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Friday, February 24, 2017

Fox And Friends The True Purveyors Of Fake News And the Importance of Freedom Of Assembly

Donald Trump loves to talk about fake news. In fact it's one of his favorite subjects. He brought it up at CPAC today again and says news organizations shouldn't be able to use unnamed sources. That everyone's name should be out there for all to see. We of the Den do some of that, putting names out there and we are about to do it again. So Trump should see the value of what we do right?

A fake news story is being spread all over the place. The White House and a media outlet Fox News are collaborating in spreading a false news story. A specific Fox News program Fox And Friends is helping the Trump White House to spread this false news story and Trump has even tweeted about it. A news agency in league with a President who lies repeatedly then tries to say those who tell the truth about him are spreading fake news. Is in what can only be considered total hypocrisy doing what he says everyone else is. Now if that is not just sickening.

As we all know since Trump's inauguration there have been protests by concerned citizens. Ranging from the massive Women's March to smaller ones concerning all types of issues from immigration to civil liberties the numbers of those who have marched are in the MILLIONS. Now we see the same at Town Hall meetings. Angry protesters confronting their elected officials, demanding answers to numerous concerns. From why Congress is not investigating the Trump ties to Russia,  to many not wanting Obamacare repealed.  People are speaking out and standing up for what they believe.

Yet Trump along with Fox And Friends and a few others like Rep.Chaffetz of Utah are spreading the falsehood that the protesters are paid. Now just look at the ridiculousness of that statement. Of course the usual suspect for paying all of these marchers is George Soros. NO ONE could afford to pay all of the people who have marched, rallied and protested against Trump. No one has that kind of financial resources which would cost billions of dollars. We could also ask the question. Were all the Tea Party protesters eight years ago paid for by the Koch Brothers? 

Here are some of the stories regarding this stupidity.

The absurdity of this is laughable but what is being done is not. As the Salon article states this is a way to delegitimize the opposition to his policies by Americans practicing their Constitutional Right to Freedom Of Assembly. Law enforcement has made it clear that any protest violence (there has been very little) was caused by anarchists not protesters. In fact the huge Women's March had no arrests whatsoever. What is truly disgraceful is that Trump when criticized and called out on his lies calls those media sources fake news. Then turns and uses his own fake news and a media outlet long hostile to the left as a tool to spread his lies.

The Fox And Friends group of hosts should truly be ashamed of themselves for participating in his duplicity and aiding his untruthfulness. Those hosts are Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, Abby Huntsman and Clayton Morris. If any group of journalists are illegitimate it is them.

Freedom of Assembly is a very important right in the history of our country. From Women's suffrage, to union workers, to the civil rights movement it has been the people's vehicle to help bring about change. It is one of the American people's most important rights and must be protected with voracity. Freedom of Assembly is a right which has not received that much attention in legal circles since the 1960's. But it is time that it did once again receive attention as it is now under fire from an unscrupulous administration. Let's look at the history in links. Here and around the world the freedom of assembly is a right which should not be abridged.

This next link is a very important must read.

In Russia where Trump idolizes Vladimir Putin the right to freedom of assembly is being curtailed. Are we surprised?

In most cases, courts decided in favor of protesters and their right to assemble.

We as Americans must stand united in not allowing any Administration and it's supporters in the media to undermine our civil liberties with devious lies and manipulations. Our strength is in our courage to stand tall, keep protesting, rallying and marching, We must not allow our right to freedom of assembly to be attacked, curtailed or assailed in any manner. Freedom of assembly has helped to make our nation great. It has helped bring awareness of issues to the forefront of American society, been a catalyst for change as the will of the people is made clear to our elected officials, raised consciousness when civil liberties are being threatened by those in charge (as they are now) and brought us together to demand our civil rights be respected and upheld. Many of our nation's struggles have been aided through the use of freedom of assembly.

We must stand strong against the forces which would diminish this important right. The Trump Administration is using a means which authoritarians use to further entrench their power. Which the likes of Putin uses. Which dictators use. All through history such individuals attempt to weaken the power of the people to oppose them. That is what Trump is doing. What Fox and Friends is helping him to do. Americans must allow it to happen. We must stand resilient and strong. Our power is entrenched in our founding document the US Constitution. So let us take our power and hold it close to our hearts. There no two bit dictator like Trump can harm us. Let us continue to rally and hold strong in defense of ourselves and our fellow Americans. Cherishing all the rights we hold dear.

(A link to personal information will be attached here).

1 comment:

MsDredd said...

Well said! He's so used to being surrounded by sycophants and yes men, he's completely STUNNED that he's being called out on his incompetence. To be able to emotionally deal, he's taken up residence on Fantasy Island to ride out the storm. The lengths to which he'll go to try and maintain His delusions and lies is sad, scary and dangerous. Thank you for telling the truth about him!

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