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Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Trump Chronicles: Totally Unfit To Be President Part Three (His Criminal Activities, Hillary Clinton And James Comey)

Now we come to Donald Trump's business dealings which have not always been above board as he claims. Also accusations of rape and sexual harassment. Here we will discuss and post all of the links involved in Trump's life dealings. So let us begin. The story is long, winding and lurid.

First we will begin by saying the following and it will be repeated more than once during this post. Trump believes Hillary Clinton belongs in prison for something both the FBI Director and the United States Attorney General say should not be prosecuted. He wants us to believe she is not being charged because of privilege. Due he says to having been in political life, wife of a former President and so forth. But in saying such Trump reveals the vastness of his own hypocrisy.

Trump is a child of the silver spoon. He grew up wealthy, went to private schools, had the best of everything. Though he says differently it was his father who gave him his start in business. Those are not crimes. But Trump's trail of not paying workmen for their employment, using the Trump Foundation to give a bribe in Florida and having pictures painted of himself, along with the Trump University scandal, sexually harassing Apprentice employees, his own words of sexually assaulting women  and accusations of the rape of an underage girl.

All of these things are crimes. Yet he has not once been charged. Why? We certainly DO NOT believe that all of these things are false or untrue. Our only conclusion is that he has not been charged because he is a privileged and powerful white man. Any ordinary person would have been charged and had to post bail long before now. So maybe if Hillary Clinton wins she should instruct the DOJ to review every single civil lawsuit involving Trump to see if they should be a criminal case so he can be put in prison where HE BELONGS if any of them are such.

But that is the end of the story not the beginning. Let's look at all of his dishonorable, disgraceful, deplorable, deviant and delinquent behavior. His lack of moral fiber, ethics and true manhood. He is a false caricature of power. A fraud and a phony.

Trump's first illegal act involved discrimination against African-Americans for which he was sued by the United States Department Of Justice on two occasions and fined. It was among the largest discrimination cases in US history and were concerted criminal acts committed over a long period of time.

Fred Trump, Donald's father gave him his first million dollar loan in 1978 to construct a hotel. Both his father and the Hyatt hotel chain guaranteed 70 million dollars for the project. Does that sound like the small loan he claims? He also claimed in 1976 that he was worth 200 million dollars and that in fact was a lie. Documents show that he made only 100,000 dollars as an employee of his father Fred. A 1985 document showed he owed his father 14 million dollars. He also lied about having borrowed money (9 million dollars) from his father's estate. Fred Trump also illegally purchased 3.5 million dollars in casino chips but did not use them to keep Trump's casino afloat, also a crime.

All of Trump's claims about being a self made man are false and at least one of them involved an illegal transaction. Where was the investigation and the criminal charges against him and his father?

That is a small matter in comparison to many of Donald Trump's 'activities'. Donald Trump will soon be in court for the rape of a thirteen year old girl. Here is the story. Trump is accused in 1994 of raping a young 13 year old girl along with his friend Jeffery Epstein. She states that she was enticed to attend parties by being promised modeling jobs. The individual states that there were 4 occasions where she was used as a sex slave by Mr. Trump and on the last occasion she was tied to a bed and savagely attacked. A judge has ordered a hearing on the matter for December 16, 2016.

When she pleaded with him to stop, Trump struck her in the face and then threatened her and her family if she ever told anyone. Threatened them with being killed. Epstein raped her as well. He is now a high level registered sex offender.  In an unusual occurrence concerning rape, there is a corroborating witness who has come forward making the accusation credible.

As you can see from the links below what occurred was heinous and horrific. That is not the only time Trump has been accused of rape. He has been accused on at least 2 other occasions.

Why we might ask has he never been charged with a crime? Why is this only a civil lawsuit hearing? Where are the federal authorities on these allegations? Nowhere to be found. On December 16, 2016 a potential President Trump could be in a court of law on rape allegations. Or would he refuse to go and answer to the charges?  The Republicans want to focus on Hillary but these accusations are far more heinous than anything to do with email could ever be. Because if true these allegations make Donald Trump not only a rapist but a pedophile.

These accusations are in line with his misogynistic bravado about groping women which is also sexual assault and should be clearly seen as such, Here are links to articles involving those accusations. and his own words. First here's the tape.

Then we hear from the women themselves who Trump allegedly groped and sexually assaulted.

Trump denies knowing any of these women which is totally unbelievable. Does anyone with rational common sense believe anything he says, that these women are all lying? Yet he wants us to believe all that he says about Bill Clinton is true though it has been admitted he PAID many of them. That draws THEIR credibility into question whereas none of those accusing Trump have received any form of funds from anyone. Why again has he not been charged with any crimes of sexual assault? It defies all reason that this man is not in prison.

In an interview with Howard Stern Trump stated he 'owned the pageant' so he could go wherever he wanted and would walk in on the women and look at them naked in what is a sickening and disgusting display of lewdness.

In this second tape he admits to visiting UNDERAGE GIRLS in their dressing room.

Here is a very crude tape of him talking to Stern about women once again. Including his own daughter.

His own words are verified in the following links.

Trump may own the pageant. But he seems to believe that means he OWNS the people who participate in the pageants including their bodies. That is very far from the truth. Trump may own the Pageant Organizations but he certainly does not own the women or the young ladies. What he has done by going into the dressing rooms without permission is in itself a crime. In particular when it comes to the underage Miss Teen USA contestants. Though I blame the chaperones who were there for not taking action against him, the crime is still Mr. Trump's. He should in fact be considered a pedophile for doing what he did and been arrested and charged. Why again was he NOT? What keeps the authorities from taking action against him? It appears his fortune keeps him from facing the prosecutions he should for his CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.

His bankruptcies aren't criminal but they say something about his supposed ability with finances. It is not nearly as good as he says it is.

Of course when a business declares bankruptcy they don't have to pay their creditors. All legal. But that is not all there is to Donald Trump and those he owes money to. He often refuses to pay his contractors. There are many lawsuits filed against him due to his nonpayment for goods and services.
A man who says he's as wealthy as he is not paying his bills is outrageous. We even have screenshots of some of the cases decided against him.

The first screenshots are attorneys he did not pay for their services. Some were to the New York Department of Finance. These are only a few of many that he owes. But one near the top is HIM suing someone for money owed though he stiffs people whenever possible. How many people who did this would not be charged with a crime? You or I most certainly would be. We would not be free to continue to not pay people for services rendered.

Next we come to the scandal of Trump University. Where he accuses the American born Hispanic judge of being unable to be fair because of his heritage in what is clearly an attempt to say the decision is biased if decided against him. This is another lawsuit which SHOULD have been charged as a crime. Donald Trump defrauded people, many of them young with a bogus online university. No one ever met him as promised. Many people lost a great deal of money. There are three lawsuits concerning this fraudulent university. Two in CA and one in NY. In NY he did not even bother to get the appropriate license meaning the whole university was a criminal enterprise. The New York Attorney General has fraudulent statements on tape. 1.

 In the last link even some of the past workers at Trump University state it was a 'lie and a scheme'. That is a crime. Again we ask why has Trump NOT been arrested?

Next we come to the Trump Foundation. He has been endlessly critical of the Clinton Foundation and its donors. The Clinton Foundation has done a great deal of good around the world. Yes they accept donations from foreign countries. Countries that can well afford to help. Those donations are not a crime.

Yet his own Foundation has been ordered by the New York Attorney General to shut down. He did not have the proper certification to operate in NY. His use of funds for political purposes which is a crime have been alleged. He had 2 paintings of himself made with the donated monies among other misuses.  Trump gives little to the foundation himself and what is actually given to charities is negligible.

The fourth link tells a great deal of the wrongdoing of  Donald Trump and the misuse of the foundation. He even made an illegal donation to the Florida Attorney General who was considering filing a lawsuit against him which she did not. That is also illegal. He was made to pay a penalty to the IRS for this violation. It is also a criminal act which the Federal Bureau of Investigation could be looking at but refuses to.

Again we of the Den ask the question. Why has Donald Trump NOT BEEN ARRESTED????

Next we come to Donald Trump's use of undocumented workers, also NOT LEGAL. This is the individual Donald Trump who rails against illegal immigrants  Who called them rapists, drug dealers etc. Then turns around and uses them himself. The hypocrisy of his actions is astounding.
2. (These were legal workers but used because he thought American workers were not good enough)

Hiring illegal immigrants is a crime that other businesses have faced hefty fines and prison time for. Once again why has Donald Trump NOT been charged with a crime? We can not ask this question enough and will continue to ask it to the end of this posting.

As part of his campaign speeches Trump has insinuated that Hillary Clinton would not be tough enough on China. That they are flooding our market with illegal Chinese steel and he would stop that from happening. But in fact Trump illegally uses Chinese steel in his buildings himself.

Why have his buildings not been checked for Chinese steel and him arrested if it is found in any of them? Where oh where are you federal authorities?

Then we come to Russia, Wikileaks and the Trump connection. Julian Assange continues to deny any connection but the evidence shows otherwise. Link number 6 shows him on RT which is Russian Television giving an interview. RT is highly controlled by the Russian Government. Julian Assange is an unscrupulous liar and nothing more. Roger Stone is a close Trump advisor who says clearly that he has a link to Wikileaks.

Paul Manafort a former Trump campaign manager also has connections to the Russians.
One campaign manager linked to Russia and a close advisor to Wikileaks by his own admission. Now that's just a little fishy wouldn't you say readers? Just a tad.

For his last criminal action it has been reported that Donald Trump who is the only candidate in modern history to not reveal his tax returns for public scrutiny, may have used an illegal loophole to get out of paying his taxes.

As we record all of these criminal acts we ask ourselves why have none of these but the early discrimination complaints been properly investigated? Why has he not been held accountable for ALMOST ANYTHING HE HAS DONE.  Why has he not faced the same justice that any other person might face in similar circumstances? There really is a simple answer, though one which is neither right nor moral. It is because he is a member of the 'good old boys club'.The elite portion of our society. Wealthy white American males who never face the consequences of their actions. Our history is littered with this kind of favorable treatment shown to those white men who are wealthy and powerful. Who walk away from every crime they commit without consequence. That he has never been charged, arrested and prosecuted for any of these crimes is a travesty of our justice system. A disgraceful display of favoritism shown to a wealthy white male in a totally unapologetic manner.

Will the Federal Bureau Of Investigation look into and take action on any of these potentially criminal acts? After what has happened over the last few days we seriously doubt it. The motives of the F.B.I in regards to Donald Trump are dubious at best. The email case against Hillary Clinton was found to not meet the standard for prosecution. Yet the witch hunt against her continued.

F.B.I. Director James B. Comey however broke precedent by being the one to announce that charges would not be filed. Typically it is the Department of Justice Attorney General's Office that announces such developments. But James Comey decided to make the announcement himself. The F.B.I. is supposed to operate on facts and reason alone. Evidence. Not any kind or type of personal opinions. Comey however went off on a tangent accusing Clinton of being 'careless with classified information' which the State Department denies. This was highly irregular and should not have happened. We of the Den immediately felt this was an attempt to influence the election results in favor of Donald Trump. No one among the Democrats stated such and things went quiet.

But over at the F.B.I the partisans were howling that she was not being prosecuted. One report says the F.B.I is 'Trumpland' which also did not surprise us. Why? Because we had eight years of Ronald Reagan, four years of George H.W. Bush and eight years of George W. Bush. Bill Clinton had eight in the middle of the Presidential terms. Then eight years of President Obama.

Positions in the F.B.I. are usually career positions which go on for many years until retirement, unless injured or killed in the line of duty or dismissal for other reasons. In the list above some Directors are only interim replacements and served months until a new Director was found. All four of the long term Directors were/are Republicans. William S. Sessions. Louis Freeh, Robert S. Mueller, and James Comey. Comey tries to make it appear he is no longer a registered Republican but that is not believable. Of the four only Mueller has a history of hiring Democrats and women.

The other three's hiring practices are unknown but from the present issues it appears they hired mostly Republican agents. Now the Bureau is as already stated being called "Trumpland". The F.B.I. has taken an oath to be fair and impartial. Unmotivated by politics of any kind. But at the moment that is far from the truth. The decision to announce 10 days before an election that more emails were found  by Comey is a violation of protocol and Justice Department guidelines. Done by Comey in our opinion to curry favor and silence his critics. The partisans in the Washington D.C. office who thought Hillary Clinton would be charged damn the lack of evidence, were and are howling like rabid dogs for her head. To hand Trump an easy victory at the polls.

Numerous individuals, groups and media sources are now calling upon James B. Comey to resign. He no longer has any credibility and neither does the rest of the F.B.I. It was not even known at the time what the emails were about when Comey went public against the advice of Loretta Lynch the United States Attorney General who is in fact his superior.

We of the Den totally agree with those calling for James Comey's resignation. We in fact would go one step further. If partisans are influencing investigations they also should resign or be forced out. What Comey has done in interfering in a presidential election dishonors our nation, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In doing so he and those other partisan F.B.I agents and supervisors to be without morals, ethics, integrity or honor. They have violated their oaths of office and broken faith with the people of the United States whom they are supposed to serve with impartial reason and integrity.

What they have done has caused unfair and unjust harm to the Clinton presidential campaign and we can not help but wonder how much of it is sexism. Not once has Hillary Clinton or her campaign cried sexism at anything that has been done. She has stood her ground, presented her views and acted with incredible grace. When Trump stalked her across the stage at the second debate she refused to be intimidated and has not been by him at any turn unlike so many others including the television news media. The F.B.I. is not so unlike him. They are a group of primarily white men of privilege and power who believe they can do whatever they want without consequence. Upholding and supporting one of their own.

Will they be so ferocious in investigating Trump? So far we have seen nothing from them regarding him and any of his criminal activities. So they will remain silent about him but not her. Is that not in itself a sexist way of investigating? Yes we are calling them sexists. Their lack of honesty regarding Trump and his Russian ties is appalling and disgraceful. Yet they will neither tell the truth regarding anything to do with his criminal activities nor take action against him with warrants etc, as they have with Clinton.

Their treatment of the two is disproportionate, unfair and unjust. Comey has proven himself an unreliable messenger of justice. He and the other partisans need to step aside or be fired. We call upon President Clinton or Loretta Lynch to remove him from his office and begin looking at replacing or forcing into retirement the rest of those who are part of 'Trumpland'. To be replaced by those capable of reason without partisanship, justice devoid of sexism, and impartiality promised by the oaths they are supposed to be bound by. Because Americans are deserving of a fair and free election unaffected by Comey and Company's prejudices. Let us all pray for the best on November 8, 2016. That is not a criminal like Donald Trump in the White House as President. If so, considering how it occurred our entire election process will be in disrepute with the rest of the world who looks at us as the nation whose elections are to be respected and emulated. That 'Shining City On A Hill' will have grown dimmer. It's brightness lost in the shadows of unfairness and injustice.

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