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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Extremists In Our Midst Part One

We're beginning a new series of blog articles concerning right wing extremism and those who engage in over the top postings and behaviors. Many begin by insulting, disparaging and bullying those who do not agree with their point of view. These behaviors then escalate to online harassment, threats, confrontation and finally culminate in acts of violence.

Our goal is to shine the light of revelation upon these individuals and groups. We have the right to know who they are, where they are from and how their behaviors effect those of us who have chosen another path on our life journey.

We will begin with two individuals. One who engages in violence towards the endangered animal species of our planet and the second who threatens it against people who disagree with them.

We could write endless posts debating the morality or immorality of hunting. Some say it is their right, while others say it is an abhorrent outdated practice. There is little doubt in our minds however that the hunting of endangered species is immoral and wrongful in the extreme. Hunters argue that killing endangered species aids conservation efforts and helps to keep those animals from extinction. Animal rights and conservation groups believe differently. One of the best articles we have seen is the following.

Trophy hunting as the article says is a billion dollar a year industry and wealthy hunters pay thousands of dollars to go on safari to take the life of a lion, giraffe or elephant. What good it actually does for the propagation of these species is highly questionable. President Trump has set up a commission to again allow the importation of trophies involving elephants and lions into the United States.

It is of great interest to note that both of the President's sons are avid trophy hunters. Could that be the real reason for the commission and change in regulations involving trophies not conservation? We'd put money on it.

In our opinion the hunting of endangered species is inexcusable and disgraceful. It has nothing to do with conservation and everything to do with the pleasure of killing an animal, the rush of hunting. It is a selfish and self centered act which has no legitimate purpose in 2019.  Our awareness is supposed to be more advanced and understanding of the rights of animals far greater. But some people remain lost in the past. It may not be that everyone is ready to become vegan or vegetarian but the killing of species moving closer to extinction has no place in the modern world.

Which segues us to to our first individual. Tunessa Thompson Talley better known as Tess Talley is an avid big game hunter. She is totally unapologetic and in fact defiant that it is her right. She is one of those promoting the dubious belief that "hunting is conservation". Her picture with a dead giraffe went viral and condemnation was swift. She continues however to hunt and is proud of her killing of endangered species. She has two Facebook pages.

The second link has a picture of World Giraffe Day and falsely states that regulated hunting saves wildlife. This woman is a pitiful individual who only thinks of her own twisted pleasure. She deserves to be posted here.

Name: Tunessa Renee Thompson Talley DOB: June 1981
Address: 23 West Harvard Circle
Odessa, TX 79765
Previous: 441 Ponderosa Drive, Apt. 120
Paintsville, KY 41240
Telephone: (606) 789-7454, (432) 231-2401 (M), (432) 557-4542 (M)
Relatives: Andrew Claude Talley, Noble Duane Talley, Morgan Talley John Thompson, Dustin Thompson, Tracy Thompson, James Thompson,

Our next posting is also a hunter who belongs to the NRA. He is also a bully and a liar. His name is Dane Gavin Fox. He loves to get into it with people on Facebook and engages in a lot of threatening behavior. Women seem to be his target. He says he's a police officer but he isn't. He uses that lie to harass and threaten people. He really works for Crane Aerospace.

In a message he told someone that he doesn't give money to the NRA so he can buy thousands of rounds of ammunition. But on his Facebook page he set up a collection for the NRA Foundation. So what happened to all the cash? Did he give it to the NRA or claim it for himself? Did he scam his friends for his birthday?  Very interesting isn't it. What does he need thousands of rounds of ammo for? He also has a bankruptcy in his history. (See record below)

Now let's see the rest of the screenshots.

 He also has two Facebook pages.

Very far from a good guy. Like too many gun rights/hunting advocates he is arrogant, obnoxious and threatening. Insisted he'd find us if we posted his ass. Bring it on. You're scum.

His information is as follows:

Name: Dane Gavin Fox
Address: 800 Thurnwood Street
Elyria, OH 44035
Previous: 7800 Berlin Elyria Road, Apt.B-11
Elyria, OH 44035
Previous: 325 Abbe Road P1
Elyria, OH 44035
Telephone: (440) 452-1421, (440) 308-9054, (440) 366-6349
Relatives: Sarah Danielle Fox, Shawn Fox, Amber Fox Marie Fox, Teresa Ann Brown,  Lawrence Brown

Many more posts will follow in this series. We have a lot of work to do and we've only just gotten started.

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