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Monday, February 13, 2017

ACT For America Lt. General Michael Flynn's Hate Group.

Lt. General Michael Flynn has a connection to a well known Anti-Muslim hate Group called ACT! For America. They have a long history of anti-Muslim rhetoric and sentiment. Flynn is in fact a member of their advising board. Also connected to them is new CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Here are some of the links which show the connection. The first is from one of America's staunchest trackers of Hate in America the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Flynn has long made inflammatory statements regarding Muslims and here is one statement from him printed on the ACT For America website.

How a National Security Advisor can have such ties and still serve in any American Administration is extremely questionable. But then again we also have Steve Bannon so none of us should be surprised. What more is known concerning this group of hate mongers? A lot it seems.
The group is led by a woman named Brigitte Gabriel Tudor. It has both a national organization and various state chapters.

Though they value their own freedom of speech the group wants to ban CAIR (a pro Muslim group) from addressing state legislatures. The hypocrisy and unconstitutionality of such a belief is mind boggling to anyone who truly comprehends the meaning of our Great Republic. That my freedom is also yours and vice versa. Or we are no longer a Republic.

In this article the group is clearly listed as having strong ties to Flynn.

In one speech he gave to an ACT group Flynn actually blatantly lied about a Florida vote for Sharia law. That clearly draws his ethics into question.

Here is a tape of one of his speeches to ACT

Here is more information on ACT.

In this article Brigitte Gabriel brags about having a direct line to Donald Trump and the White House.

CAIR continues to do profiles on the group as they should seeing they are a direct threat to their free speech rights.

We can never be armed with enough information regarding a hate group in our society especially when one has gained huge power and influence in our government.

Here are some videos of Brigitte Gabriel spewing hate even insinuatiing President Obama was a Muslim. Sound familiar?

Now we have both alt right minority hating Steve Bannon in the White House and a clear Muslim hating individual in Lt. General Michael Flynn. As you can see from the articles posted other elected officials are also involved in this kind of bigotry and malice.

But we as Americans can not allow any of this to stand and these individuals must be exposed no matter how powerful they are becoming, nor how much influence they already hold. Americans of good conscience must fight on to keep our nation a free place for all faiths, all immigrants, to prosper and become part of our tapestry of the American Dream.

(Posting to be attached with personal info.) (ACT For America National and Chapters)

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