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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn and President Trump: The Russian Connection.

As an addition on February 13, 2017 Lt. General Michael Flynn resigned his position as National Security Advisor due to concerns regarding his Russian Connections. Including the fact that he lied to the Vice President Mike Pence regarding the conversations with the Russian Ambassador. That does not end the controversy and many questions remain. In particular in regards to what Donald Trump might have known or requested he discuss with the ambassador.

Calls for investigation are coming from both sides of the aisle.

Trump himself knew of information for over 2 weeks but took no action.

Yet Some Republican leaders in a dishonorable and shameless attempt to shield their own agendas are refusing to call for further investigations. If Trump were in trouble what would happen to the appeal of Obamacare, immigrant bans, deregulation, privatizing Medicare and all the rest of their plans?

The DOJ had warned the White House that Flynn was subject to blackmail by the Russian Government. In fact Attorney General Yates who Trump fired brought him that news. So why did he really fire her?

This story is far from over and Americans need to understand the type of individuals Donald Trump has surrounded himself with and who influence his decisions. The story needs to be told whether he has resigned or not. In fact we as Americans have a right to know how far up in the Administration this relationship with the Russians goes and that includes President Trump.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn has a long history both with his bigotry towards Muslims and his relationship with the Russian government. We believe this was why he was made part of the Trump Administration. He along with the now fired Paul Manaforte had deep connections in Russian activities. So it has long been believed has President Trump who denies that is true. Any report becomes 'fake news'. But let's begin with our links so that reasonable people can see truth in writing.

The evidence is growing stronger daily that Flynn did indeed discuss the sanctions with the Russian Ambassador while still a private citizen. That is in fact a crime. Yet Donald Trump continues to support Flynn when in fact Flynn should be fired and arrested for the commission of a crime. Unless of course his marching orders came from Trump. Trump was also still a private citizen. If he had anything to do with it he also violated the law.

Flynn was also investigated for receiving a payment for a speech from the Russians as well.

Flynn's problems go back however much further. He was a role which did not require confirmation, Trump knowing that confirmation would be difficult. He has a very long history of making numerous controversial statements regarding Muslims and shared fake news.

His history with both the Russians and anti Muslim hate would have made his appointment anathema to any other President but Donald Trump. Now we discover that the dossier of a retired British spy is being verified as true in part.

Trump of course continues to deny the allegations. He continues to call CNN fake news. But other media sources are now citing the same information. Why has a Flynn close aide been denied security clearance. Why have other agencies combined to investigate this matter with the FBI. All of these are good questions. But the best one is what do the Russians and Vladimir Putin have hanging over Donald Trump's head? That Flynn either knows about, is helping to cover up or is a part of? The investigation will continue we are certain and can only hope the truth will continue to be told. But we as Americans MUST NOT allow it to be pushed under the rug by the Republicans. We as citizens must demand, rally and protest until we have all the answers.

(Next ACT FOR AMERICA and Flynn's ties to them Another advisor who brought hate to the White House.)

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