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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Election 2016: The Aftermath

No one we know at the Den can believe what has happened. On November 8, 2016 Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton. He won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote to Mrs. Clinton by a considerable margin of well over a million votes. His winning margin in three swing states was only about 112,000 votes far from a landslide or a mandate of any kind. Though he and his supporters say differently of course.

There continues to be many questions concerning the election results and some are calling for investigations and recounts. The exit polls and the results do not match up in a way which is neither cohesive or understandable.

The results however stand at present and shock has set in. Due to Donald Trump's election rhetoric certain groups of people in the United States are full of fear at what is happening and might happen. Immigrants fear deportation, women fear having their privacy and reproductive rights taken away, people fear losing their health insurance, Muslims fear that they will be put under surveillance and their civil liberties violated. The list goes on and on.

Donald Trump and those who voted for him wanted to take us back to the 1950's. But they only succeeded in taking us back to the 1960's. The time when people fought for their rights, their liberties, their equality under the law and our United States Constitution. We have returned to those days and we are seeing the demonstrations in the streets. Such civil activism has only just begun. As a nation we have a long four years ahead of us. Because this will not end as long as Donald J. Trump occupies the White House.

We keep hearing the pleas from those like Kelly Conway and Rudolph Guliani to 'give him a chance'. You mean the chance given for eight years to President Obama? On the day he was inaugurated the Republican leadership met and swore that they would do everything to obstruct his Presidency that they could. They have spent eight years involved in just that obstructionism.

Now they plan the ultimate racist revenge. To dismantle everything he has accomplished and sully his legacy with their maliciousness. But perhaps it is to them that the historians of the future will not be kind as their disgraceful behavior is seen for what it truly was.

We have as President one of those most involved in trying to harm Obama's Presidency Donald Trump. The head of the Birther Movement. He was unrelenting in his attempts to say the President was not born in the United States. To make him not an American, not one of us. Less than. Different. That has always been Trump's way. He has spent his entire adult life a racist. It began with the lawsuits filed against him by the United States Department of Justice for discrimination. Those two cases have been posted here in the Trump Chronicles.

What forces came together to give Trump victory in the electoral college? There are a number of factors which must be considered.

1. James Comey FBI Director. Comey's unprecedented actions during the Presidential campaign played a significant role in her defeat. He and the 'Trumpland' FBI agents in Washington, D.C. acted in a manner outside the norm for the Justice Department. What they did in fact is interfere in an election which should not have occurred. Especially considering no wrongdoing was found. Mr. Comey and any other FBI agents involved should have their employment terminated immediately and in fact we of the Den are disappointed that President Obama has not taken action. In fact even before Hillary Clinton's defeat, Senator Al Franken was calling for Senate hearings on Comey's actions.

Hillary Clinton clearly blames Comey for her defeat and she is not wrong to do so. He does in fact bear a significant part of the responsibility for her loss. Harry Reid the outgoing Minority Leader of the US Senate also blames Comey for the loss.

We agree with the assessment of both Clinton and Reid that Comey is at least party responsible for Donald Trump's 'victory'.Just how involved were he and the 'Trumplanders' is the question. He has helped put a misogynistic racist, bigot and sexist in the White House. A man with no moral character who may well do grave harm to our nation. Whatever may happen, whatever losses we may suffer at Trump's hands, the stain of the wrongs committed will forever color Comey's hands as well. That he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

2. The second portion of blame lies with the Russians and Wikileaks. Their bombardment of the internet with hacked emails, many altered affected voter's view of Mrs.Clinton making her appear dishonest. When in fact the majority of what was released involved the regular workings of her campaign and the Clinton Foundation. Unlike the Trump Foundation which Trump donates almost nothing to and uses the funds in an illegal manner. Was Trump aware of what occurred with the Russians and Wikileaks? There should be a thorough investigation into the matter but whether there will be is highly doubtful especially considering the FBI's preference for Trump. We expect that they will refuse to do their job in this matter.

The Russians however now gleefully admit to their involvement in both election interference and their connection to Wikileaks which Julian Assange has long lied about and denied. Now with the Russian's own words we know the truth. Putin himself says he coordinated with the Trump campaign during the election which is illegal. Why is it not being investigated?  Why has he not been arrested?We believe the FBI said there was 'no link' between the Russians and the Trump campaign, so again their integrity and honesty is questionable. The collusion between Trump, the Russians and Wikileaks has now been admitted to. Again we ask, where are the actions against them?

3. Next we need to once again look at the power of the National Rifle Association. They had lost several state initiatives due to the fierce persistance of gun safety groups like Everytown, supported by Michael Bloomberg, Americans For Responsible Solutions with Gabby Giffords as well as others.
One passed in Washington State in 2015 as well as others. Even on election day when waves of NRA members cast ballots at least two gun control measures passed in different states.

After those losses the NRA engaged in what we at the Den would call a 'stealth campaign'. They gave significant amounts of money to elect Trump and other pro-gun politicians. They quietly voted in huge numbers and participated in getting out the vote efforts. They in fact also played a large part in Trump's 'victory'.

4. White voters including women came out in large numbers for Donald Trump. Why any woman would vote for him considering his history is a puzzle to us. But they did. We believe they primarily voted with their husbands and were a large part of the rural vote which came out primarily for Trump. Many, many rural voters both men and women alike are members of the NRA. Second Amendment rights we believe fueled much of the rural vote not necessarily economics and other issues.Hillary Clinton had made it clear she supported gun control measures which the NRA strongly objected to. Like closing the gun show loophole and enhancing background checks.

Trump continues to deny the Russian hacking information which comes from 16 intelligence agencies. Why? We believe firmly that he knows all about it and was in fact part of the election disruption and interference by the Russians, Director Comey of the FBI and Wikileaks. Congressman John Lewis called it a conspiracy and in fact Comey is under investigation by the DOJ for his actions. Now however we must deal with what is and that is Donald Trump in the White House.

What has he done in just 2 weeks. Some want to believe that he's kept his promises. Or has he deflected to other things as well?

1. He started the process to repeal Obamacare which will leave millions uninsured though the Republicans say otherwise.
2. He's threatened the press, called reporters and news organizations names accused them of  being fake news when they dsagree with him.
3. He's gone after a judge who disagrees with him as he did during the campaign.
4. He endlessly uses Twitter as a platform to malign and intimidate people. He should be banned.
5. He's tried to undermine NATO the foremost military alliance in the world.
6. He's insulted and fought with our friends, Mexico, Australia and Germany.
7 He's undermining Dodd Frank the law that gave American consumers protections from predatory banks, credit card companies and other financial institutions.
8. He's signed an Unconstitutional Executive Order banning Muslims from seven countries from entering the US though his staff keep insisting it's not a ban. He has repeatedly used that language himself however. He did not ban Muslims however from several countries where he has business interests including Saudi Arabia (where the majority of 9/11 conspirators came from), Turkey, Indonesia and other countries.
9. He's undermined environmental protections and begun the process of  building two very controversial pipelines.
10. He's argued with people about the size of his inaugural attendance and lied about it as well along with his press secretary and counselor.
11. He and his staff have lied repeatedly about numerous subjects.
12. He compared us to Putin in an interview with Bill O'Reilly though Putin has murdered his political rivals, poisoned journalists who discover the truth about him or criticize him. He's deliberately had his military bomb innocent women, elderly and children in Aleppo a blatant war crime. Yet Trump admires this man who is nothing more than a thug.

Russia was once becoming a democracy. The people were having a difficult time Their economy wasn't doing so well and they were discouraged. Similar to here though we have long been though the growing pains of democracy and the sometimes not prosperous times that come with it. Putin pulled the same sleights of hand Trump is using. Give his supporters and Republican Party members what they want in some things, like nominating Mr. Gorshuch for the Supreme Court on one hand, while instituting a Muslim ban with the other. Rolling back regulations such as Dodd Frank which they want while criticizing our allies and undermining NATO. Promising a bogus investigation into imaginary voter fraud so he can further restrict voting rights.  All the things Putin did in Russia to undermine their democracy and set himself up as an authoritarian leader.

Trump is following Putin's playbook and we must not allow it. He actually wants to change what the media can say and do. They've been told to shut up. Federal agencies are under gag orders from his administration which is also an unconstitutional violation of freedom of speech. Especially considering we have laws protecting whistle blowers. Federal employees are so disturbed that Rogue websites and twitter accounts have arisen. RogueWhiteHouse, RogueNationalParkService etc.

Because we will not be silenced by a wannabe dictator. A racist, sexist, bigoted wannabe emperor. Neither will the Den be silenced. We will continue to post Trump supporters. To stand up against him along with all those who protest his Presidency.

(There will be a separate page and link added to this soon.)

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