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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Happy Retirement Jianna (Written by Tan, Michelle and Aaron)

There are quite a few posts here involving our friend Jianna. That's not her real name but we still use it when writing about her. The group and her had a falling out for awhile over events that occurred a long time ago now. She no longer thinks about the events that went into our temporary estrangement as friends. But the rest of us at the Den have not forgotten. Jianna was far more forgiving than we were of those who harassed her. We hunted them down and posted them here on this blog. Over the years we have kept our eyes peeled for further activity on their part. Our vigilance remains even today though we have moved on to posting in other places about far more serious matters. Often gathering information and turning it over to the appropriate authorities.

Our friend Jianna had a dispute with a group of young people on a website called which is now located on Tapatalk, It has become mostly a dead forum with only one posting for quite some time. After that incident she tried for awhile to remain online. But she never really trusted enough to stay except on private websites where she knew everyone.

We are congratulating her today because she has retired. We all admire her greatly and the perseverance she has shown in life. Jianna's life has been difficult but she would not have it any other way. We all love her very much. She has dedicated herself to a wonderful task and the blessings she says are precious beyond gold. All of her friends honor the sacrifices she has made. She deserves a terrific retirement.

We bring up the subject of Rebels because one of us saw something from them and brought it to her attention. Almost all of those young men were immensely immature and without solid life principles. None of them, even after considerable time saw, acknowledged, or reflected upon their wrongdoing. And they were wrong. Long after they continued to blame her when there are numerous screen captures showing the abuse they heaped on her for disagreeing with them. They seem to believe that their forum continued to do well but that is not the truth. Our vigilance in pursuing them drove Rebels to a protected host and their membership never really grew again.

Recently we discovered entries on a website that showed other individuals had been harassed by those same young men on Rebels. Their "leader" was indeed engaging in illegal bootlegging of video games. Which she called him on. His username was Rive Caedo/Revan on Star Wars sites. His email leads to three people, one from VA and 2 from Oklahoma City. Darius Bazemore, Wayne Moore and his brother. One of those is assuredly him. Then there is Darth Acheron Alex O'Neill and Lord Invictus Andrew Beddow. We were never certain of the identity of one especially obnoxious young man whose username was Sirak Sazen. Our sincere hope is that all of them have changed and grown up.

A fellow rper however named Crozeus defended her even long after the original event. He took the abuse of his friends for doing so but never stopped being hers. When we told her she cried. She asked us to post here that she was sorry for what happened with the forum deletion in case he should see this. That she was told that he was keeping track of her forum activities for the Rebels members so they could continue to harass her. Instead of discussing it with Crozeus she decided to give up on rping and deleted the forum. Jianna's hope is that Crozeus has made a good life for himself, is well and still writing. He has true talent in her opinion.

After a while Jianna gave up totally on rping and writing fan fiction. Some of her work was beautifully written and we wanted her to keep authoring tales of the Star Wars Universe. But she never really trusted the forum experience again and moved on to other more pressing life concerns.

We have repeated this all today because we will not forget what harm cyberbullying like those young men engaged in towards Jianna does. Now that she is retired we hope that she will write again. She still loves Star Wars and watches the originals and Revenge of the Sith whenever they are on. Some of us watch with her. She had no choice but to retire for medical reasons but that does not mean life can not be full of enjoyment.

So we her friends wish her great happiness, joy and peace. A tranquil life with us her friends and all of those she loves. Happy Retirement Jianna!!!

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