gone through numerous incarnations but that is not the point.

Previously she had been in touch with the Den about people who were abusers. Then we saw what she was doing and knew she needed to be posted and we did. We post people for specific reasons. A. So people can file lawsuits against an abuser. B. So people can file criminal charges against an abuser. C. To make people aware of an abuser and who they are. D. To attempt to make an abuser see what they are doing and perhaps change their ways.

What we don't do when we post someone is for them to be the subject of abuse in return. That really solves nothing and doesn't make the person stop doing what they are doing. I am not pointing anyone out. Jeremy and myself are also guilty of sometimes falling into these behaviors. I know it is difficult not to when someone has been as terribly abusive as she has been. I feel the same anger as all of  you at her very distasteful behavior. The behavior of her friends as well.

We want to help people to feel better about what is happening and perhaps resolve the situation.  Most of the time we do not post people repeatedly. Once, twice, sometimes a few times but not usually numerous postings. But Elizabeth Smith and her friends have made it impossible not to continue to do posts about them. We have hundreds of SS concerning her abuses of people. She continues on the same malicious path even now.

Recently she posted a tweet about committing suicide. It was turned over to the police as soon as we became aware of it. We hope they will get help for her. We don't know if she is serious but it wasn't a chance we were willing to take. That does not mean however that anyone should take being abused or maligned by her. In fact once she realized Jeremy had posted a Twitlonger asking she not be called names, she became more abusive not less. Which of course draws into question the voracity of her threat to harm herself.

But hating on someone in return for their hatefulness does not hurt someone like her as much as it does YOU. You lower yourself to her level when you engage in calling her names, etc. She is a troubled person. That is the absolute truth and she proves it all of the time.

So instead of hating on her by calling names, let us do things differently. Use her own words against her. Send all of her SS where she abuses people to one hashtag. Then we can keep track of them as well because Twitter saves them indefinitely. Confront her with her OWN words repeatedly. Her own lies, deceptions, nastiness and bullying behavior. If she can't face her own words then that is her problem, you have done nothing wrong. Telling her off if she attacks you is also okay. She can't abuse someone and not expect a response. Again that's her problem not yours. Just do not join her in the gutter. She also uses that when people engage her in that way. She is constantly contacting the police who are now pretty sick of her. Do you think she gives them any SS that have her tweets, statements, lies or maliciousness in them? Of course she does not. She is only giving them yours.

It seems to us that the police can not be taking the time to investigate properly or she would be the one arrested by now. All they have is her side of things which she backs up with only YOUR or our tweets, etc. So by replying in kind you are helping her formulate a case though it is a dishonest one. We don't want to be in trouble and neither do we want any of you to be.

Please DO NOT tag us in any more abusive tweets. We will post you if you do. Because this is not the path we wish to take. We want the problem resolved not exasperated. We are criticizing our own behavior as well and changing it. We will continue to post her SS and comment on it.  You should too but not in an abusive manner. Her dignity is gone, don't let yours be. Hold onto it tight and fight the good fight. Not the one she wants you to. When you do you only diminish yourself.



Unknown said...


Would you suggest a specific hashtag for the folks reading this, so that everyone would be on the same page :)

Kelly Vick said...

I would like to apologize to Jani @Jani_Stole_It for my behavior in regards to me calling her fat and the jokes. I have stooped to her level in my frustration over the things she has done to me and others. Not being able to reach through the computer and slap the crap outa her because of her lies, stalking, bullying and harassment I used my words against her calling her fat and making jokes. In my frustration at the time and knowing she has bullied others about their weight (including mine) I lashed out on her bullying her about her weight. I was wrong and I apologize.
Kelly Vick

Unknown said...

Will you please remove my information from here?? what can I do to get it deleted??

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